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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Sulfur B dye is one of the used dyes in the textile industry which is disposed into the wastewater in the large amount during textile industry activities. In this research, the photocatalytic degradation of sulfur B dye was investigated using ZnO as a photocatalyst under UV irradiation in aqueous solutions. Methods: In this experimental study, a 2. 8 L reactor is used. The effect of operational factors including photocatalyst (0. 1-4000 mg/l), dye concentration (1-400 mg/l) and the initial pH (3-11) were investigated in the steady UV intensity on dye removal. Dye concentration was measured by spectrophotometer at 550 nm wavelength. Results: The result of this study reveales that by increasing the pH from 3 to 11, the efficiency of dye removal increases from 28 to 90%, respectively. Increment of the initial dye concentration from 1 to 400 mg/l reduces the dye removal from 94 to 57%, respectively. By increasing catalyst to initial dye up to 3 mg/l, the dye removal increases to 94% without any further dye removal efficiency by adding the ratio. Conclusion: The results showed that concurrent existence of catalyst and UV is necessary for further dye removal. Increasing pH value can produce higher hydroxyl radical, which can increase dye removal. Increasing initial dye concentration prevents efficient light penetration through the solution and thus dye removal is reduced. Increasing the amount of nanoparticle dosage increases the presence of active sites to produce more hydroxyl radicals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Inactive lifestyle has increased by urbanization and technological progress. It is a factor in increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. This study aimed to investigate the association between obesity and overweight with lifestyle and fitness level in students. Methods: In this applied study, 360 students of Jahrom University (107 males aged 21. 57± 1. 93 years and 253 females aged 20. 91± 1. 63 years) were selected by random cluster sampling method. Height, weight and body mass index (BMI) were measured. Lifestyle and fitness level were evaluated using Berslow Life Index questionnaire and physical fitness index. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to evaluate association between study factors. Results: The results show that the overall prevalence of overweight and obesity were 34. 16% and 3. 04% respectively. The relationship between BMI and lifestyle was (r =-0. 47; p = 0. 02) and fitness levels (r =-0. 51; p = 0. 02) in sport science student. There was aslso a negative relationship between BMI and lifestyle (r =-0. 52; p = 0. 01) in men students studying science. While a significant relationship was not observed between BMI and lifestyle in other faculties and both sexes. Conclusion: The results indicate that active lifestyle and a higher fitness level is inversely related to BMI, obesity, and overweight. In addition, Obesity and overweight are less common in active people than inactive people.

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Hamidan n. | DASHTI S.


Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: With increasing development of knowledge and the emergence of new technologies in industry especially in the oil industry and the creation of highly complex systems, the implementation of the principles of safety, health and environmental management has been of particular importance in preventing accidents. This study was conducted to assess risk of oil resevoirs in Amout-E-Arvand Free Zone. Methods: In this study, FMEA method was used to identify and determine the significance of health, safety and environmental risks. Results: Based on the results obtained in the process of exploitation of Amout-E-Arvand oil reservoirs, of 14 identified risks, four of them are at critical level, of which 3 risks have been occurred due to human error. These three risks are leakage from LPG reservoirs, explosion and fires (caused by LPG tanks), vehicles and vehicle accident. The occurrence of natural disasters, with the value of RPN (240), has the highest risk. Conclusion: The use of the FMEA method can also identify and prioritize activities and risk indicators, plan to prevent and eliminate significant risks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Job stress in organizations is a situation in which requirements of the job do not match the capabilities of employee and can harm person physically and emotionally. However, stress is a psychological status that can cause symptoms such as increased heart rate, blood pressure and dizziness. The aim of this study was to assess work related stressors and demographic factors related to depression, stress, and anxiety in Islamabad Gharb health centers’ employees Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all employees of hospital and healthcare centers in Islamabad Gharb were recruited. According to inclusion criteria, 158 employees participated in the study. Data collecting tools were Demographics, HSE Job stress and Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS21) questionnaires. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficient, and Mann Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: There was a significant relationship between depression, anxiety, stress and the dimensions of role, demand, communication, support by colleagues and supervisors, control, and changes (p<0. 05). The depression rate was higher in single employees than married ones (p=0. 026). Employees who had a patient with sever condition at home had a higher stress and anxiety (p=0. 045) Conclusion: The results show that work related stressors are related to depression, stress and anxiety in employees. Therefore, it is necessary to use proper solutions such as participating them in decision-makings and providing them enough time to do their task to eliminate job stress resources as possible.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Burnout in addition to physical exhaustion due to work overload or conflicts between people has a psychological origin. The aim of this study was to determine the Locus of Control and Burnout among the employees of the Health Information Technology (HIT) unit of hospitals. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, all 82 employees of HIT unit of university hospitals in Ardabil participated. The data collection tool was two standard questionnaires including Rutter's Locus of Control and Maslach's burnout scale. Data were analyzed by descriptive tests, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression using SPSS (ver. 22). Results: 37% of the participants had an internal locus of control and 63% had an external locus of control. Participants had severe burnout in the components of emotional exhaustion and Depersonalization, and mild burnout in the component of individual success. Finally, the relationship between locus of control and burnout components was significant. Conclusion: This study shows that the source of the locus of control is external among the majority of participants. There are also some degrees of burnout among them. In addition, a significant relationship is found between the locus of control and all the components of burnout. Therfore, it is neccesary to have effective workshops on the internalization of the locus of control and, consequently, the reduction of burnout.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Natural organic matter, which is considered the main pollutant of drinking water, is recently increasing. Therefore, assessing the biological effects of these compounds is very important. Algae with a short growth cycle, separate cultivation and high sensitivity to pesticides are among the most important species in assessing the biological effects of pesticides in the environment. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different concentration of humic acid (4-132 mg/L) on the cell growth rate and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production in Chlorella Vulgaris. Methods: Algae cells of chlorella species were added to the culture medium with relative density of 1×105 cells/ml and different concentrations of humic acid. The number of algae was counted daily and the amount of intracellular active oxygen species was assessed by fluorometric test. Results: Humic acid at low concentrations (4 mg/l) causes a significant increase in algae growth in 48 hours (p<0. 05), but higher concentrations (8 ≤ mg/l) and duration time (≥ 72h), show a toxic effect on algae. However, higher concentrations (≥ 8 mg/l) and duration time (≥ 72h) showed toxicity effect on alge. In addition, in the presence of humic acid, the intracellular ROS level significantly increased compared to the control group (p<0. 05). Conclusion: Oxidative stress seems to have oxidative stress effects on chlorella algae. These effects are decreasing the relative growth rate and the constant growth rate of algae and increasing intracellular ROS formation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: This descriptive study was performed to examin the role of staff empowerment and career enthusiasm in predicting entrepreneurship from staff viewpoint in Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences. Methods: The sample framework consists of 210 employers (Administrative division) of Shahid Beheshti university in 2014-2015. One hundred and thirty two employers were selected usinging Kerjsi Morgan table and stratified sampling method. Research tools were three questionairs including Spreitzer’ s empowerment questionnaire (1999), Shoflli and Solvanova career enthusiasm questionnaire (2004) and Amini et al entrepreneurship questionnaire (2012), Validity of these questionnaires was confirmed by experts and their reliability by using Cronbach alpha coefficient were 0. 92, 0. 79 and 0. 85 respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and analytical statistics methodss (coefficient of Pearson correlation and multivariable regression). Results: A positive and significant relationship found between staff empowerment, career enthusiasm and their dimensions with entrepreneurship. The results of multivariable regression also showed that prediction of staff empowerment and career enthusiasm can explain entrepreneurship variance in extent to 0. 50 in the staff of Shahid Beheshti university of medical sciences (p<0. 001). Conclusion: This study shows that in capable organizations, employees show their best inventions with emotion, ownership and honor. Therefore, success in organization has direct relationship with expertise, the effort of human assets and employee enthusiasm.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: The pesticide is a substance of plant, animal or chemical origin that in certain quantities causes disruption or interruption of vital function temporarily or permanently. Considering that the maintenance and application of pesticides in the home is carried out mainly by women, therefore there is a risk of developing health problems for women and even children by spraying in home. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the Knowledge, attitude and practice of women in relation to health hazards, proper method of maintenance and use of pesticides at home in Yazd. Methods: This study was a descriptive study and the study population is composed women in Yazd (465 persons). The questionnaire used in this study was a researcher made questionnaire and included demographic variables (age, education, field of study, occupation, type of home), knowledge, attitude and practice of women. Finally, the results were analyzed using SPSS V16. Results: According to the results, most of the subjects had a bachelor's degree or higher. Most persons were housewives and lived in the villa houses. Mean knowledge, attitude and practice scores were 9. 02± 2. 4, 33. 5± 4. 4 and 38. 6± 5. 3, respectively. The results showed that 17. 4% of the people received training on maintenance and health hazards of the pesticides from the television. 23. 2% of women reported the most information on the package or container. Conclusion: The results indicate that women knowledge in Yazd regarding the health hazards, the proper method of storage and use of pesticides in the home is in the middle range. This has led to the performance to be in the middle range. Considering that the attitude of most people is in the good range, it is possible to increase the performance of them in an appropriate way by increasing the awareness of individuals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: The trend of hyperlipidemia and obesity is increasing among children and adolescents. These age groups like to eat biscuits as an appropriate and energetic snack that may lead to obesity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of diet biscuit consumption on anthropometric and metabolic indexes. Methods: This double blind interventional study was conducted in Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Center in 2008-2009. The participants were the children and adolescent aged 6-18 years. The population under study was 63 persons who allocated in two groups of 31 and 32 persons and followed for one year. First group used diet biscuits and the second group used non-diet and both group received diet therapy. Demographic data were obtained using questionnaire. Anthropometric characteristic including body mass Index, waist circumference and the waist to hip ratio was measured. Meanwhile blood sample was collected to measure fasting blood sugar and serum lipid profile. Collected data were analysed by statistical methods including t-test and ANCOVA. Results: There was a significant difference in BMI before and after study in both groups (p=0. 02). Although the biochemical variables decreased in both groups difference was not significant Conclusion: The results of this study show that using modified biscuit has no significant effect on children’ s cardiovascular risk factors. Since the effect of snack modification on improvement of children health status has been proven. Additional studies need to be performed to find the best formulation and improve the health of consumers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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PIRI M. | Mohammadi Moulod S.


Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: The Health System Development document is one of the leading documents in the field of health planning that will guide the activities of country's health care until 1404. Health education is among the important areas that are considered in the development of the health system. This study aimed to analyze the content of the science books of the elementary schools based on the components related to education in the documents of health system development. It will help to determine the level of attention to these components in elementary textbooks. Methods: This descriptive study was performed by content analysis method using Shannon entropy technique. In this technique, first, the frequency of each component was determined in the desired content. In the second step, the frequencies converted into normal data and frequency and importance coefficient were calculated for each of the indicators and components including health, accidents, prevention and nutrition. Results: The importance coefficient for nutritional health component (0. 308) was more than other components and preventive component had the least value of importance coefficient (0. 114). Among the other indicators, the nutritional health (0. 191), physical health had the highest importance coefficient (0. 189) while the importance coefficient for the prevention of high-risk behavior was computed zero. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that among all the pages of the experimental sciences books, the elementary school has focused on the components of nutrition and health (physical, family, psychological, and environment) more than others. Preventive component had the lowest attention.

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