It is the potential of the media in managing social crisis with the tools of mass communication in the shadow of the right management in them and on them that can become real. Crisis in the absence of proper management can cause irreparable damage, so the researcher in this study with the main purpose of this study is to provide media management models on television in the face of social crises that are components required in media management. Discuss social crisis management. This research was conducted based on the data method of the foundation and with the interview technique of the senior managers of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization, which was selected by the targeted method. The theoretical basis of this research is based on the opinions of different thinkers in the form of social responsibility theory, media management roles, Heather’, s equilibrium theory, two-stage flow and highlighting. Data analysis is also categorized by the Strauss Foundation’, s data method with three stages of open, central, and selective coding. The research findings indicate that mass media management in social crises is classified into four categories: management, gaining trust, crisis and audience, so that categories related to each class, including strategic and psychological management, general and specific audiences, Competitive cyberspace competition and credible information, crisis type and crisis severity are set in the presented model. In addition, the results show that factors such as speed and honesty in information, the use of new methods to identify and reduce crisis damage, attention to various segments of society, promoting the spirit of participation, understanding the audience and the readiness of managers in crisis situations as components. They are effective in managing social media in social crises. In general, considering the relationship between the categories in the model obtained in the present study, it can be claimed that this set of factors, if placed in a proper organizational context, will be able to perform media managers in planning to deal with crises. Improve social.