Iraq among its neighbors, The maximum subscription The Islamic Republic of Iran And geopolitical and territorial integrity To any fate that Develop, For the Islamic Republic Considered important, Because it can Political geography of the Islamic Republic of Iran Strongly The threat or strengthen And, accordingly National Security Affect, Therefore, Explain future scenarios Geopolitical developments and territorial integrity of Iraq And evaluation Analyzing their interactions The national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran The main objective of this research. The results also suggest With a view to invoices And key driving forces And the most important cases of uncertainty, Scenarios of future developments in Iraq as follows; Scenario retake the occupied areas of Iraq Of ISIS And split peacefully, Fair and democratic In Iraq (Free and democratic Iraq)-Scenario Solidarity among peoples, Iraqi schools And enhance national power in Iraq (Iraq united and powerful)-scenario Increasing divisions Among the central government, Sunnis and Kurds Initialize a massive civil war In Iraq (Iraqi civil war)-scenario War in Iraq With Turkey (Iraq engaged in foreign wars) Scenario analysis Divide Iraq There are three ways (Iraq decomposed) The results of this research And in review Impact of each of these scenarios The national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, It was found that The most favorable scenario For National Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraqi scenario free And democratic And in this regard, Proposals for the realization of this scenario, is presented.