In this article/with regard to the fact that in the vital and pivotal subject of velayat in religious and sufic beliefs, Mevlana had reliance on tenacions support like Quranic wisdom, commentaries and other religious and mystical texts, so at first some introductory discussions with brief explanations have been mentioned as in: vali and velayat in dictionaries, Quran, commentaries, narrations, sufic and mystical texts, also synonyms of the word vali, characteristics and qualifications of vali, and referents of vali in sufic and mystical texts.Then the subject of vali in the Mathnavi of Mevlana has been surveyed under the four main categories that follow:l. Continuity of velayat in different eras of human history.2. Referents and instances of God's saints in Mevlana's idea. that all prophets as in Mohammad (peace be upon him) and prophet' s family and other companians and elites and major Sufis are regarded as God's friends.3. Qualifications and characteristics of a vali (sheikh. Pir. Khalifa) in Mevlana's words, in a way that with adding all qualifications together the real appearance of God's friends is associated.4. Necessity of supplicating and resorting to vali (i.e. Pir, sheikh, etc.).