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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Paradoxes are indeed a linguistic possibility for foregrounding of aboration of the norm, defiance of standards and defamilization (dehabituation) which results in womder and aventually aesthetic pleasure. Of course paradoxes are an different from oxymorons. It is pleasant and beauty-breeding which prompts defamilization, ambiguity, ambivalence, highlighting meanings and brevity in discourse. This linguistic approach can be traced more or less in almost all periods in Persian literature, and such factors as literary evolution from plainness to profoundness and amalgamation of mysticisim with Persian literature were effective in emergence and flourishing of it. The elements of paradoxes are in from of whethee paradoxical images compound or blending or paradoxical sentences or expression. In the present article paradoxes in khaghani's odes (quasida) are studied. Which is based on the structure of paradoxes and the scope of its formation as iliustrated below. The structure of paradoxes (different form of paradoxes in terms of syntactic elements which in khaghani's odes are as follows: A) paradoxes in the form of blended or compound. B) paradoxes in elements of a sentences.C) paradoxes between two sentences.Eventually it is worh saying that paradoxical structures in khaghani’ odes are formed in such areas as exaggerations (overstatement), metaphors, similies and linguistic elements.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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We surely have to refer to local annals among the main and confidant sources of social issues and past civilizations knowledge.Such annals consist in knowledge and description of social and cultural elements and the field of social and cultural elements has more comprehensive inclusion than general history. So. researcher can use these historical writings and analyze them to reach the source of topics related to history and civilization. "History of Qom" is one of these references which therein author has described circumstances and tribute in the Sassanid ' Period. The author tells us how these circumstances and tribute altered in the Islamic period. Researcher acquaints with other social and cultural issues of Qom Province alongside description of that economic topic.

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Context of 71 and 72, Mary surah, said: That All of people, believer and unbeliever will enter to heII. But, then, believers and virtous will save there. And uncleans will remain without end in the hell. Good manner mystical Persian has old effect of emotion and Islamic and Quran cultere. It has extensively effect of two signs: And mystic literary and great poet with surprising changes research and study about enterance all of people to hall. In the end of examination, sview, lieterary about enterence all of people to hell is very important. and subject. enterence all of people to hell and rescues believer and virtous is unchangeable sunnh of divine.

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Formal language and literature as well as the folk literature & culture and language, such as folklore (general culture) have been effect by Ferdowsi's Shahnameh. On the one side, a glance to (language & literature) one find out that not only the language after Shahnameh (both fonnal & informal languages) was the continuation of Ferdowsi's language but also motif & themes of formal literature & folk culture & literature were deeply effect by thoughts, beliefs, stories, narrations & myth which are reflected in Shahnameh.The question of this article is the field and types of the Ferdowsi' s Shahnameh effects on Ayyaris' literature as a one of the important types of folk literature. In this regard, first the article shortly explained about folk culture and its extends, Then Ayyaris' literature & its components & indicators were generally considered; and finally the aspects of these effects on them from Shahnameh. were comprehensively interpreted.This article with distinction of three historical periods of past Persian prose out of Ayyaris' stories three books were selected as the representative of each period for Ayyaris' stories which are valuable for consideration. These stories are "samak-e-Ayyar" story from first period (pre-Safavied), story known as "Hussain-e-kord-e-Shabestari story", (Safavied era) and "Amir-Arsalan-e-Namdar" story (Qajar era). In the end of article specify effects of Shahnameh on them are (Counted) explained.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The mystic sages believed that all creatures are exactly similar to the creator and that all creatures are a manifestation of god. This notion strongly faced the disapproval of jurisprudent theologians. To challenge this opposition, the mystic sages found a new way to link unity with pluralism. To explain the existence. evolution. and mortality of creatures, and to explain the three domains of divine essence, material world and resurrection. we in this paper. have studied Attar's view points about the contradiction between unity and pluralism in his poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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There have been important cities & towns which some of them has been destroyed' but some of them exist yet; the cities & towns which their great Elites have world fame' but the towns themselves have been forgotten; the places such as Abivard in Khorasan ‘Mybodin Yazd' Sohrvard in Zanjan & Beizaa in Fars.This article pays attention to the appearance of "Beizaa" in the Iranian culture' history & geography and pays to introduce some of it's famouses such as: Sybuyeh’ Hallaaj; Ibn Moqleh beizaavy Qaazy beizaavy & ….

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this article/with regard to the fact that in the vital and pivotal subject of velayat in religious and sufic beliefs, Mevlana had reliance on tenacions support like Quranic wisdom, commentaries and other religious and mystical texts, so at first some introductory discussions with brief explanations have been mentioned as in: vali and velayat in dictionaries, Quran, commentaries, narrations, sufic and mystical texts, also synonyms of the word vali, characteristics and qualifications of vali, and referents of vali in sufic and mystical texts.Then the subject of vali in the Mathnavi of Mevlana has been surveyed under the four main categories that follow:l. Continuity of velayat in different eras of human history.2. Referents and instances of God's saints in Mevlana's idea. that all prophets as in Mohammad (peace be upon him) and prophet' s family and other companians and elites and major Sufis are regarded as God's friends.3. Qualifications and characteristics of a vali (sheikh. Pir. Khalifa) in Mevlana's words, in a way that with adding all qualifications together the real appearance of God's friends is associated.4. Necessity of supplicating and resorting to vali (i.e. Pir, sheikh, etc.).

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Elegy, as one of independent poetical themes, have had a significant role in poetry realm. Elegy is considered as achievement of emotional experience of poet and representation of ideologic, cultural and social conditions of his society, in which he exhibits his inner grief for eternal separation from his sweetheart. Elegy is devided into three main part including "Nadb", "Ta' ebin" and "Azaa", showing one of the most common themes of "Djahcli" era poets and their attitude about the death problem.

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