The union and disunion of Muslim sects in the Baghdad of Saljuqid age can be counted as a suitable ground for producing thought and, in some cases, tension and crisis. Among the sects, the Asharites and the Hanbalites, with regard to other Sunni sects, were of more common beliefs and thought; one, however, should not be careless of their disputes during Saljuqid age. These disputes, affected by such theological tendencies as Hanbalite view of corporeality of God and Asharites’ being close to mysticism and seclusion, with competition of two systems of power, caliphate and sultanate, in the age of 467-512 were more intensified. The intensification was caused by Saljuqids' protection of Asharites, from one hand and from the other, Abbasids’ support of Hanbalites. In this way, their opposition led to bloodshed. In this paper, the author has intended to explain the affection of the two systems of government on union and disunion of the two sects.