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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Governments will need to manage their territory and run the country into smaller administrative units for playing their fulfillment role in different fields such as governance, service delivery and the creation of social capital. Although, the divisions to decentralization is undeniable necessity for most countries but the obligatory target logical divisions is more important than any other issues. Any political division of the country should be consistent to non-permanent and permanent changes of state that eventually lead to the country's national survival. National security depends on possibility convenient access of residents to services and facilities. Hence, the divisions should efficiently act with the minimum stress and maximum mutual in order to create coordination and cooperation within regions and among neighboring regions. The purpose of this paper is analyzing the reasons and necessity of dividing the province. This descriptive-analytical research is developed to collect the necessary information through documentary process. At first, this paper has been introduced the current status of political divisions in the province without mentioning the difficulties existed in different parts of the province nowadays. Secondly, the proposed model will be referred to the division of the province and its implementation process. Results of this research has been mentioned to necessity of Fars province division by considering Fars province problems such as horizontally expansion of province, inappropriately development of indicators in province, existence of many cities, and the poor condition of roads. Therefore, the selection of Jahroom, due to its condition as the second political- official center in the province, will be leaded the field of province division smoother.

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With the development of agriculture, the underlying spatial heterogeneity and heterogeneity will be provided in a region. Thus, the necessity of this study is tangible to consider the process of agriculture development in one place. Present study, by understanding the differences in term rate of various indicators, the levels of development, finding existing gap and the type of deprivation in the agricultural sector, is shown Sistan & Baluchestan Province as talented province from agricultural aspect by statistical in manufacturing and cultivation. The population of the whole province of Sistan & Baluchestan has been studied by using two methods of numerical taxonomy and factor analysis within the framework of 51 main and major agricultural indexes through this research. This descriptive-analytical research is developed to analyze the compiled information from agriculture reports and provincial statistical yearbooks. This study is based on this question "which studied cities in this research are successfully appropriated and which are deprived in terms of possessing development of indicators?" that the development of facilities distribution is taking into account. By using SPSS and MATLAB software for data analysis, the results has been showed that Zabul, Zahedan, Saravan, Chabahar and Kash cities are considered in moderately developed Counties category; Iranshahr, Sarbaz, and Sib & Suran Counties are placed in less developed Counties category; and Zabol, Konarak, Nik Shahr and Miyan Kangi are placed in underdeveloped Counties category in term of Agriculture.

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The economists mentioned to the importance of tourism industry as the largest third world's industry. Each country, in different level of development, wants the positive effect of tourism industry on its economic development, communication improvement, promoting the international relationships and peace, improving the life standards, protection of cultural heritage, etc. Tourism has been provided more than 8/7 percentage of the global employment so that it is devoted a job out of 11.5 jobs in the world. However, one of the criticisms of tourism job-making is its seasonality that has bad effects on the job security of the tourism activists. The aim of this descriptive-analytical research is considering the effect of seasonality on two important dimensions of job security in terms of income and identity, and job stability. This research investigates the income average of contractive staff in the different seasons of the year and the opinion of the 105 tourism employees (in the hotel, restaurant and souvenir store sectors of Sarein city) about the seasonality impact on their income and job stability (by using T-test). Results show the income average and distribution of contract staffs in Sarein city that their variations are noticeable seasonally. These indexes reach to their highest amount in summer and decreasing in the spring, autumn and winter. Furthermore, activists of this sector confirm the seasonality impacts on their income extend and sense of job stability. Diversification of the tourism target market; holding up the festivals and events; and incentives such as diverse pricing in the low seasons can moderate unpleasant seasonality impacts.

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Sustainable urban development is extensive and complex subject in growth and development of cities that subsequently some factors such as economic, social, ecological and environmental should be considered. Today, the strengths and weaknesses of development is very controversial issue. The aim of this research is spatial classification, stability and instability analysis of Maku in term of developmental measures. This descriptive-analytical research is applied and developed with an emphasis on comprehensive approach. Quantitative analysis and statistical software such as: Factor analysis, Human Development Index (HDI), Standardized Score with choice of 50 indicators in terms of "social", "economic", "environmental- social", "Institutional-physical" dimension were used to assess stability and inequalities analysis of neighborhoods. Generally, coefficient consolidated index was different among different areas of the city. Results show that there were two neighborhoods in ideal stable groups, 4 neighborhoods in sustainable groups, 3 neighborhoods in semi-stable groups, 3 neighborhoods in weak stable groups, and 2 neighborhoods in instability from 14 neighborhoods. On the basis of Human Development Index (HID), 12th and 13th quarters in respect of stability coefficient "928664.0" and "926906.4" as ideal stable groups, and 5 th and 7 th quarters with lower stability coefficient 92.90068" and 92.99004 "as instability quarters are recognized via Standardized Score model. Based on the factor analysis, the most desirable average stability of Maku city in the economic term was "92999999.040" and the most undesirable average stability in the institutional - physical term was - " 929999990.60"2.

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After the 1980s, the concept of sustainable development as a fundamental strategy was reported for the United Nations World Conservation and Land Brandt. Sustainable urban development has important role in the heart of sustainable development concept. Simultaneously happening of rapid urbanization with the emergence and development of capitalism in Iran, in which the capital accumulation and focused urban space had been occurred, did not have any result in the instability urban development. The main objective of this quantitative and analytical research refers to consider the sustainability development of Abhar urban areas. A documentary library studies and the ELECTERE model were used for qualitative analysis of sustainability in Abhars urban area. Finally, the available information and the collected data indicate four different areas in Abhar in term of sustainable urban development. Subsequently, the necessity of better planning to increase sustainable urban development is tangible in four areas of Abhar.

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This paper aims to estimate Recreational value and willingness to pay of visitors of Rudbal dam in Darab Township in Fars province. For this purpose, Conditional Valuation Method and dual choice questionnaire were used. Logit model was used to determine factors affecting willingness to pay of visitors. Data were collected from a random sample of 600 visitors. Results showed that 36 percent of visitors were ready to pay 9216/31 Rials, on the average, for recreational purposes and yearly total recreational value was amounted to over 13 milliard Rials. Level of income and education were among most important factors affecting willingness to pay to visit the site.

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The main aim of rural development programs is achieving a suitable model for the distribution of settlements, resources and activities based on land capacity. The aim of this descriptive-analytical research refers to study of developed and underdeveloped rural settlements. The population of this study is rural settlements from central section of Urmia. Data obtained from the agriculture department of the province and census housing survey that had been done in 1390. For analyzing data, the TOPSIS model was used for considering rural development level, the hierarchical cluster analysis was used to identify clusters of development and regression model was used to analyze causal rural development. The results show that about 81 and 82 percent of developed and high developed rural have been set in agricultural land, irrigated mixed farming and gardens that 68 and 62 percent of these places are located on the slopes of zero to 2 percent. 24 and 15 percent of total villages, that located 5 km from the city and intercity networks, are developed and highly developed respectively. Finally, the regression model also shows that development level of the rural settlements is 3 percent more than cities.

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Rural tourism as complex activity is in common from different aspects to other sectors of society that all aspects of its implication should be considered in the planning process to minimize its negative effects and raise positive effects on economic, socio-cultural and ecological. The aim of this study refers to assess the negative impacts of tourism development in the Kandovan village of the East Azerbaijan province. The census population of this study is consisting of 114 households in the Kandovan that they were selected by Cochran sampling. in this research survey, factor analysis and SPSS software were used to analyze the collected data from conducted questionnaires. The results has been shown the negative impacts of tourism development in the Kandovan village such as negative changes in the traditional custom of village; adverse changes in economic activity and income gap; quarterly revenues and rising commodity prices; increasing environmental pollution; and destroying buildings and monuments .These six factors together explain 82.660% of the variance. Also, most of the negative effects of tourism development in the Kandovan village is the first factor with 31.729% variance. The effect factor of behavior and lifestyle of tourists on the lifestyle and custom of the Kandovan villagers (Change of clothes, speaking style, etc.) is very tangible with 0.934 load factor.

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In this research, climate regionalization of the south and south-west of Iran has been identified on the basis of multivariate statistical methods. For this purpose, we used 15 climatic variables in 30 meteorological stations. By performing interpolation of variables, a matrix was created in configuration R2669*15 that rows and columns, respectively, are included of space and variables. Factor analysis revealed that 3 factors such as precipitation, temperature and humidity are affected the climate of case study area. Precipitation data explains the maximum variance in diffraction pattern and weight along the Zagros Mountains. More than 30 percent of the data variance is explained by temperature and the highest weight is located in the low- height areas of the south-western slopes of Zagros Mountains. Finally, humidity explains10 percent of total variance and expands in the coastal areas. Finally, the cluster analysis method identified three distinct climatic zones. The climatic zones are included: 1. Hot and humid region (the Persian Gulf shores and the Khozestan province), 2.Hot and arid region (the south-east parts of study area) and 3.Cold and high rainfall region (the highlands of Zagros Mountains). In order to evaluate the results, discrimination analysis and difference tests are used. The results showed that more than 97 percent of group members have lain in the correct location.

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Researches indicate that considerable share of energy consumption is allocated to housing construction sector. On the other hand, the average consumption of energy in Iran residential buildings is 2.58 times more than the world standard energy consumption. In fact, the residential sector, by allotting the portion more than 41.9 % of energy resources, is the major energy consumer sector in Iran. It should be mentioned that not only the potential energy savings in residential sector is more than the other sectors, but also the possibility of reduction of energy consumption in this sector is easier and with less investment than the other sectors. Therefore, the essentiality presentation an oriented energy pattern for the Iranian house is very tangible. The importance of the presentation oriented energy pattern has specially been enhanced after facing to the multi-prices and multi-periods energy applications. The aim of present research refers to modeling oriented energy pattern for Iranian house by presenting a mathematical model for optimization of multi-periods and multi-prices energies by considering consumption portfolio. The mathematical model is then solved by two methods such as BLP and HDC, separately. For evaluating the degree of efficiency of the proposed algorithm, Shiraz city residential sector has been chosen as the statistical population, and the energy consumption data (electricity and gas) of 270 Iranian houses were deployed. The obtained results from two methods of BLP and HDC indicate the optimal management of limited resources of energy , the amount of recourses usage in each period, and also a decrease in energy consumption costs about 26.1% and 30.5% (by HDC and BLP, respectively) compared to the real data.

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