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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In globalization era the first signs of the decline of nation-state building paradigm have emerged. After a period of civil conflicts and tensions, the government of Iraq has entered the path of nation-state building. The late entrance of this country into the nation-state building process coincided with the rapid spread of globalization over traditional territories, and following the spread of democratization waves, relativity of identities and weakening of international peace and security, many of the traditional concepts of politics such as governance, state, legitimacy, participation, security, and identity have been deeply transformed. Nevertheless, the main question of this paper is how Iraq, which is a post-conflict country in the globalization era, can reconstruct and complete its nation – state building process? The hypothesis of this article is that political elites of Iraq can achieve peace, sustainable stability and legitimacy in the society through the following means: (a) Reforming and engineering the institutions compatible with the needs and conditions of the society, (b) Establishing peaceful relations between government and the society, (c) Holding relative majority elections, (d) Autonomy and spread of local government, (e) Integration and convergence of militant groups in the national reconciliation process. This paper utilizing the method of qualitative research and descriptive-explanatory method is divided into two major parts. First, through a pathological perspective, it studies the impacts of globalization process on the endogenous nation-state building process in developing countries, and then based on Lijphart’ s theory of consensus democracy it provides a theoretical framework focused on practical strategies for formation of optimal nation-state building in Iraq in the globalization era.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    13 (16)
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Facilitation of human communications and instant contact of people with each other are the immediate achievements of globalization. Similarly, immediate awareness of each other and rapid exchange of opinions and ideas are considered as valuable achievements of globalization. All these have been made possible through instruments such as media, high tech, computers, communication revolution, etc. Such instruments have facilitated human dialogue and provided opportunities for discussions, criticisms, debates and proximity of nations. On the context of such developments, human rights discourses debate with each other and definitely the dominant logic of any discourse in the process of globalization will turn into the dominant discourse of the global community. This will lead to global normalization. This global normalization will bring about this key question that why universality of human rights has turned into the dominant discourse of value in the global community? Considering the assumption that human rights is past the process of universality, this paper tests the following hypothesis: Facilitation of dialogs among nations utilizing globalization instruments such as media, social networks, satellites and websites, has led to the universal dominance of human rights. To test the hypothesis, the author has benefited from library findings and scientific-research experience based on his personal observation. The author believes that globalization has made it difficult to violate the universal human rights. In fact, the universal human rights has isolated national and domestic norms. It will be no longer possible to justify violation of universal human rights norms based on moral relativism, since instruments such as media, satellites and facebook have isolated globalization of the logic of the relativists.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    13 (16)
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Having extensive dimensions, globalization has transcended the economic domain and influenced the domains of culture, politics, and even law which is a dynamic, versatile and at the same time systematic subject. Developments caused by globalization influence the field of law in general, and family law in particular. Some features of the family and family law have accelerated this influence and on the other hand some factors moderate family law transformations. Basing most of the family rules on culture, formation of feminist movements, global and transnational attention of international rules and organizations – due to the existence of two groups that are vulnerable and noteworthy of the global community, i. e. women and children-altogether cause globalization to have faster and further influence on family law. On the other hand, liturgical and transactional nature of the rules of family law and existence of rooted traditions in the domain of relevant issues, are considered among moderating or resisting factors against family transformations. This paper utilizing a documentary research method has investigated how globalization has impacted family law and pointed out its opportunities and threats, and has studied the solutions to protect family law against global harming with regards to capabilities of Islamic Law. The rich Shiite jurisprudence utilizing the Ijtihad instrument, can meet the needs and requirements of the time and along with the fast and easy exchange of information, which is one of the opportunities globalization provides, can present the Islamic family law internationally.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    13 (16)
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By the end of bipolar world order, actions of America as the most powerful government in the world came under the spotlight. America was the leader of the western block in the cold war era and Western Europe was considered as the main part of the block which was in the front line in the war against the influence of the Soviet Union. What matters is to explore relations of Europe and America in the new world order era as the two powerful blocks after the cold war. This is investigated and explored in this study utilizing Structural Realism approach and this theory’ s look at this hegemonic order. This paper discusses the challenges facing continuity of the hegemonic power of America, and while looking at the policies of these two powerful poles in the Middle East, analyses the reasons why European counties do not fully follow American policies, which is considered as one of the fundamental challenges facing continuity of America’ s hegemonic power as it claims to be the power behind the world order.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    13 (16)
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Globalization includes multiple massive processes that are mixed with history, and it encompasses a wide range of political, economic and cultural processes. Globalization is bringing the world closer and it makes countries more aware of each other. In other words, the world is fast changing to a social and rather unified atmosphere which is formed by economic, technological, social and political forces such that development of some of these dimensions in one part of the world has significant influence on people’ s lives, institutions and enterprises in other parts of the world. All metropolises are trying to enter this process to benefit from its positive effects. This is a descriptive-analytical and applied study where the data and information have been collected from libraries and first hand official sources and documents. Two cities of Tehran and Istanbul have been selected as comparative case studies. The purpose of the study is to show which of the two cities of Tehran and Istanbul has had more integration into the globalization process. In addition to descriptive data and charts, a t-Test and a Mann-Whitney test were done to see if the differences are significant. Results of the study show that performance of Tehran compared with Istanbul is fractional and Tehran has not been able to compete with Istanbul. Finally, some suggestions for better integration of the metropolis of Tehran into globalization process, such as developing and boosting of international financial services, have been offered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    13 (16)
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of globalization of economy and cycles on markups ( the gap between price and finished cost) of domestic industries. To this end, the index of scope of international relations in terms of commerce has been used as an index of globalization. In this study first, markups have been assessed and then the data related to 131 industries, the four digit code of ISIC, and the industry import data have been utilized. Based on the results of assessing markups in industries, P ˃ MC has been observed in all industries of Iran. After assessing mark ups, the second part of the article deals with the ways variables of cycles and economic globalization have impacted markups of domestic industries utilizing the method of cross sectional data and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). Results of final estimation of the model reveal that the variable of economic globalization has negative effects on domestic industry mark ups. This shows that increase in economic globalization and commerce causes market structure of domestic industries move towards competition. Furthermore, the variable of cycle has a positively significant effect on domestic industries’ markups. Interactive effect of globalization and cycle on markups of domestic industries is negative i. e. introducing the variable of economic globalization to the model reduces the positive effect of cycle variable on markups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Issue: 

    13 (16)
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Nowadays politicians and law enforcement officials are inclined towards proactive and preventive measures due to various reasons such as reducing the cost of realizing criminal justice. However, crime prevention is more efficient when it is based on foundations compatible with characteristics of each class of crimes. Preventing cyber crime, which is a newfound criminal phenomenon, considering its perpetrators and peculiar features such as being transborder, widespread damage, ease of perpetration and young age of its perpetrators, becomes more and more essential. In 2002, United Nations approved a resolution called “ UN Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime” which deals with the framework of actions, fundamental principles, methods and other issues which must be followed by all member countries to prevent crime. This article deals with cyber crime prevention on two principal bases: 1. Adopting preventive approaches based on social development and situations breeding crime, which can be discussed as theoretical approaches to this issue 2. Strategic preventive principles with the centrality of UN Guidelines for the Prevention of Crime which can be considered and analyzed as a reflection of a global approach or an approach in the context of globalization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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