Since the economic value of cultivars depends on different characteristics, thus procedure of selection for several traits to maximizing the economic value always has been considered by plant breeders. Detailed knowledge on genetic behavior and association between economic traits will help breeders to improve plant populations. In this study, 12 retro transposons-based primers (7 IRAP and 5 REMAP primers) and general and mixed linear models (GLM and MLM) were used to identify molecular markers associated to 9 seed related important traits including oil yield, oil percentage, protein yield, protein percentage, grain length, grain diameter, grain weight, de hulled kernel weight, percentage of de hulled kernel weight to whole grain in 48 confectionery sunflower landraces under normal irrigation, mild and severe drought stress conditions. By applying Bayesian model, the whole confectionery sunflower populations were classified into two sub-populations. Based on general linear model, 2, 5 and 12 loci and through mixed linear model 2, 5 and 11 loci showed significant (P<0.01) association with investigated traits under normal irrigation, mild and severe drought stress conditions, respectively. U81-U82 marker was commonly identified for oil yield, achen length and protein yield under severe drought stress conditions. Common markers between some of studied traits can be due to linkage or pleiotropic effects. The common markers lead to increase the efficiency of marker-assisted selection in plant breeding programs via simultaneously selection for several traits.