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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: The leading article aims to examine the demographic, social, and economic situation of female-headed households in Iran with a descriptive-analytical approach and using raw data of two percent of the 2016 census. Methods: This research is applied in terms of objective and descriptive-analytical in terms of research method, in which the data are analyzed cross-sectionally. Data sources include raw data of 2% of the 2016 census collected by the Statistics Center of Iran. Chisquare tests were performed on the relationship between variables and the gender of the head of the household. Finally, the data were analyzed using the Logit regression model. Findings: The results showed that the proportion of female-headed households in the country has increased by 4. 3 percent in the last two decades. Sistan and Baluchestan and Kurdistan provinces have the highest and lowest percentages of female-headed households, respectively. This increase has also been for single-parent households. The highest percentage of this household was in South Khorasan province and the lowest in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. More than 27 percent of female-headed households have no literate family members. 86% of women were unemployed and 14% were employed, which is a large gap between the two families.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study is to identify the requirements and conditions for realizing the development of women's empowerment based on Iranian women's competencies. Methods: The method of the present study is a qualitative case study. Potential participants in this study included experts and faculty in various fields of education (sociology), sociology, law and psychology as well as sample women in Fars province (sample managers and mothers), using purposive sampling and the theoretical saturation criterion was selected from 13 experts and 15 sample mothers and women with managerial tenure. The method of data collection was in-depth interview and study of documents related to the research subject. The content analysis method was used to study the requirements and conditions for the realization of women's empowerment development based on Iranian women's merit. Findings: As a result, the requirements and conditions for the realization of women's empowerment development were formulated into five components of organizing educational-political, socio-economic, cultural, and family environment. Accreditation and reliability techniques were used to validate the qualitative results.

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Nazari Leila

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    3 (47)
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Introduction: The purpose of this study is to guide women: an approach to breaking the glass roof. Women are one of the valuable assets of any country, especially in developing countries. In fact, the serious participation of women is the key to the growth and development of these countries. The gender gap has gradually narrowed over the past few decades, but there are still significant inequalities, especially in women's leadership. Methods: Our understanding of women leaders, especially how they become leaders, is limited by the lack of critical activity on women's leadership, the constant inequality of women in the workplace, and personal motivation to contribute to women's advancement and the lack of empirical research. Since critical research is intended to better understand how leadership is conducted, how to understand leadership learning, and how to develop women leaders, all available resources are reviewed using the appropriate keywords (glass roof and women's leadership) in this review article Findings: The sources were in both Persian and English and both were used equally. we aim to move the discussion of women's leadership from a stereotypical perspective to a more subtle and precise view of how women lead,Give. The findings show that the cultural conditions prevailing in society continue to show signs at the community level that hinder the real evaluation of women's activities in society. The results of several studies show that despite all the efforts made around the world to achieve equal conditions and eliminate social inequalities between men and women, women's problems continue in issues such as inequality, violence and so on.

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Introduction: Positive psychology is one of the newest branches of psychology. This particular field of psychology focuses on human success and seeks to help people to be happy. Positive psychology is a science that focuses on abilities such as living happily, enjoying pleasure, problem solving, and optimism instead of focusing on human weaknesses and weaknesses,Therefore, the purpose of this study was the effectiveness of training positive psychological skills on life expectancy of female high school students in Najafabad. Methods: The design of the present study was pretest/ posttest with a control group. After evaluating the life expectancy scores in the initial sample, 53 people with low life expectancy scores were identified and then 30 of them were randomly selected and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group participated in positive psychological competence group training sessions for 8 weeks (sessions). Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance. Findings: The results showed that training positive psychology skills significantly increases life expectancy in students. Also, training in positive psychological abilities could increase the scores in the dimension of strategic thinking in adolescent girls.

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Introduction: The purpose of this article is the jurisprudential and legal analysis of women's advocacy in divorce and its comparison with the French legal system. Methods: This research is applied research and the method used is descriptive-analytical method. Findings: In Iranian law, according to jurisprudential sources, the right to divorce is given to the couple, and in French law, due to the course of social developments in this country, this right is given to the parties like other contracts. Comparing the intellectual foundations, the course of social developments as well as examining the different perspectives of these two schools of law can be effective in identifying the bottlenecks, challenges and ways out and ultimately preventing the impact of destructive factors on the family foundation.

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Introduction: Female-headed households make up a significant portion of the society, and numerous studies show that women in this group have lower levels of mental health than other women. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of well-being group therapy on psychological well-being, cognitive emotion regulation, worry and resilience of female-headed households. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group. Methods: The statistical population of this study included all femaleheaded households in Shirvan with the age range of 20 to 49 years. The sample consisted of 30 individuals who were selected by purposive sampling method and were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The intervention was group-based, with only 8 weekly well-being therapy and treatment sessions for the experimental group. The research instruments comprised: Connor and Davidson Resilience Questionnaire, The Pennsylvania Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), cognitive emotion regulation of Garnesky, and Ryff psychological well-being scale. Then, with using SPSS software, analysis of covariance was performed. Findings: The results of analysis of covariance showed that the therapeutic well-being has increased resilience, cognitive emotion regulation strategies, psychological well-being and reducing the concern of the experiment Group. However, there is no significant reduction in cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Conclusion: Considering the increase in psychological well-being in the six dimensions of well-being of female-headed households, it seems that this type of treatment increases resilience, adaptive strategies and reduces the concerns of female-headed households.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Intelligent leadership on organizational citizenship behavior of teachers and female staffs of Dare Shahr and Abdanan Girls' Schools. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptivecorrelational in terms of data collection. The statistical population of this study includes all female teachers and staff of girls' schools in Darshahr and Abdanan, which are 942 at the time of the study. In this study, Cochran's formula was used to measure the sample size and the sample size was 273. The main data collection tool is a questionnaire that includes the Sidanmanlaka Questionnaire (2002) for measuring intelligent leadership and the Podsakoff et al. (1990) questionnaire for measuring organizational citizenship behavior. Structural model analysis and hypothesis testing were performed by modeling structural equations using partial least squares method using smart pls3 software. The results of the research hypothesis test show that intelligent leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. The results of the research hypotheses also showed that the dimensions of intelligent leadership, including the intellectual dimension, emotional dimension and spiritual dimension, have a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior.

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Introduction: Jung, considers the subconscious mind of man to be the female and male cross-poles of Anima and Animus. Anima's archetype is half feminine in the male psyche and Animus is half masculine in the female psyche. These archetypes are influenced by the relationships and behaviors of the family, especially the parents, in the presence of each individual, and can change his personality under the circumstances of his community and life. The oneness and homogeneity of these archetypes will cause human development, and the domination of each of these cross-poles in the individual will make a series of traits and characters that can be studied from a psychological perspective. These images are unconsciously depicted in the works of artists. GhaemMaghami, as a contemporary lady poet, has also unconsciously expressed these archetypes in his poems in various ways (positively and negatively). Methods: The present study, with the aim of navigating the hidden layers of the ideas of Jaleh Ghaem Maghami using psychological critique and utilizing Jung's thoughts, tries to use a descriptiveanalytical method based on library studies, all the positive and negative manifestations and effects of the anime's pattern in Esteghim and Diwan. They express graphs. Findings: the frequency of positive aspect of animus is higher than that of negative side in her poems, 74. 74% of findings present positive aspects of animus and25. 26% of findings indicates negative aspects of animus. The initial formation of these archetypes is positive when she is single, but after marriage and quitting her child because of the divorce, the negative presentations begin to realize.

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Introduction & Objective: The purpose of this study was to design a pattern for identifying clothing brands for women. Materials and Methods: Research method of this study, from the perspective of purpose,Functional, in nature,Exploratoryanalytical, from the point of view of data collection methodology, was a qualitative method using contractual qualitative analysis technique and in-depth interviews (without follow-up questions) which in 1399 between 8 participants,With maximum variety of professions, In the form of targeted snowball sampling, with informed consent and up to the limit of theoretical data saturation,Done. Also, to evaluate and validate data (reliability),The four criteria of acceptability, reliability, transferability and verifiability proposed by Guba (1981) were used. Findings: After conducting the interviews, 248 initial codes were identified and content themes were identified using the process of reviewing categories and subcategories, as well as frequent changes in the names of categories and the relationship of categories to subcategories. The findings of this study using data analysis from Atlas. It software showed, that 4 categories, along with 8 related sub-categories, includes introduction of indigenous culture,Government support for the production of clothing in accordance with Iranian culture, attention to the values of clothing in advertising and design based on the clothes of Iranian ethnicities, as content themes in designing a suitable model for identifying clothing brands for women were developed. Conclusion: These results showed that more attention is paid to the capabilities of the country and appreciation of the original Iranian indigenous traditions and government support of the producers by providing financial incentives to the producers of the original Iranian national and indigenous clothing that are compatible with Iranian religious and national values, can be a successful path in shaping the identity of clothing brands for women.

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Introduction: Body is something beyond substantiality and it always affects the individual and social relations. Cultural capital could influence body management as part of their lifestyle. Although the body is important for everyone, the quality and quantity of body management in terms of gender are not the same. This study aims to examine gender comparison of cultural capital impact on the management body. Methods: The method was survey and data collected through questionnaire. The participants sample consisted of 398 citizens of Shiraz who 18-65 years old were selected by multistage cluster sampling method. Theoretical framework is based on Bourdieu's theories to explain the impact of cultural capital on body management and feminist theory was developed to explain gender differences. Findings: The results illustrate that excess of body management dealing with women and explain the importance of gender in the body management. As well as the objectified and embodied cultural capital and objectified cultural capital have positive effects on body management of women and men, respectively. While institutionalized cultural capital does not impact on the body management of any of these groups.

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Introduction: The purpose of this article is to investigate the internal and external factors affecting the formation of violence in women's prisons in Kerman, which due to the widespread concept of violence, in its specific case, i. e., beatings and premeditated murder has been considered. Methods: The method of this research is a survey method and interview and questionnaire techniques were used to collect information. The statistical population of the study was equal to 127 people (total female prisoners in Kerman Central Prison in 1999), of which 104 people were selected as the sample. The theoretical framework of the research is based on Freud's theory, Dolard's theory of failure-aggression, Dobb, Miller and Sears, Bandura's theory of social learning, Hirsch's theory of social control and Butthams's theory. Findings: It indicates that the most direct and causal effect of the prison control system variable on prison violence among women. This coefficient is negative and equal to-0. 269. After that, deprivation and failure with an effect of about 0. 263, social control with an effect of about 0. 234 affect prison violence. Conclusion: The results of structural equation modeling of the study indicate that the most direct and causal effect of the variable of the prison control system on prison violence among prisoners. Deprivation and failure then follow in the second stage. This shows that the main root of women's aggression in prison is their emotional complexes and repressed tendencies outside the prison. That is, on the one hand, the main cause of violence among women is influenced by factors outside the prison, and on the other hand Prison control systems can reduce violence.

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Introduction: Overweight are affected by biological and genetic factors. One of the variables associated with being overweight is eating disorder. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causal model of eating disorder based on self-objectification, experiential avoidance and perfectionism with the mediating role of body image concern in the community of overweight women. Methods: The peresent study was descriptive correlation. The statistical population included overweight women with body mass index (BMI≥, 28) of Kangavar city in 2019, they had referred to sports clubs and health centers. 450 people were selected by available sampling method. Standard Eating Disorders Diagnostic Scale (EDDS),Self-reported (SO),Acceptance and Action (AAQ-II),Tehran Multidimensional Perfectionism (TMPS). Structural Equation Modeling and Spss and Amos software were used to analyze the data. Findings: Indicated that perfectionism, experiential avoidance, and self-objectification are exogenous variables that affect on the endogenous variable of eating disorder, both directly and indirectly. And the effect of other exogenous variables on the endogenous variable of eating disorder is only direct. Also, the mediating variable in the relationship between predictor and criterion variables has a significant partial effect. Conclusion: Self-objectification, experiential avoidance and perfectionism can be a good predictor of eating disorder in women through concern about their body image.

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SAHAMI SOUSAN | Askari Nasrin

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    3 (47)
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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the types of disturbed intimacy in women on the verge of divorce. No previous study has examined distorted intimacy through the lens of couples on the verge of divorce. Therefore, this qualitative study is an attempt to investigate the types of distorted intimacy in Iranian couples and introduces culturally sensitive factors. Methods: The research method was qualitative with an in-depth interview technique. The sample of the study was women on the verge of divorce who referred to the "Bahar Neko" counseling center affiliated with the agency in Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Sampling was performed purposefully,the sample size was estimated to be 30 people. Interviews were analyzed from the theory emerging from experience and during the three stages of open and axial coding and selective coding, 233 concepts, 23 categories and 42 subcategories were obtained. Findings: Despite the announcement of many studies in which emotional intimacy has emerged as a nuclear concept in the disturbed intimacy in women on the verge of divorce, this study found that the emotional intimacy was a key concept of the paradigm model and in turn its distortion is affected by the distortion of communication intimacy (intimacy in speech, intimate attention) and psychological intimacy (intellectual intimacy, personality intimacy, intimacy). The underlying and intervening categories in the deterioration of intimacy in women on the verge of divorce are: spiritual intimacy, social intimacy (recreational intimacy, intimacy in social behavior), mental intimacy, temporal intimacy and sexual intimacy. The expected consequences in women's understanding of intimate relationships are achieving marital stability, satisfying needs, comfort in cohabitation, trying to strengthen intimacy, creating love and affection for their husbands, adhering to principles and values, and strengthening commitment to their husbands.

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the social cognitive predispositions of aggression in the form of a causal model. The research project was correlational and structural equations. Methods: The statistical population of the study consisted of all secondgrade male high school adolescent students in Yasuj in the academic year 1397-98, that 245 of whom were selected by random sampling of multi-stage clusters. The Baumrind parenting scale, the social domination scale of Sidanus and Prato, the Akino and Reid social attention scale, and the Bass and Perry aggression scale was used to collect data. Structural equations were used to analyze the data and the Bootstrap command in AMOS was used to investigate the mediating role. Findings: The findings showed that Permissive parenting both direct and indirect effects by mediating the tendency to social domination and avoiding social domination on aggression. Authoritarian parenting also had an indirect effect by mediating the tendency to social domination and avoiding social domination on aggression. Authoritative parenting also had an indirect effect by mediating the avoidance of social domination and social attention on aggression.

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Introduction: In the recent decades, economic, social and cultural changes have increased the presence of women in the urban environment. This issue causes attention to women’, s security and its determinants increase between researchers. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of environmental variables in women's security in urban space. Methods: The study is a survey-case study, cross-sectional and extensive research. The statistical society was 15-40 years old women of Sabzevar and the sample size was estimated based on Cochran's formula 366 which in the final questionnaire, 408 samples were collected and analyzed. The study area included 22 statistical districts of five urban textures (central, middle, informal, planned and peripheral). Findings: According to the research results, sense of place and perceptional density were two environmental variables that directly affected women's sense of security. Land use mix, readability, and Duration of residence indirectly affected women's sense of security through the mediator of sense of place and environmental disorder was the only variable that affected women's sense of security, both directly and indirectly. Population density was the only variable that had no direct or indirect effect on women's sense of security. The results of stepwise regression and path analysis showed that sense of place alone explains 12. 5% of women's sense of security. With the addition of the variables of perceptional density, environmental disorder and readability, the rate of explanation of the variance of the dependent variable increases by 20. 7%. Reducing gender blindness in decision-making and involving women in planning can help increase women's sense of security.

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