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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Oil as a raw material in the world's energy supply is of great importance, The dependence of the countries of the Middle East and advanced industrial countries on this matter and the impact of these countries' economies on oil price volatility reveal the importance of the impact of these developments. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of oil price volatility on tourism demand in the years 2014-2000. The patterns studied in this study are estimated by using panel data method for OECD and Middle East countries using autoregressive conditional non-conformal variance. The variables included in the gross domestic product model, realistic exchange rate, oil price, trade liberalization index and population, per capita expenditure, and consumer price index. The results of the estimates for different countries indicate that oil prices are one of the influential variables affecting incoming tourism income, which has a significant and significant effect in OECD and Middle Eastern countries. And other model variables indirectly affect incoming tourism income.

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Calculation of per capita and integrated economic value of natural resources is a suitable solution for the economic evaluation of tourism resources during a specified period and with a certain number of users. In this case, the possibility of transferring source to exploit natural resources (subject to remain the principle source of tourism) will be available. In this study, by using Bayesian updating in willingness to pay (WTP) pattern in Contingent Valuation Model (CVM) with Double-Bounded Dichotomous-Choice Contingent (DB-DC), per capita economic value of exploitation, in the situation that the respondents' willingness to pay for non-market goods are naturally experiencing uncertainty, have calculated. This method is used in a case study to evaluate the exploitation of Baba Aman of Bojnoord resort. Base on the results, non-Bayesian and Bayesian willingness to pay are 23140 IRR and 37421 IRR respectively. According to that approximate value of yearly exploitation from Baba Aman resort is 31104335200 IRR in Bayesian model and 19233968000 IRR in non-Bayesian model. According to these results and due to the one step nature and lack of Bayesian updating in non-Bayesian methods, non-Bayesian results have underestimation Bias and there is the risk underestimation in valuation of tourism resources in conventional approaches. So this Bayesian model is recommended to calculate more appropriate and more accurate value of the exploitation of tourism resources.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of Physical and Social Environment of Hotel in Guests’ Place Attachment and Satisfaction in Persian Azadi Hotels Complex of Ramsar. This study is a Practical research and the kind of correlation and specifically based on structural equation modeling (SEM). The population consisted of guests who were staying in spring of 1396(2017) in the hotel. In accordance with the state of research, the number of samples was determined, 334 people. The data were collected through questionnaires. The validity was evaluated through content and convergent validity and its reliability were evaluated by composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha that were acceptable for all variables. To test hypotheses was used in structural equation modeling. The descriptive finding indicates that from the perspective of the hotel guests, respectively, the physical environment, the social environment, and overall satisfaction are desirable and the hotel's attachment is undesirable. It was also confirmed that the physical and social environment of the Ramsar Parsian Hotel service has affected the guests' hotel attachment and their satisfaction with the hotel, but the impact of the social environment has been greater. According to the findings, it can be concluded that the overall impact of the physical and social environment of the Ramsar Parsian Hotel service has increased on guest satisfaction through hotel attachment. Accordingly, in general, it is recommended that Ramsar Parsian Hotel managers revise the hotel's physical and social environment.

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Identifying, comparing, and ranking the likely weaknesses and strengths with relational-emotional skills of hotel employees could be regarded as an intelligent competitive method that paves the ground effectively for developing such skills. The present investigation aims to rank three hotel groups based on their employees’ enthno-cultural skills with guests. To this end, Espinas (two hotels), Parsian (three hotels), and Aria (three hotels) hotel groups were chosen and in order to gather data, self-reported questionnaires were applied. Methodologically, to rank these three hotel groups, an amalgam of Fuzzy, analytical hierarchical process, and structural equation modeling was applied. The results show that the expert samples place more emphasis on Empathic feeling and expression, Empathic perspective taking, Acceptance of cultural differences, and Empathic awareness, respectively. Also, in terms of ethno-cultural skills, Espinas, Aria, and Parsian were ranked, respectively with the final coefficients of 0. 3455, 0. 3285, and 0. 3260. So, it could be argued that there is a slight difference among these three groups when ethno-cultural skills are taken into consideration. It seems this study is the first one of its kind that has ranked hotels based on employees’ such skills.

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This study investigates the effect of brand image on the perceived price, perceived value, customer trust and behavioral intentions in the five-stars hotels of Mashhad. The research is based on practical purpose and the method of data collection is descriptive and correlational. The population is customers of five-stars hotels in Mashhad in the first half of the 1396 visited these hotels. A sample of 384 is considered. A standard questionnaire was used to measure the variables. Content and construct validity were confirmed by opinions of marketing experts and factor analysis respectively. The reliability of the questionnaire using Cronbach's alpha was calculated is 0/92, indicating good reliability. The data were analyzed through structural equation modeling by LISREL software. Results showed significant and positive impact of brand image on customer trust and perceived price; but the effect of brand image on perceived value did not confirm. Also, findings showed that brand image has significant and positive impact on behavioral intentions through customer trust and perceived price.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourist experience can affect many of tourist attitudinal and behavioral aspects such as tourism destination brand image. This is why the present study aimed to study the effect of tourist experiences on the tourism destination brand image. For shit purpose, Isfahan City was selected case study. The statistical population of this study includes inbound tourists who have traveled to Isfahan in November of 2017. A sample of 300 tourists has been selected from this population. The sampling method was convenience sampling. A self-administrated questionnaire has been used for collecting the research data. This questionnaire that has been developed based on literature review includes 22 items for measuring research variables. The validity and reliability of questionnaire were investigated and confirmed. The validity and reliability of questionnaire were measured through content validity and Cronbach’ s Alpha Coefficient. The coefficient was 0. 841 for our questionnaire which confirms reliability of questionnaire. The research data were analyzed through SPSS and AMOS. The findings revealed that all dimensions of tourist experience (sensory, affective, intelligent, and behavioral) influence all dimensions of tourism destination brand image (affective, cognitive, and conative) significantly. Another part of our findings showed that both affective and cognitive tourism destination brand image influence conative tourism destination brand image significantly. Finally, empirical suggestion and limitations have been presented.

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Considering the importance of the role of advertising on social networks, especially for tourist services organizations, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of two factors of social interactions and information sources on purchase intention of tourism products and services in cyberspace. Statistical population is all the people who are active members of advertisement channels of tourism services in social networks of Telegram and Instagram. Random sampling method and Cochran formula were used for obtaining the sample size, and library and field methods were employed for data gathering. This study is a descriptive-correlation applied research. Data was collected using researcher questionnaire that was collected by convenient sampling from 390 people making the sample population. The questionnaire validity was confirmed by the related experts and reliability was evaluated by a pilot study from 30 respondents within statistical population; it was 0. 8 after calculating Cronbach’ s alpha and compound reliability. The results show that the information source has a positive and meaningful on attitude toward information usefulness. On the other side, social interactions have a positive and meaningful effect on customer’ s subjective norm. Also, information source and social interactions have a positive and meaningful effect on word of mouth.

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In recent decades, Mashhad has experienced increasing spatial changes in its public services development. Unbalanced distribution of Mashhad public services has created various issues for tourists and residents. The research pursues two main goals. One goal is to investigate the spatial correlation between public services and tourism attractions and tourism destination of Mashhad city. Another goal is to investigate the spatial inequality between urban areas in access to public services. One goal is to examine the spatial correlation between public services and urban tourism services on the one hand and the spatial correlation between public services and urban tourist attractions on the other. Another goal is to investigate the spatial inequality between urban areas in access to public services. For this purpose, it is attempted to calculate the indicators of access to public services, tourism services and tourism attractions of Mashhad city by a descriptive approach. These indicators are calculated using the inverse distance weighted interpolation (IDW) technique based on Mashhad urban database data. Then, using factor analysis and cluster analysis techniques, spatial correlations between indicators are tested. The results of the research indicate a significant spatial correlation between access to public services and access to tourism services and tourist attractions of Mashhad city. There are also spatial inequalities between the central areas of Mashhad city compared with the marginal areas in access to public services. These results show the significant spatial effects of urban tourism on the spatial development of public services, especially in the central areas of Mashhad city.

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A key strategic factor for improving the effectiveness of tourism services and achieving better goals, such as increased competition, better service to customer and increased profitability, is the evaluation of the performance of rural tourism supply chain management. The review of previous studies shows, There is weakness in the Available frameworks for explaining the performance model of tourism supply chain. The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive framework of manufacturing processes for supply chain management services in the tourism sector with a systematic review. The present research is fundamental. Dimensions and components of tourism supply chain management between 2000 and 2017 were identified and analyzed by using systematic review. Information required has been gathered, firstly, by searching the 6 keywords " in 15 scientific journals. After searching, screening and qualitative evaluation of the studies, 42 papers were selected for final analysis. By analyzing the articles, 11 processes and 136 components were identified and proposed. This study shows that performance evaluation in the tourism supply chain is less than other service supply chains. Most studies in the field of tourism supply chain performance evaluation are single-dimensional, dispersed, and without systematic and process look. The proposed framework would help service-based companies in managing the effectiveness and the efficiency of rural tourism supply chain and to trace areas that need improvement through evaluating, monitoring and controlling rural tourism supply chain processes’ performance.

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Rural tourism has been discussed with regard to various functions and high ability to connect with other economic sectors as a strategy for socio-economic development of rural areas. The purpose of this study was to assess the role of tourism on sustainable development of rural areas of Zanjan province. The present research is applied in a descriptive-analytical manner and library and field methods have been used to collect data. The statistical population of the study is 8 villages of tourism target of Zanjan province. According to the census of 1395, the total number of households in these villages is 2, 584 households. Using Cochran formula, the sample size was calculated to complete the questionnaire of 243 samples. The face validity of the questionnaire was examined from experts' point of view and the reliability of the variables was calculated by Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 76%. For quantitative data analysis, statistical tests such as (single instance t, regression, Kruskal-Wallis) have been used. The results show that tourism development has a positive effect on economic, socio-cultural and physical indicators and negative impact on the environmental index. Also, in the regression fit model, the coefficient of determination was equal to (0. 842), which indicates the positive effect of rural tourism on the dimensions of independent research variables. The ranking of Kruskal-Wallis test also shows that the villages of Maire, Sokrizi, Hajji Siran, Sheyt, respectively, have been most influential in rural tourism in the region.

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