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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Today, one of the approaches that in various domains such as health care policy is adopted, is that decision makers in the process of making and implementation of policies, try as far as possible, to consider the preferences and desires of the target population. Therefore, efficient and effective policy design and delivery of health services requires adaptation of their goals to the preferences of the society, which needs knowledge of health policy makers about population’s preferences and their valuation of health programs.Discrete choice experiment (DCE) is one of the best ways to identify the preferences of the population and valuation of outcomes. Because of little knowledge about this approach in iran and limited application of DCE in internal studies especially in the field of health policy, in this paper we emphasis on the reasons of the importance of using a DCE in the health economics and their theorical foundations and applications.We believe that, one of the requirements and prerequisites to successful implementation of the family physician in iran, is the knowledge of policy makers about preferences and desires of participants in this program, i.e. GPs and citizens. Such knowledge, along with other necessary conditions, such as Financing and provision of necessary infrastructure, significantly increases the probability of successful implementation of the scheme.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Undoubtedly security establishment is the most fundamental aim in each country which crime occurrence diminishes its basis and imposes expenditure on society. Multiple causes can be mentioned as crime is a social unfavorable phenomenon and with respect to its importance in different countries, recently widespread literatures have been accomplished in identification and specification of crime incidence. Due to the fact that almost entire existing literature admit significant relation between economic factors and crime, should be mentioned among reasons of crime incidence, economic factors have the noticeable role. Present survey is an attempt on this issue, since lately it has been center of attention among researchers. Hence, this research examines the effect of growth and industrial development as an economic factors on crime occurrence (the sample in ninth rubbery consist of car, motorcycle, cattle, car accessories, houses, stores, official companies, commercial and industrial centers and other companies rubbery) in Iran according to province data during the Third and Fourth development plan (2001-2010) using econometrics patterns and panel data regression. To trace this aim, first, employing industrial sector data and TOPSIS technique, growth and industrial development indices are calculated for different provinces of the country. After computing indices mentioned above, the compilation common robbery and also calculating crime index by provinces separation, the relationship between industrial growths with crime is investigated. The results indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between industrial growth and crime. Accordingly, considering the results of this survey, although industrial sector in achieving economic growth and development have a noticeable role, beside advantages of industrial processing, disadvantages like crime increasing and security diminishing is exist.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Criminalization of irregular and broad causes consequences evil and is inconsistent with the purposes of the criminal law. Some heavy penalties, including death, restriction of freedom, corporal punishment, etc… Requires the criminalization of the principle justify. Characteristics of cybercrime including The Ease of crime, the victim of too and most of them are young offenders. So in addition to general principles, principles of criminalization of certain demands. The findings suggest that the criminalization of cyber crime as is accepted which is based on the principles of “necessity” and “legitimacy”. to respect the privacy and civil rights. note tools available to the criminal justice system and attention to vulnerable groups. note to international strategy, Moreover, detailed scientific and technical knowledge and interdisciplinary strategies and identify the criminal liability of legal persons is necessary to tackle comprehensively with the crime. Finally, the legislature should collateralize corporate criminal policy to deal with crime.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The electoral propaganda is one of the most important aspects of the election that its promotion and Correction in necessary is a step in the development of democratic ideals among the states. We must know that it is not possible except in terms of law and legal principles. And otherwise propaganda gets out of based on rights principle. The purpose of this study is pathology of propaganda in light of the principles governing the selectors and candidates and electoral holdings.In light of the principles governing these three important branches, the Islamic parliament election act was examined in this study and it were shown that the The Islamic Consultative Assembly election act in many cases explain the principles governing election, such as Election monitoring. However, it is ambiguous or overall in certain principles such as the principle of honesty or participation and support of the candidates. Finally, offers for the modification of some of the act will be final step in this study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The investigation of government effect on the economic growth is one of the main important issues in endogenous growth models and has been considered in economic literatures.For this purpose, the objective of this paper is to investigate the long-run relationship between government expenditures such as expenditure on education, health, security and social welfare with economic growth in 57 OIC countries over the period of 1970-2010.The estimation of econometric model by using of DOLS co-integrating approach indicates that education, security and social welfare expenditures have positive and fiscal deficit has negative and significant effect on economic growth.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The paper assesses the sustainability of investment in various economic sectors, with the aim of minimizing resource use and generation of emissions and maximizing economic growth.Recent empirical data on energy consumption, and emissions of greenhouse gases CO2, SPM, NOX, CH, SO2, is used to reveal the interdependence of industries in the Iranian economy in terms of environmental pressure and resource depletion. An environmentally extended static 14-sector input–output- 1385- model is used, linking a range of physical flows (emissions of CO2, SPM, NOX, CH, SO2) with the economic structure of Iran. In this paper, environmentally extended input–output analysis has been combined with multi-criteria decision aid to identify the sectors that are “most sustainable” in terms of both direct and indirect impacts. The unique aspect of this application is in its use of environmentally adjusted forward and backward linkage coefficients which show the effects that are being produced through the web of intersectoral linkages. The paper offers a justification for a substantial governmental investment programme which could not only stimulate the development of the economy but also reduce the direct and indirect environmental consequences of such a development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Basically, the compensation of damage is the main purpose of Indemnity Insurance contract that is founded on the principle of indemnity. According to this principle, the full compensation of e victim’s losses, up to ceiling of insurer’s obligations, is the main and inherent effects of Indemnity Insurance contract in insurance law. Thus, the main obligation of an insurer in the indemnity insurance is compensation so the victim should be placed in a situation that it was if the insured risk actually has not occurred.Thus, in the Indemnity Insurance contract “the Indemnity principle” as the underlying principle has two function. First, the insurer should compensate the damage incurred to property insured in property insurance and to insured person in personal liability insurance up to ceiling of insurer’s obligations completely. Therefore, compensation should placed the victim in a situation that it was if the insured risk actually has not occurred.Second, compensation and payment of damages should not increase the victim assets since the insurance should never be a source of profit for the victims. This principle is the binding rule of the insurance contracts according to it, the insurer is committed to compensate the victim’s actual damage (assessed) up to ceiling of her obligations, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the insurance policy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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