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The aim of this research was to compare the effect of 8 weeks of corrective exercises and postural modified protocols both individually and in combination on reduced neck pain in computer users. 84 female computer users with neck pain from Payam Noor University of Tehran aged between 22 and 45 were selected as the statistical sample by purposive sampling method and were randomly assigned to four groups including corrective exercises, postural modified, compound and control (21 subjects in each group). The severity of pain in posttest and pretest was measured by the numerical pain assessment scale (VAS). The results showed that the pain of corrective exercises and compound groups significantly reduced in the posttest in comparison with the pretest (P<0.05). But there was no significant reduction in the pain in postural modified group (P=0.105). The severity of neck pain in the control group significantly increased in the posttest (P=0.002). With regard to inter-group differences, the results indicated no significant differences in the neck pain among the four groups in the pretest. But in the posttest, a significant difference was observed among the groups. The results of the LSD post hoc test showed a significant difference between postural modified group and compound and control groups and also between compound group and control group (P<0.05) while there was no significant difference between corrective exercises and compound groups (P>0.05). It can be concluded that 8 weeks of compound protocol (corrective exercises along with postural modified protocol) had a significant effect on reduced neck pain in female computer users aged between 22 and 45 while no significant effect was observed in other groups such as postural modified group and this effectiveness was not high in the corrective exercises group.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to compare spine posture between children with sensory impairment and their healthy counterparts. In this observational case study, 16 blind children and 30 deaf children who aged between 6 and 12 were selected purposively from the available population and 60 healthy children participated in the study as the control group. Spinal mouse was used to assess lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis with r=0.94. One-way ANOV A and LSD post hoc test were used to compare the groups. The results showed that the thoracic scoliosis (P=0.002) in blind and deaf children was similar but it was significantly higher in healthy children. There were no significant differences in kyphosis (P=0.345), lordosis (P=0.204) and lumbar scoliosis (P=0.185) among groups. According to the findings of the present study, hearing and visual impairments may have a relationship with postural problems and it should be mentioned that blindness has a relationship with these impairments more than deafness. Therefore, early screening appears to be essential to identify and prevent physical impairments especially the spine.

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Balance is a complex motor skill that describes body posture dynamic to prevent to fall. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of functional balance tests (static, semi-dynamic and dynamic) in ectomorph young women (24-34 years old). 25 ectomorph women (mean age 26.00±1.51yr, height 166.9±1.14 cm and weight 46.99±3.27 kg) participated in this study. The subjects' balance was assessed by static balance (BESS, Romberg, Stork and Angle), semi-dynamic (Star excursion) and dynamic (time to get up and go and tandem walking) functional tests while Heath- Carter approach was applied to determine the somatotype. Each functional balance test was used for each subject in three sessions with 72 hours of rest interval. The normality of data distribution was evaluated by Kolmogorov- Smirnov test while ICC was used to assess the reliability of the tests at P£0.05. To assess static balance, BESS at the stable level with a leg upward and tandem positions, BESS at the unstable level with a leg upward position, Stork, Angle at the stable level in dominant leg with open eyes and non- dominant leg with open and closed eyes, Angle at the unstable level in the dominant leg with open and closed eyes and to assess semi-dynamic balance, Star excursion test and to assess dynamic balance, time to get up and go test that attained a very good reliability (ICC>0.80) were recommended. The reliability of the BESS static balance test at the unstable level in paired foot and tandem positions, Romberg, Angle at the stable level with the dominant leg and closed eyes, Angle at the unstable level with non-dominant leg and closed eyes and tandem walking dynamic balance test with ectomorph somatotype was not confirmed, so it can be stated that the reliability of these tests is affected by somatotype. The researchers are recommended to apply reliable and valid tests to assess the balance with regard to the somatotype.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is one of the most common knee injuries among the youth. With regard to selecting different strategies during pain, the aim of present study was to answer this answer that how the unilateral patellofemoral pain affects the force distribution between the feet and center of pressure center sway. For this purpose, 12 women with unilateral PFPS and 12 women with no pain in their lower extremity participated in this study. Parameters such as SDAP, SDML mean sway velocity, COP path length, sway limits, length of minor axis, length of major axis, force and symmetry index (SI) were evaluated. The findings demonstrated that PFPS affected force symmetry distribution on both feet during quiet stance in those subjects with PFPS and consequently the most effect in postural sway of these participants were observed in medial-lateral direction (19.12±21.64). In COP Parameters, only COP path length indicated no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.4). An increase in the imposed force on the healthy foot in participants with unilateral PFPS for a long time can cause uncompensated sever injuries to their healthy foot. Therefore, in addition to reinforcement plans of mechanisms involved in balance, special attention should be paid to healthy foot in those with unilateral PFPS in rehabilitation programs.

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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of a rehabilitation program with progressive intensity on the dynamic growth of lower extremity strength in the elderly with osteoarthritis after total knee arthroplasty. For this purpose, 30 elderly subjects who the same physician operated on their knees with a technique similar to total knee arthroplasty were studied in two training groups (each group 15 subjects). The training regimen of one group was typical physical training for knee arthroplasty. But in the other group, the intensity of training increased periodically. ANOYA results showed a significant progress of lower extremity strength in both groups. But the results of strength test showed that the group with intensity performed 25% better than the other group (P=0.016). These results indicated that the dynamic growth of lower extremity strength may stop if gradual increase of training intensities is disregard in the elderly after knee arthroplasty.

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Aging causes changes in the function of those physiological systems involved in body balance which is accompanied by imbalance. Therefore, it is important to perform training which leads to maintenance and improvement of balance. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of 12 weeks of functional training and different periods of detraining on neuromuscular performance and dynamic balance in healthy elderly men. 30 elderly men (mean age: 71±3.22yr, height: 168±7.2cm and weight: 66.8±6.6 kg) voluntarily participated in this study and randomly divided into experimental and control groups after they achieved a proper score in Berg balance scale. Experimental group performed functional training (12 weeks, 3 sessions per week and 75 minutes per session) and control group continued their daily activities. Before and after 12 weeks of training and after four, six and eight weeks of detraining, time up and go (TUG) test was conducted to assess dynamic balance. Analysis of variance with repeated measures and one-way ANOV A showed that neuromuscular performance significantly improved in functional training group after the training (P£0.05). Also, there was a significant difference between the posttest and six and eight weeks of detraining in this group (P£0.05). The results showed that functional training had a significant effect on neuromuscular performance in elderly men through focusing on reinforcement of strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. Also, the obtained adaptabilities persisted after four weeks of detraining. Therefore, this new low-cost model of training which improves and maintains efficiency can be useful for the elderlies.

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The aim of this study was to compare scapulohumeral rhythm between students with kyphosis and healthy students and between dominant and non- dominant hands in kyphosis students. 25 male healthy students and 25 male students of Arak University with kyphosis were selected by purposive sampling method. The angle of kyphosis and scapulohumeral rhythm were measured by spinal mouse and goniometry respectively. Independent t test was used to analyze the data (P<0.05). The results showed a significant difference in motion of scapula, scapula rotation angle, range of humeral abduction and scapulohumeral rhythm between the two groups (P<0.05). No Significant difference was observed in scapulohumeral rhythm between dominant and non-dominant hands in students with kyphosis (P<0.05). The results showed that kyphosis can disturb scapulahumeral rhythm. In addition, kyphosis has the same effect on scapulahumeral rhythm in dominant and non-dominant hands. Therefore, it is recommended that students should correct kyphosis and strengthen shoulder girdle muscles based on corrective training protocols.

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The current study aimed at investigating the efficiency of visual, vestibular and somatic sensory systems in postural control of deaf athletes and non-athletes. For this purpose, 30 adolescents aged between 15 and 20 with congenital severe deafness were assigned to athlete and non-athlete groups (mean age 18.08±1.17yr, height 173.04±6.82 cm and weight 59.41±7.47 kg) by purposive sampling method. A Biodex stabilometer was used to measure the postural control of the subjects in four different sensory conditions to find out the shares of visual, vestibular and somatic systems and the efficiency of each sensory system was calculated by Nashner formula. The SPSS version 18, descriptive statistics and independent t test were used to analyze data (a£0.05). The results revealed that the efficiency of all sensory systems involved in postural control of deaf athletes was significantly better than deaf non-athletes. The most efficient sensory system involved in postural control was the somatic system in both groups and visual and vestibular systems occupied the next places respectively. It seems that better lower extremity strength and musculoskeletal control in athletes may result in their better balance. Furthermore, the negative effect of the lack of vestibular data in staring process can influence the reduced efficiency of visual system in postural control of deaf subjects. The results of this study can be used to design rehabilitation plans for deaf subjects which show that those musculoskeletal training which improves somatic sensory system may have a greater effect on the balance improvement in the deaf so it is suggested that such training should receive more attention in Sport and rehabilitation plans of the deaf.

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Balance plays a key role in daily and sports activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of fatigue induced by exhaustive exercises on dynamic balance and balance recovery time in active men with genu varum and normal knee. 40 active healthy male students including 20 subjects with genu varum deformity and 20 normal subjects participated in this semi-experimental study. Genu varum deformity was assessed with a caliper and a goniometer. Strand test was used to create fatigue. SPSS software and statistical tests of analysis of combined variance within- between groups, t test and paired t test were used to analyze data. The results of the mean dynamic balance index by paired t test showed that this index increased significantly in the posttest and pretest comparison in both groups (P=0.00). However, independent t test showed that the mean of these changes was not significantly different between the groups (P=0.56). The dynamic balance index in both groups was fully recovered 10 minutes after fatigue. Medial displacement of the gravity line could increase the lateral posture sways in subjects with genu varum and since this deformity causes internal rotation of the leg and pronation of the subtalar joint in weight- bearing condition, leg structure changes can change leg function to control balance.

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Recent efforts have been made to specify the proprioceptive quantity using the results of subordinate measurements including measuring postural stability and sway. As the structure of the human foot is a factor affecting motor performance, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of musculoskeletal abnormalities of pes planus, pes cavus and hallux valgus on postural sways during quiet stance. 48 female students (mean age of 24.11±2.64yr, height 158.S3±5.92 cm and weight 55.79±7.94 kg) took part in this study. The area and velocity of postural sways were measured using FDM-S Foot pressing force device. One-way ANOV A was used for statistical analysis at significance level of 0.05. Statistical results showed a significant difference between pes cavus and normal foot (control) groups, between hallux valgus and normal foot (control) groups, between pes cavus and pes planus groups and between hallux valgus and pes planus groups (P<0.05). The findings showed no significant differences between pes planus and normal foot (P>0.05). The results of this study showed that the various foot structures influence postural sway factors. Classification of foot types and rate of deformity in both clinical and research areas is very important and should receive attention. Also, sport coaches and clinical experts should be aware of these findings in order to design and apply sport and rehabilitation programs.

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