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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background: One of the most important doctors’ problem is related to dissatisfaction and complaints of patients to jurisdiction and its results on their private and career that unfortunately has been in-creased significantly, despite of science and technology improvements recently. Any how the most important factors in the conviction of the General Surgeons are: Increasing patient population, increasing of Doctors and their Surgeries, involvement of the General Surgeons in Plastic surgery like cosmetic surgery as well as increasing the compensation rate and community awareness.Materials and Methods: Complaint records of General Surgeons during April 2014 till end of 2013 (20 months) which raised in the Tehran Legal Medicine Committee have been investigated and all related information have been filled in Check List and afterwards analyzed.Results: Since April 2012 until end of 2013, “1902 complaints” have been recorded which in 205 cases (10.77%) of those, the General Surgeons have been involved.137 cases (66.8%) out of 205 cases malpractice have been recorded that 88 cases (42.9%) were related to cosmetic surgery and 117 cases (57.1%) were related to other surgeries. Highest level of malpractice based on type as following: lack of skills, imprudence and incaution.91 out of 205 cases (44.4%) have been faculty members and 114 persons (55.6%) have not been. 119 cases (58%) of complaints have been related to private centers and 75 cases (36.6%) non- academic governmental centers and 11 cases (5.4%) academic centers.161 persons (78.5%) have been male surgeons and44 persons (21.5%) female surgeons.Conclusion: No interference in the other specialty and subspecialty fields by general surgeons such as ENT and plastic surgery, scientific and technical skills improvements, proper justification of patients before surgery about possible complications and possibility of in-complete cure as well as relationship improvement between surgeon and patient could impact to reduce of complaints and no conviction of general surgeons.

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Background: There are many factors and areas in the formation of addiction that one of the most important is the family system. Drug addiction often caught out people who are prepared to risk. The pre-sent study aims at examining relationships between differentiation of self and it's Component with addiction potential in Bojnord university students.Materials and Methods: Statistical population in present study was all Bojnord university students in the second semester of the academic year is the 93-1392. The sample consisted of 120 students were selected by random sampling method. The Differentiation of Self Inventory (DSI) and Iranian Addiction Potential Scale (IAPS) were used to collect data. Also the data were analyzed by multiple regressions and Pearson correlation coefficient by used SPSS-19 software and validated by confirmatory factor analysis by used AMOS-21 software.Results: Findings indicate that correlation coefficients between emotional reaction (-0.225), I-position (-0.193), emotional cutoff (-0.561), fusion with others (-0.136) with addiction potential were significant (p<0.0001). Stepwise multiple regression analyses yielded of the four components of differentiation of self, only two variables of emotional cutoff and I-position found permit entry into the regression equation (R2=0.361, p<0.0001).Conclusion: According to the result ،addiction potential of students can be predicted through differentiation and its components. Differentiation of self especially emotional cutoff and I-position were recommended in screening programs in the field of addiction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: This study investigated the association between Iranian university students' perception of their fathers and their object-relations and defense mechanisms.Materials and Methods: Participants were 438 students between 18-22 years from Tehran Police Science University, who voluntary agreed to fill the Father-hood Scale (Dick, 2004), Bell object relation inventory (1986), and defense mechanisms style, DSQ-40.Results: Using stepwise regression indicated that positive Parental Engagement significantly would be able to predict ALN and mature defense mechanisms and immature defense mechanisms. Positive paternal engagement & negative paternal engagement significantly predict ALN and Mature defense mechanisms. And also, negative paternal engagement, can predict IA and ECG. The good provider role subscale of fathering scale would be able to predict of SI of object relation factors and of Neurotic defense mechanism. This subscale with negative paternal engagement can predict SIConclusion: As a result, current study emphasize that the critical role of fathering in forming object relation and defense mechanism during development. In this processing, fathering as a facilitator lead to appropriate representation of reality in child mental structure. So, he can practice proper object relations and mature defense mechanisms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: In this research, the role of life skills Training in In-creasing General Health, job satisfaction and reducing job stress in metropolitan Tehran NAJA military employers was examined. Since the aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of life skills Training in military employers, the main objective was to identify training.Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 90 employers who random selected from metropolitan Tehran military employers methods which can be used as a model for intervention at military level. To achieve this object, Osipows Job Stress Questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire were utilized. Life skills Training programs as the independent variable was presented through free discussion, lectures, slide and posters. Job Satisfaction, Job Stress and general health achievement of the employers were treated as dependent variables. Analyses of data were done through one way analysis of variance ANOVA and shefhe test.Results: The major result indicated that It was shown that the life skill Training programs were significantly in increasing effective on promoting the employers 'general health and job Satisfaction(P<0.0001). Explanatory factor analysis showed Satisfaction as follows: Satisfaction among co-workers, condition of the work and general job Satisfaction (P<0.001). SO, the effect of these interventions in job stress were significant (P<0.0001).Conclusion: The life skill training programs were effected in de-creasing Job stress. Job satisfaction and the employers’ general health increased after training programs. These result are also in line with other studded in other organize.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Hospitals to improve the quality of health care and reduce the time and cost in providing health care should follow a strategic plan. Implementing strategies in hospitals is not possible easily and managers of hospitals face with barriers for implementing them. The aim of this study is to identify barriers to implementation of the strategic plan in the military and civilian hospitals.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on senior managers, middle and executive in three military and three selected civilian hospitals of kerman in 2014. The total number of samples was 25 persons that had been selected as census. the instrument used, was a questionnaire that consists of two parts, the first part includes demographic specification and the second, consists of 4 areas, the human, process, structural, and institutional factors. Data was analyzed with SPSS 21.Results: The results showed that barriers to implementation of the strategic plan in military and civilian hospitals is related to structural, human, processes and institutional factors respectively. There is no significant difference between the barriers to the implementation of the strategies in the military and civilian hospitals (P>0.05).Conclusion: Structural factors, are the most important barrier in lack of strategies implementation in hospitals and managers should coordinates Structures with strategies in medical centers under their management.

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Background: Policymaking and Management of objectives" are considered of the important aspects of operational planning. One of the problems in management of hospitals is incorrect Management of objectives and Policymaking for operational planning. This study has been conducted to evaluate the effect of Policymaking and Management of objectives on operational planning in hospitals in 2013-14 in Iran.Materials and Methods: In this applied study, that in its different stages has used of revisal, comparative, quantitative methods, the theoretical models of operational planning were examined through Library Studies and after determining the variables of different models of operational planning, a questionnaire was developed and a survey from 176 experts from academic and administrates of hospitals, the data was collected and Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed.Results: The effect of the "Policymaking and organizational policies" and "Management of objectives" on operational planning in hospitals based on factor analysis of regression coefficients were estimated to be 0.878 and 0.912. Also in the results obtained from the survey from the experts, the question of "Guiding the departments in development of operational planning based on the predetermined objectives" with the mean of 4.33 and "Considering the overall health policies of the country in planning" with the mean of 4.17 and in factor analysis with varimax method the questions of the "Development of operational plans in line with the strategic programs of hospitals" and "Considering the overall health policies of the country in planning" with 0.704 and 0.739 have been the highest score.Conclusion: Public hospitals in Iran can with using of Proper management goals special developing action plans In line with strategic plans and also, due to the time variable for the development and promotion of policies, programs, and organizations in preparing de-tailed plans in line with the country's overall health policies, action plans to improve performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: The aim of this study is investigating the effect of aerobic training on cardiac expression of mir-126 in normal and diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: 35 Rats divided to two categories, diabetic and nondiabetics rats. Then each category of diabetic and non diabetic animals will be divided to two groups: under training and nontraining. Cardiac muscle will be removed and immediately placed into liquid nitrogen. Cardiac expression of mir-126 is investigated in rat cardiac muscle with method of Realtime PCR. For data analysis, One Way ANOVA and Tukey test will be used to find differences between groupsResults: The study results showed diabetes significantly decreased cardiac expression of mir126 and 8 weeks of aerobic training significantly increased cardiac expression of mir126 in healthy and diabetic rats.Conclusion: Thus, it seems aerobic training can via angiogenic path incurred diabetes improvement. Also, as for results of yielded from this study and kindle regulatory processes by mir126 that via aerobic training be impressed, it is get worth strategy that it can lead in diabetes on development of new therapy methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS), such as methamphetamine and ecstasy (MDMA), are a group of substances, mostly synthetic in origin, that generally stimulate the central nervous system (CNS). There has been a growing tendency among Iranian youth for the abuse of meth-amphetamine and, to a much lesser extent, ecstasy during the past decade. GC-MS methods used to identify and quantify ATS are lengthy, expensive processes, but often rapid analysis is requested. In this study we used col-our tests as the simplest and quickest chemical test to identify MDMA and methamphetamine in the forty samples seized in Iran.Materials and Methods: TIn this study 20 samples of ecstasy tablets and 20 samples of crystalline methamphetamine obtained from antinarcotics police of Iran were analyzed. Color tests (Marquis test, Simon’s test, Chen’s test and Gallic acid test) were carried out on the samples. GC-MS method was used to confirm the color of test results.Results: All tablets containing MDMA gave a dark purple color to Marquis test and dark blue to Simon’s. No color was developed in reaction with Chen’s reagent. For all tablets containing MDMA a dark green color was developed in response to the addition of Gallic acid reagent. All samples containing methamphetamine gave a orange color to Marquis test and deep blue to Simon’s. No color was developed in reaction with Chen’s and Gallic acid reagents. Color test results were confirmed by GC-MS. The range of MDMA content in tablets was 10–60% and the range of methampheta-mine content in samples was 30–70%.Conclusion: The Marquis test allows the distinction between amphetamine and its ring-substituted analogues. Simon’s test is generally used as a test for secondary amines, such as methamphetamine and secondary ring-substituted amphetamines, including MDMA. Chen’s test is used to distinguish ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, nor ephedrine, phenylpropanolamine and methcathinone from amphetamine and methamphetamine, which do not react with Chen’s test reagent. A fourth test, the gallic acid test, provides a simple means for the distinction of MDMA from amphetamine or methamphetamine. The results showed that color tests can be used in many laboratories which are not equipped with systems analysis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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