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In recent years, the interaction effects between duration and number of session per week was attractive for health investigators. According to this idea, the purpose of present study is a randomized trial to compare the effects of training dose response on fitness variable in sedentary adolescence boys.48 students voluntarily were randomized to four groups with mean±SD of age included: two session groups (2S): N=12, 13.3±2.3 years, three session groups (3S): N=12, 13.5±2.7 years, four session groups (4S): N=12, 13.7±3.1 years, and control group (CG): N=12, 13.3±3.4 years.2S training program included running with 60 -70 HRmax, 25-35 min and 3S training group preformed 17-25 min running with same intensity, 4S training group preformed 12-15 min running with same intensity for 12 weeks.Physical fitness variables which performed in training programs include muscular endurance, flexibility and agility. Data analyzed by one ways of ANOVA and Benfroni post hoc test showed that: hand power, speed, cardio respiratory, flexibility variables had improved significantly (P˂0.05) at three experimental groups. But in balance, coordination, power, agility, muscle endurance variables had improved significantly (P˂0.05) at three and four session groups rather than control group. In whole, performing two training programs had useful adaptation and changing the number of session has affected on only improvement rate, but in case of agility, the effect of changing in number of session was more than whole training duration per week. In whole, performing three training programs had useful adaptation and changing the number of session has affected on only improvement rate, but in some cases such as balance, coordination, power, agility had needed to exercise with session more, and increase of training sessions don’t have any effect on flexibility.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: the aim of the present study was to compare the effects of circuit and hypertrophy resistance exercise protocols with equal volumes on fat and carbohydrate metabolism during endurance exercise in overweight men.Methods: Ten overweight men (Mean±SD, age, 28.8±4.8 yr; BMI, 28.2±1.4 kg/m2) performed three exercise trials including 1) endurance exercise (E), 2) circuit resistance exercise followed by endurance exercise (CRE), and 3) hypertrophy resistance exercise followed by endurance exercise (HRE). The exercise sessions were randomly performed with one week intervening. The endurance exercise encompassed the 30 min of cycling at 60% of VO2max. Circuit weight training included 3 set of 14 repetitions at 50% of one-repetition maximum for six exercise, whereas hypertrophy protocol included 3 sets of 14 repetitions at 50% of 1 RM. Respiratory gases were collected before, during and 30 minutes after endurance exercise for calculating fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Three blood samples were taken before, during and 30 minutes after endurance exercise and were analyzed for glucose, insulin, free fatty acid, glycerol, malonyl coA, and GLUT-4.Results: Plasma glycerol concentration before, during and after recovery in CRE session were higher than E and HRE trials and that in HRE trial were higher than E trial (P<0.001). Plasma glucose concentration during endurance exercise in HRE trial was significantly reduced more than CRE and E trials (P<0.05). Carbohydrate oxidation rate during endurance exercise was significantly higher than CRE and HRE trials (P<0.05). However, there were no significant differences among the three exercise trials for fat oxidation, insulin, free fatty acid, glycerol, malonyl coA, glut-4, and insulin (P>0.05).Conclusion: Based on the findings of present study, it could be concluded that circuit resistance exercise induces higher lipolysis during endurance exercise than hypertrophy protocol; in spite of the exercise volume being equal, but fat and carbohydrate oxidation during endurance exercise are not affected by type of resistance exercise.

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Aim: The heart rate deflection point (HRDP) is a downward or upward change from the linear HR-work relationship which is considered as a criterion for planning of the aerobic exercise intensity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agreement of the time vs. distance dependent protocols for determination of Heart Rate Deflection Point (HRDP) in sedentary young girls.Methods: Twenty sedentary young girls selected as subjects and divided randomly to the time dependent (group A; mean±SD Age of 19.8±1.02 years, Weight of 57.8±7.74 kg, Height of 163.11±7.14 cm, and Vo2max of 32.89 ml/kg/min) and distant dependent (group B; mean±SD Age of 20±1.15 years, Weight of 57.30±12.14 kg, Height of 162.80±7.91 cm, and Vo2max of 33.21 ml/kg/min) groups. Subjects performed the time and distance dependent incremental exhaustive exercise tests in two separate sessions with 72 h rest intervals. Determined HRDP by the gas analysis system was considered as criterion method. Polar Vantage Sport Tester XL was used to monitor heart rate performance throughout the protocols. Data were analyzed by the means of the graphical Bland-Altman as well as the Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) statistical methods.Results: Results revealed that the time dependent protocol has no agreement with the criterion method (ICC=-0.0191; ±1.96; 95% CI=-8.9 to+26.5 b/min); However, we showed moderate agreement between the distance dependent protocol and the criterion method (ICC=0.4002; ±1.96; 95% CI=-5.1 to+35.5 b/min).Conclusion: According to this study results, it can be concluded that the distance dependent protocol in comparing with the time dependent protocol have higher agreement with the criterion method; However, use of this protocol for determination of HRDP is doubtful.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this research is comparison of the methods & result of weight reduce between three weight class (light weight, Middle weight & heavy weight) in the elite cadet wrestlers of Iran, 80, 130 elite cadet wrestlers (37 light weight wresteler, 61 middle weight wrestler & 32 heavy weight wrestler) that they had attended in international matches of infant global day with age-wise average (15.38±0.89, 16.56±0.82, 16.81±0.78) and with weight (47.65±3.75, 63.30±5.72, 88.34±9.07) participated in this research. The rapid loss of weight methods and results of weight reduce of this wrestlers is evaluated with using from standard questionnaire of opliger. The results of this research indicated that the more scale of weight reduce in matches time in light weight, middle weight and heavy weight wrestlers was as order 2.46, 4 and 2.91 Kg. That there are observed significant difference between three groups (P<0.05). The more used method for weight loss in every three group was increasing of athletic exercises and dietetics. Also the result indicated that dietetics has significant difference between three weight groups (P<0.05). The light weight wrestlers were the most users from dietetics for weight reduces and the heavy weight wrestlers were the least users. Vertigo crabbing and weakening of centralization were the most result that observed in every three weight group as a result of quick weight reduce. The finds of this research indicates that the most method that the best teenager wrestlers in three weight class use for weight reduce are similar, Also the raising of statistics of unessential weight reduce in elite teenager wrestlers necessitate to more attention to this age-wise of group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to compare fibrinolytic responses of judokas to aerobic exercise in the morning and evening. Fifteen judokas aged 24.9±1.37 (mean±SD) years performed two exercise sessions, morning and evening, at 70% of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) on cycle ergometer for 30 min, with at least 4 days intervals. The venous blood samples have been drawn at rest, immediately post exercise and after 30 min of recovery period for measure tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) activity. Exercise presented significant increases in tPA activity (P£0.001), which returned to the baseline values after recovery in both exercises. tPA activity was only higher at immediately post exercise phase in the evening than morning session (P£0.05). PAI-1 activity no longer demonstrated exercise-related changes (P˃0.05), but it was significantly higher during the morning than evening sessions (P£0.05). The results of present study demonstrated that acute aerobic exercise may be resulted in activation of fibrinolytic system. But during recovery, fibrinolytic activity decreased quickly to the baseline values. In addition, the net activity of fibrinolysis system was higher during the evening than morning exercise.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Studies have indicated that anthropometric measurements and hand dimensions may be effective on hand grip strength and relationship between these dimensions with hand grip strength can predict the success and recognition of athletes who are prone. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship of handgrip strength with basic anthropometric variables, upper extremity anthropometric variables and specific hand anthropometric variables and comparison it in athletes and non-athletes men.In order to, we selected 200 male subjects includes 100 student non-athletes (age: 21.14±2.13 yrs, Height: 174.98±5.46 cm, weight: 68.6±10.47 kg) and 100 student athletes (age: 21.66±1.96 yrs, Height: 179.13±6.5 cm, weight: 73.65±8.7 kg). Height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat, arm length, forearm length, forearm and hand forearm length, elbow breadth, palmar breadth, wrist breadth, arm circumference, forearm circumference, wrist circumference and specific hand anthropometric variables includes: fingers span, fingers length and fingers perimeter was measured in all subjects. Data were analyzed with independent sample t-test, Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient, unilateral variance analysis (ANOVA) and stepwise multiple regression statistical models. Level of significant in this study was p<0.05. The findings of this study showed that handgrip strength had a significant relationship with weight, body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat, arm length, arm circumference, forearm circumference, wrist circumference and fifth fingers length in athlete group (p<0.05) and so showed significant relationship with weight, body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, arm length, forearm length, forearm and hand forearm length, arm circumference, forearm circumference, wrist circumference, palmar breadth, wrist breadth, index finger length and fifth finger span in non-athlete group (p<0.05). These findings indicate that anthropometric variables and type of exercise are effective on handgrip strength.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aims to evaluate the effect of choline supplement on the changes in the free fatty acids of plasma and fats metabolism at the end and recovery period of a long exercise session in men who are elite in the triple sport courses (age: 21.44±2.83, weight: 54.71 ± 5.34 kg, and maximal oxygen consumption: 71.25±4.36 ml kg-1 min-1). Nine elite triathle men had two 120 minutes sessions of running on a treadmill with an intensity of 59 to 64% VO2MAX in a one blind crossover design study. Subjects took the placebo one hour before the first activity session, and Choline Bitarterate supplement one hour before the second activity session. Blood sampling was performed before the start, end and half an hour after the end of activities in order to measure the free fatty acids of plasma; the colorimetric method was used in order to measure this characteristic. Data were analyzed by the repeated ANOVA (analysis of variance) test at the significance level (P≤0.05). Comparison of two session results showed that the level of plasma free fatty acids at the end of activity levels of in the activity and with the choline supplement was significantly lower than the same value in an activity with placebo, but in the Recovery period, the activity with choline supplement was significantly higher than the same value in activity with placebo. It was concluded that taking the choline supplement could increase their consumption in the muscle cells and thus the rate of fat oxidation during the long-term sports activities by facilitating the transfer of plasma free fatty acids from the plasma membrane.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the best non-invasive methods for measure of anthropometric indicators is bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). This method is able present a lot of information about body tissue composition in minimum time with high accuracy. The purpose of this study was to assess body composition among personals of Iranian Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University by BIA and compares results them with recommendation norms of World Health Organization (WHO) and National Health, Lung, Blood Institute (NHLBI). For this aim, 270 subjects (23-59yr; 209 male and 61 female) volunteered in this study. Anthropometric indicators such as body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage (BF %), Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR), mass of body fat (MBF) and lean body mass (LBM) were measured by BIA.Results: For male and female average of BMI: 26.36±3.53 and 26.41±4.69kg/m², BF%: 24.38±5.12 and 33.03±5.11percentage, WHR: 090±0.06 and 0.83±0.05, MBF: 19.48±6.25 and 21.88±7.1 kg, LBM: 58.12±6.93 and 42.98±5.51kg respectively were obtained.Conclusion: The assessment variables proved that, the BMI of 65% males and 67% females and BF% of 79.9% males and 61.3% females were higher than the normal range of WHO and NHLBI recommendations. In relative to WHR as important cardiovascular disease index, 6.2% of males and 33.9% females were in high risk zoon.

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The aim of this investigation was to study the effect of regular walking on cardiovascular risk factors and risk of incidence cardiovascular disease in menopause females with history of irregular menstrual cycle at young and reproductive ages. In this study 50 menopause females with history of irregular menstrual cycle at reproductive ages (20-35 yr) in two activity (age: 54.9±3.4, BMI: 25.5±3 kg/m2) and inactivity (age: 55.3±3.2, BMI: 28.2±2.3 kg/m2) groups participated. All subject`s last menses had occurred at least 12 months before starting this study. At least 18 months before entering in this study, subjects in activity group had regularity 3 walking training session per week with intermediate intensity and 30 min length per session. Whilst subjects in control group does not participate in any regular physical activity in own lifestyle. All subject’s rest blood pressure at standard position was measured two times and the mean of that was recorded. Subject’s blood samples was collected after 12 hours fasting in the morning to determine total cholesterol (TC), high density cholesterol (HDL) and low density cholesterol (LDL). Obtained data entered in Framingham table and score, risk of CVD incidence was calculated during future 10 years. Score of cardiovascular disease in inactivity menopause females was more than active menopause females with history of irregular menstrual cycle during reproductive ages. The risk of incidence cardiovascular disease in inactive menopause females with history of irregular menstrual cycle at reproductive ages was 1.5% higher than active group. Statistical analysis of MANOVA showed that BMI and TC and LDL of inactivity group were more than activity group (P<0.05). But HDL in active menopause females with history of irregularly menstrual cycle was higher than inactive group (P<0.05). It is concluded that regular walking as an aerobic activity has positive effect on cardiovascular risk factors in menopause females with irregular menstrual cycle at reproductive ages. Therefore, weekly regular walking with intermediate intensity exclusively prevent of incidence cardiovascular disease.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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