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Micrografting of lime were evaluated on four different citrus rootstocks; small-fruited sour orange, big-fruited sour orange, lime and lemon in four culture medium supporting systems including paper bridge, perlite and vermiculite supplemented with half MS and paper bridge supplemented with full MS each one with 60 or 75 g L-1 sucrose. Also, micrografted plantlets were evaluated in three beds including perlite, vermiculite, and perlite-vermiculite for acclimatization and growth. Statistical analysis of micrografting and acclimatization was done as factorial in a completely randomized design with 5 replications. According to independent treatments results, the most rate of successful micrografting of lime shoot tip was achieved on seedling rootstocks of lemon. Also, the best micrografting were observed at the highest concentration of sucrose at 75 gL-1 media culture. In general, the most rate of successful micrografting of lime shoot tip was obtained on seedling rootstocks of lemon and big fruit sour orange in culture medium supporting systems of perlite and paper bridge with half MS containing 75 gL-1 sucrose. After micrografting, the plantlets were transplanted from the in vitro to the culture medium. The highest survival rate and adaptation of micrografted lime based on the number of leaves and length of scion after 5 weeks was obtained with lemon and big-fruited sour orange rootstocks micrografted in paper bridge culture medium and transferred to the perlite-vermiculite bed.

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This study was conducted to assess the effect of whey powder and physical form of feed on humoral immunity and transcript abundances of interleukin-4(IL-4) and interferon-gamma (In-γ ) genes on 240 Ross-308 day-old-chickens. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design in 6 treatments in factorial arrangement (2×3), whey powder at three levels (0, 4, 8%) and physical form in two levels (mash, pellet) in broiler chicken diet with 4 repeats and 10 chickens per replicate. The diets formulated based on nutritional requirements of Ross strain-308 (2009) and were fed to the birds in three periods. To determine the immunity titer of ND, IBV, IBD and influenza blood samples were collected at day 10, 31 and 42. At the end of periods, one chicken was selected from experimental units and slaughtered; lymphatic organs were weighted and gene expression of IL-4 and In-γ measured after mRNA extraction and cDNA synthesis. It was found that the addition of whey powder did not have a significant effect on the weights of the spleen and bursa of Fabricius, but the pelleting in the growing stage had a significant effect on the weight of spleen (p<0. 01). Pelleting and adding whey to diet in the growing period increased the IL-4 gene expression (p<0. 05). In-γ expression was not influenced by whey powder, but pelleting increased its expression during the starter (p<0. 01) and grower (p<0. 01) stages.

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One of the challenges in interpreting the results obtained in qPCR is to make sure the amplicons are specific and that the melting curve analysis is used to examine it. Additional peaks in the melting curve is not always indicative of a problem, for this purpose, in this paper, a webbased tool called uMelt SM is suggested to researchers as a practical and simple way for the correct analysis of the melting curve which provides the possibility of predicting the DNA melting curve and denaturation profiles of the high-fluorescence resolution of PCR products. The results of this study showed that the melting curves were generated based on parameters were generated and an appropriate algorithm for working with this software was presented. Finally, actin and superoxide dismutase genes from Pyricularia oryzae were presented as a suitable model for determining the predicted curve using this software and Real-Time PCR curve was also drawn. Results of the uMelt SM predicted melting curves showed a high degree of compliance with the real-time PCR melting curves, which confirms the advantages of ease of use, saving time, cost, and effort in the experimentalist part when using uMelt SM software.

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Evaluation of diversity among different populations of wild species is one of the first and most important steps in domestication and breeding process. Thymus daenensis Celak. is an endemic medicinal plants of Iran with high essential oil percentage and thymol content and therefore, in order to domestication of this plant species, evaluation of different populations is necessary. In this study were used 13 ISSR primers for evaluation of within and among diversity of eight populations of this plant species (Malayer 1, Malayer 2, Arak, Jowzan, Khane e Miran Bala, Khane e Miran Paien, Zaghe and Shazand) that total of 293 bands were generated by these primers. The calculated PIC for primers varied from 0. 08 to 0. 15. Genetic diversity within populations was higher than between populations. 98% of variance belonged to within populations and only 2% of variance belonged to among the populations. The genetic distance of the populations had no correspondence with geographical distance. The populations of Jowzan and Shazand had the highest and the lowest diversity based on PIC index, respectively. The highest genetic distance based on Nei's index was observed between Shazand and Khane e Miran Paien populations and the highest genetic similarity was observed between Malayer 1 to Jowzan and Khane e Miran Bala populations that could be importance in domestication and breeding of this plant species.

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Supernia is one of the most important high-yield cultivars of the imported cucumber hybrids. In order to optimize asexual propagation of this variety through in vitro culture, cotyledon, hypocotyl and leaf explants were placed in the MS basal medium containing 0, 0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 3 and 0. 4 mg/l concentrations of 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in combination with 1, 2, 3 and 4 mg/l of 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) hormone. The experiment was conducted as a factorial arrangement in completely randomized design at three replications and five samples in each replicate. The percentage of callogenesis, embryogenic calli and shoot frequency of the cultured explants were evaluated. The highest percentage of callogenesis (86. 6%) was obtained from cotyledon explant on the MS medium supplemented with 0. 3 mg/l NAA + 3 mg/l BAP hormones. The highest embryogenic calli (61. 6%) were developed on the MS medium supplemented with 0. 2 mg/l NAA + 2 mg/l BAP hormones in hypocotyl culture. Also, the maximum number of shoot (20. 08) were obtained on MS medium supplemented with 0. 3 mg/l NAA + 3 mg/l BAP hormones in hypocotyl explant. The regenerated shoots were transferred to half-strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l NAA hormone for root induction and formation. Then, the grown seedlings were adapted to the in vivo condition. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended to use the cotyledon explant for propagation and regeneration of this genotype, especially in the gene transferring studies.

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The greater celandine (Chelidonium majus L. ) contains important alkaloids such as Sanguinarine. Sanguinarine is an active alkaloid with potentially antimicrobial, antiinflammatory and anti-tumor properties that is widely found in plants of Papaveraceae family. In this research, the isolation and sequencing of (s)-cis-N-methyl stylopine 14-hydroxylas (MSH) coding gene was performed as one of the key enzymes in Sanguinarine pathway from celandine. Then, the changes in cmMSH gene expression were investigated in roots, leave and stems at four salinity levels (0, 25, 50, and 100 mM) in a factorial experiment based on completely randomized design. In the present study, the cDNA encoding MSH enzyme was isolated from root and successfully integrated into PTG19-T plasmid and cloned at E. coli. After confirmation of recombinant clones by PCR, plasmids of recombinant bacteria were extracted and the gene segment sequenced. The sequenced segment had 784 nucleotides with an open reading frame of 261 amino acids which the derived protein with functional domains including helix K region, heme-binding region and aromatic region belonged to the Cytochrome-P450 protein family. In the phylogeny tree, the protein sequence of isolated cmMSH gene had the most similarity with methylstylopine 14-hydroxylase enzyme of poppy species. Mean comparison of gene relative expression showed that 50 mM salinity had maximal effect on increasing of cmMSH gene expression in root tissue. Also, the expression pattern showed that with increment the salinity up to 50 mM, the expression of cmMSH gene increased in leaves and roots, but with increment the salinity to 100 mM the gene expression decreased 35% in both tissues.

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Chickpea is the most important pulse crop in Iran. Since Iran is a part of the diversification center of chickpea, study of its genetic diversity is considerable. In order to assessment of genetic diversity of Kabuli chickpea genotypes, 81 Kabuli chickpea genotypes originated from ICARDA, Turkey and Iran were sown in the research field of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2014-2015 growing season. Nine ISSR primer was used to detect molecular polymorphisms among the genotypes and 79 polymorphic bands yielded from mentioned premiers. Number of effective allele varied from 1. 19 (primer (CAC)5AG) to 1. 69 (primer (ACTG)4). Means of Nei’ s genetic diversity and Shannon’ s index for all studied genotypes were 0. 24 and 0. 38 respectively. Nei’ s genetic diversity for ICARDA, Turkey and Iran originated populations were 0. 27, 0. 2 and 0. 2, respectively. Shannon’ s index was calculated for each population as well, which were 0. 44, 0. 32 and 0. 3, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance determined significant difference between the populations. However, only 10% of total variance accounted between populations. The result of cluster analysis divided the genotypes to four separated groups that was different from the primary regional grouping. Cluster analysis generally confirm that most of genetic variation found within the studied population as well. The population analysis using STRUCTURE software separated the population into four groups with 14, 5, 8 and 4 genotypes respectively. The rest of genotypes (51) were identified as mixed genotypes. The results of this study determined a wide genetic diversity between studied chickpea genotypes could be used for future breeding programs.

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Sumac (Rhus coriaria L. ), recognized in Iran and other areas of the Middle East as a very popular flavoring spice, contains a wide range of medicinally active components including organic acids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, hydrolyzable tannins and terpenoids. This plant species has suitable divergence in North West of Iran. In present research, samples of leaf and fruit of 15 sumac genotypes from each of 5 regions in north west Iran were conducted to fingerprinting using ISSR markers and also measuring Malic acid, Cumaric acid and Protocatechuic acid using LC-MS/MS. Inter population genetic diversity was higher that intra population variation for malic acid and Cumaric acid. Study of population structure of 75 sumac genotypes using 18 ISSR primers data including 132 ISSR markers and Structure software have divided them into two sub-populations. Results of association analysis revealed that markers including UBC867, UBC801 and UBC864 have significant association with genomic regions controlling Malic acid, Cumaric acid and Protocatechoice acid, respectively. Markers which identified in present study could be applied in sumac breeding programs.

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Fusarium ear rot with Fusarium verticillioides is one of the most important corn diseases around the world. Plants respond to pathogens attack by activating complex defense strategies. Defense response to pathogen infection includes changes in the expression of a large number of plant genes which may be a gene expression increase or decrease. Three lines with different resistance levels to fusarium fungus (C7, B73, MO17) cultivated based on RCBD design. After silking manual pollination was carried out and 15 days after that inoculation with fusarium funus was done by syringe (for seed inoculation) or needle (for silk inoculation). Then, silk and corn grain were sampled at 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after contamination. Non inoculated ear was used as control. After RNA extraction and cDNA production, synthesis the Real-Time PCR technique, the relative expression pattern of PAL, PR-1 genes were measured and data were analyzed using REST software. All genotypes are able to express PAL and PR-1 genes after infection with Fusarium fungus and their only difference is in the level of gene expression. Major changes in the expression of defense genes in the resistant and susceptible lines occur before infection. Resistant line have a high level of expression of PAL and PR-1 genes before contamination and that may be the primary barrier against a pathogen attack, but susceptible line to resistant line, after infection, the expression of PAL, PR-1 genes begins.

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Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina, is one of the most important diseases of wheat worldwide. Epidemics of this disease can lead to severe loss of grain yield and nutritional quality. In this study, structural changes and nucleotide diversity in some of the leaf rust resistance genes was investigated in seven bread wheat genotypes. Leaf rust resistance genes or regions linked to the genes were amplified using gene specific primers designed based on the sequences available on GenBank. The amplified fragments were cloned in E. coli and sequenced. Based on the blast results, isolated gene sequences revealed high similarity with resistance gene sequences such as NBS-LRR genes and RGAs. Alignment of the resistant gene sequences with the sequences available in NCBI revealed the similarity of Lr51 with agp2 gene. Lr39 showed 88% similarity with VRN-1 gene a vernilization gene in winter wheat. The result of sequence alignment and grouping revealed structural changes and nucleotide diversity of these genes in the studied wheat genotypes. Synonymous /non synonymous substitution rate (Ka/Ks) in Lr1 gene fragments amplified using Lr1-2, Lr1-3, Lr1-4, Lr21 primer pairs and Lr39 gene was smaller than one indicating negative selection for substitution of amino acid residue in this area of Lr1 and Lr39 genes. In the amplified fragments of Lr1 gene amplified using Lr1-5 primer pair, Ka/Ks was greater than one indicating positive selection for generating diversity in order to replacing an amino acid residue. The studied genotypes had few nucleotides differences for L1, Lr21, Lr39 and Lr51 genes sequences which could use for development of SNP specific primers for identification of resistant and susceptible genotypes.

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