Background & Objectives: Ardabil province is located in northwest of Iran and has valuable natural potential. Mineral and hot springs, as wonders of creation, that have already been used for treatment purposes for a long time, pose special importance in terms of medical tourism in Ardebil province.Methods: Status of 14 mineral hot springs of Ardebil province was analyzed following data collection. Ranking was done based on theraputic indices of 14 selected springs and past three years statistics for most prevalent diseases in the country.Results: Ranking of selected springs based on their therapeutic properties according to common diseases in the country gave significant results. The results suggest that some of the hot springs and mineral springs of Ardebil province are very useful for treatment of some diseases. Based on their therapeutic properties for treatment of cadiovascular disease, Besh Bajylar, Ghahvekhane e Hemat hot springs, Dypgol, “Aylanjyq, Vyladareh, Ahandar, Ghave Khane e Momtaz, Qynerjeh, and Saqezchy”, “Borjloo and Ghare Sheeran”, Biledaragh, and Guzsooyi were ranked as first to seventh priority, respectively.Conclusion: Ardebil province due to special geographical conditions can be one of the important centers for health tourism within the other countries, since presence of natural riches including hot springs may be the best method to treat many diseases.