Sustainable urban development is extensive and complex subject in growth and development of cities that subsequently some factors such as economic, social, ecological and environmental should be considered. Today, the strengths and weaknesses of development is very controversial issue. The aim of this research is spatial classification, stability and instability analysis of Maku in term of developmental measures. This descriptive-analytical research is applied and developed with an emphasis on comprehensive approach. Quantitative analysis and statistical software such as: Factor analysis, Human Development Index (HDI), Standardized Score with choice of 50 indicators in terms of "social", "economic", "environmental- social", "Institutional-physical" dimension were used to assess stability and inequalities analysis of neighborhoods. Generally, coefficient consolidated index was different among different areas of the city. Results show that there were two neighborhoods in ideal stable groups, 4 neighborhoods in sustainable groups, 3 neighborhoods in semi-stable groups, 3 neighborhoods in weak stable groups, and 2 neighborhoods in instability from 14 neighborhoods. On the basis of Human Development Index (HID), 12th and 13th quarters in respect of stability coefficient "928664.0" and "926906.4" as ideal stable groups, and 5 th and 7 th quarters with lower stability coefficient 92.90068" and 92.99004 "as instability quarters are recognized via Standardized Score model. Based on the factor analysis, the most desirable average stability of Maku city in the economic term was "92999999.040" and the most undesirable average stability in the institutional - physical term was - " 929999990.60"2.