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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The most important steps that can affect the actual performance of journals are the evaluation, validation, and correct ranking of scientific journals, Because the journals placed in the top positions always have more chances to receive points and better opportunities. Increasing the chances of receiving high-quality articles from prominent authors and then being in the spotlight of the specialized field and providing better grounds for moving in the center of influencing the global flow of specialized knowledge are among the advantages that a journal gains as a result of being placed in the top positions. However, the performance of citation databases such as JCR, Scimago, and PJCR is of particular importance,and as much as the correct functioning of these databases can lead to the correct ranking of journals, their incorrect functioning can lead to unrealistic and incorrect validation and ranking of journals. In the meantime, the subject classification considered by databases for journals is regarded as one of the most important factors affecting their validation and correct ranking. Because it gives sense to the position of journals, and it is of great importance to show the real position of specialized journals. Since many journal evaluation indices such as IF, SJR, Q, and the like determine the rank of journals covered by the database through the subject area in that journal and comparing it to other journals in that subject area, the importance of subject classification that the database considers for journals will be more understandable. Perhaps with the inappropriate subject classification of journals by databases such as JCR, Scimago, and PJCR and placing subspecialized, specialized, and semi-specialized journals of a field next to each other the ranking of some valuable specialized journals even introduced as Q1 journals for years have been faced with uncertainty and the risk of degradation,Because naturally, due to the limited audience of specialized journals, each subject group will have a lower chance of receiving citations than the specialized and semi-specialized journals in the same subject group. And if the ranking of the current journals in each subject group is done regardless of the sub-specialized, specialized, and semi-specialized subject areas of the journals and only based on the number of citations they receive, it cannot be expected to convey reliable and correct messages about the true status of journals to the scientific community,and without a doubt, there will be many gaps in scientific fairness. For example, we can refer to the LIS subject classification in the JCR database. In recent years, by adding a significant number of journals in the field of management to the subject group of LIS, competition is hardened for journals focusing on the specialized and sub-specialized layers of this field such as scientometrics, information organization, and the like,And it has decreased the chances of receiving citations for specialized journals in this field. The same criticism is applied to the PJCR base in ISC on a much wider level. There are many specialized journals in this database, which have been degraded in terms of Q and gradually moved to lower ranks according to the macroscopic view of the subject classification, which is expected to improve the subject classification system of journals in that database, evaluating the journals by including sub-specialized and specialized layers Journals are made. On the other hand, this database is expected to improve the transparency of the results it provides for the evaluation of journals by establishing a link between the citation statistics and the cited records of the journals it covers and guiding the journals to obtain more accurate information. For instance, it would be desirable for a journal in the field of knowledge and information science to know how many citations are received from journals in the macro-level subject (for example, humanities and social sciences), and how many citations are from journals in the middlelevel subject. (for example, librarianship, archive, and codicology and manuscript research) and how many citations from the present journals were in the micro-level subject (library and information sciences)? Despite this, it seems that the Q assigned to the journals has been calculated and determined based on the total citations received from the journals present in PJCR, including the journals present at the macro, medium, and micro subject levels. In this case, since the specialized journals of each field are not comparable with the semi-specialized journals of their field in terms of the number of readers, the evaluation results of the journals provided by this database will not reflect the real and correct position of the subspecialized journals without including the specialized considerations emphasized in scientometrics. In this way, what is more, worthy of consideration is whether the evaluation and ranking of journals in the form of incorrect subject groups can be aligned with scientific fairness and show the true status and quality of journals. And in order to move in the direction of scientific fairness, instead of relying on macro subject groups that contain a significant amount of unbalanced journals, should not the rankings and citation validations of journals be based on small subject groups that represent the main and real subject area of the journal? ?

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    2 (پیاپی 16)
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ارزیابی، اعتبارسنجی و رتبه بندی صحیح مجلات علمی، از مهم ترین گام هایی است که می تواند عملکرد واقعی مجلات را تحت تاثیر قرار دهد؛ زیرا مجلاتی که در جایگاه های برتر قرار می گیرند، همواره از شانس بیشتری برای دریافت امتیازها و فرصت های بهتر برخوردار می شوند. افزایش شانس دریافت مقالات باکیفیت تر از نویسندگان برجسته تر و در پی آن قرارگیری در کانون توجهات حوزه تخصصی و فراهم شدن زمینه های بهتر برای حرکت در مرکز تاثیرگذاری بر جریان جهانی دانش تخصصی، از جمله مزیت هایی است که یک مجله در نتیجه قرارگیری در جایگاه های برتر کسب می کند. با وجود این، نحوه عملکرد پایگاه های استنادی رتبه بندی کننده مجلات نظیر JCR، Scimago و PJCR از اهمیت خاصی برخوردار است و به همان اندازه که عملکرد صحیح این پایگاه ها می تواند به رتبه بندی درست مجلات منجر شود، عملکرد ناصحیح آنها می تواند به اعتبارسنجی و رتبه بندی غیرواقعی و نادرست مجله ها بیانجامد. در این میان، طبقه بندی موضوعی که پایگاه ها برای مجلات در نظر می گیرند به دلیل این که به جایگاه مجلات معنا می بخشد، یکی از مهم ترین عوامل موثر بر اعتبارسنجی و رتبه بندی صحیح آنها محسوب می شود و برای نشان دادن جایگاه واقعی مجلات تخصصی، از اهمیت بسزایی برخوردار است. از آنجایی که بسیاری از شاخص های ارزیابی مجلات نظیر IF، SJR، Q و مانند آن، رتبه مجلات تحت پوشش پایگاه را تحت تاثیر حوزه موضوعی مربوط به آن مجله و در مقایسه با سایر مجلاتی که در آن حوزه موضوعی قرار گرفته اند تعیین می کنند، اهمیت طبقه بندی موضوعی که پایگاه برای مجلات در نظر می گیرد بیش از پیش قابل درک خواهد بود. چه بسا با طبقه بندی موضوعی ناصحیح مجلات توسط پایگاه هایی مانند JCR، Scimago و PJCR و قرار دادن مجلات فوق تخصصی، تخصصی و نیمه تخصصی یک حوزه در کنار یکدیگر، رتبه برخی از مجلات فوق تخصصی ارزشمند که حتی سال ها به عنوان مجلات Q1 و هسته حوزه موضوعی خود نیز معرفی شده اند، با تزلزل و خطر تنزل روبرو شده باشد؛ چرا که به طور طبیعی به دلیل محدودتر بودن تعداد مخاطبان مجلات فوق تخصصی هر گروه موضوعی، آنها نسبت به مجلات تخصصی و نیمه تخصصی حاضر در همان گروه موضوعی از شانس کمتری برای دریافت استناد برخوردار خواهند بود و چنانچه رتبه بندی مجلات حاضر در هر گروه موضوعی بدون توجه به زمینه های موضوعی فوق تخصصی، تخصصی و نیمه تخصصی مجلات و صرفا بر مبنای میزان استنادهای دریافتی آنها صورت پذیرد، نمی توان انتظار داشت که پیام های قابل اتکا و صحیحی را در خصوص جایگاه واقعی مجلات به جامعه علمی منتقل کند و بی تردید با عدالت علمی نیز فاصله های بسیار خواهد داشت. به عنوان مثالی از این دست، می توان به طبقه بندی موضوعی LIS در پایگاه JCR اشاره کرد که در طی سال های اخیر با افزودن تعداد قابل توجهی از مجلات حوزه مدیریت به گروه موضوعی LIS، عرصه رقابت را برای مجلاتی که بر لایه های تخصصی و فوق تخصصی این حوزه نظیر علم سنجی، سازماندهی اطلاعات و مانند آن تمرکز دارند تنگ کرده و شانس دریافت استناد را برای مجلات فوق تخصصی این حوزه کاهش داده است. روشن است که حوزه مدیریت برای حوزه LIS حوزه ای نیمه تخصصی محسوب می شود و مقالات این دسته از مجلات برای طیف وسیعی از مخاطبان و پژوهشگران از داخل و خارج از LIS، از جمله برای حوزه های مدیریت، مهندسی و مانند آن نیز مطرح و قابل استناد است. از طرفی، هیچ گاه مجلات کاملا تخصصی و فوق تخصصی به لحاظ تعداد مخاطبان و تعداد استنادهای دریافتی با مجلات نیمه تخصصی قابل مقایسه نبوده و از توان رقابتی با این مجلات برخوردار نخواهند بود و مقایسه و رتبه بندی آنها در کنار یکدیگر و در زیر یک گروه موضوعی، نتایجی به دور از عدالت علمی به دست خواهد داد. به عنوان نمونه، در پایگاه JCR می توان به مجلات فوق تخصصی و وزین Scientometrics و Journal of Informetrics اشاره کرد که در میدان رقابت با طیف وسیعی از مجلات نیمه تخصصی حاضر در گروه LIS جا مانده و در سال های اخیر به تدریج از Q1 به Q2 تنزل پیدا کرده اند. همین انتقاد در سطحی به مراتب وسیع تر به پایگاه PJCR در ISC نیز وارد است و مجلات فوق تخصصی بسیاری در این پایگاه وجود دارند که با توجه به کلان نگری طبقه بندی موضوعی، به لحاظ Q تنزل یافته و به تدریج به رتبه های پایین تر منتقل شده اند که انتظار می رود با اصلاح نظام طبقه بندی موضوعی مجلات در آن پایگاه، ارزیابی مجلات با لحاظ کردن لایه های تخصصی و فوق تخصصی مجلات صورت پذیرد. ازسویی دیگر، انتظار می رود این پایگاه با برقراری لینک میان آمارهای استنادی و رکوردهای استناد شده مجلات تحت پوشش خود، شفافیت نتایجی که برای ارزیابی مجلات ارایه می دهد را ارتقاء بخشد و مجلات را به سوی کسب اطلاعات دقیق تر رهنمون سازد. به عنوان نمونه، برای یک مجله حوزه علم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی مطلوب خواهد بود که بداند چه میزان از استنادهای دریافتی، از مجلات حاضر در موضوع سطح کلان (مثلا علوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعی)، چه میزان از استنادها از مجلات حاضر در موضوع سطح میانی (مثلا کتابداری، آرشیو و نسخه پژوهی) و چه میزان از استنادها از مجلات حاضر در موضوع سطح خرد (علوم کتابداری و اطلاع رسانی) بوده است؟ با وجود این، به نظر می رسد هم اکنون Q تخصیص یافته به مجلات، با اتکا به کل استنادهای دریافتی از مجلات حاضر در PJCR، اعم از مجلات حاضر در سطح موضوعی کلان، میانی و خرد محاسبه و تعیین شده باشد. در این صورت، از آنجا که مجلات فوق تخصصی هر حوزه به لحاظ تعداد مخاطبان به هیچ عنوان با مجلات نیمه تخصصی حوزه خود قابل مقایسه نیستند، نتایج ارزیابی مجلات عرضه شده توسط این پایگاه بدون لحاظ کردن ملاحظات تخصصی مورد تاکید در علم سنجی، منعکس کننده جایگاه واقعی و صحیح مجلات فوق تخصصی نخواهد بود. به این ترتیب آنچه بیش از پیش جای تامل دارد این است که آیا ارزیابی و رتبه بندی مجلات در قالب گروه های موضوعی ناصحیح می تواند با عدالت علمی همسو باشد و جایگاه و کیفیت واقعی مجلات را به نمایش بگذارد؟ و آیا نباید برای حرکت در مسیر عدالت علمی، بجای تکیه بر گروه های موضوعی کلان که حجم قابل توجهی از مجلات نامتوازن را در خود جای می دهد، رتبه بندی ها و اعتبارسنجی های استنادی مجلات را به گروه های موضوعی خرد که بیانگر زمینه موضوعی اصلی و واقعی مجله است متکی کرد؟

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Purpose: Achieving the goals of the country's vision document from the scientific and research aspect, where Iran is a developed country with the first economic and scientific position in the region, requires comprehensive participation and scientific mobility of the country's universities, research institutes, and researchers. Achieving such a position will not be achieved except with efficient scientific planning and policy, which requires monitoring and evaluation, identifying weaknesses and deficiencies in the field of scientific production, determining research priorities, and targeting scientific movements. So this research intends to identify the border between the actual and potential capabilities of the country's research system and analyze the possibility of reaching adjacent scientific fields by relying on the scientific complexity approach. Also, examining the priorities of the National Master Plan for Science and Education, due to its importance in realizing the goals of the vision document in the field of science and technology, is another goal of this research, which can finally provide suggestions for policymakers in the field of science, technology, and innovation, as well as institutions in charge of this in the country, especially the headquarters of the National Master Plan for Science and Education, for the optimal updating of these priorities and efficient planning. Methodology: This research is a scientometrics study conducted using the scientific complexity index. The research data is the bibliographic information of the top 50 countries in terms of citation at the SCImago database. To analyze the data, the scientific fitness of nations and the complexity of scientific domains, distance, opportunity value, and, opportunity gain and proximity have been calculated using the methods presented in the Atlas of Economic Complexity. Findings: Examining the priorities of the National Master Plan for Science and Education showed that we produce science in half of them. Thirty of the priorities are located very far from Iran's proximity border and out of 38 proposed fields in this research as adjacent sciences, there are only 7 scientific fields in the priorities of this policy document. It is interesting to note that most of them are sciences from the field of humanities and Islamic studies and are equivalent to social sciences in the Scopus classification. In fact, according to the findings of this research, humanities are emphasized in the comprehensive map, but in most of these priorities, they are presented at levels B and C. Unfortunately, only one of the 38 proposed fields is included in the National Master Plan for Science and Education priorities in the field of physical sciences, which has the most frequency and proximity to Iran. From the field of health, only one bioinformatics field among the 7 discussed fields is included in the map, and it is expected that, like social sciences, more fields will be prioritized in the National Master Plan for Science and Education, because there are some capabilities and potentials in Iran to enter these areas. Conclustion: The leading countries in the field of science and technology, in addition to increasing the number of publications and the number of citations, do not limit their scientific productions to a few areas, and these countries diversify their research system as much as they can. But the less developed countries produce science in few ubiquity areas. Since the governments play an essential role in making major decisions and regulating the upstream documents of the country, therefore the duty of the government is to determine and provide the necessary capabilities to improve the position of scientific competition and guide the education and research system of the country towards high complexity sciences. To find that what kind of diversity is suitable for the scientific development of countries,based on the findings of this study, strategies have been presented to diversify the research system as well as update the priorities of the National Master Plan for Science and Education using the scientific complexity index.

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Purpose: In this research, the way of scientific cooperation among professors of educational sciences among scientific groups is investigated and it is clear how knowledge is transferred in scientific cooperation networks between them and what is the contribution of each of them in the production of scientific articles published in the country. The present study was conducted to study the Co-authorship network of faculty members in the field of education of Governmental universities of Tehran and review authorship patterns in 2795 published articles in scientific journals. Methodology: This study was conducted scientometric approach and social network analysis method. The statistical population of the research includes the internally published articles of the faculty members of educational sciences of Tehran universities, which were published by scientific research journals and periodicals and uploaded to the citation indexes of the sciences of the Islamic world science center and Magiran. 2795 articles that were indexed in these databases from 1377 to 1395 were examined with the available sample method. Since in the sample selection process, it was not possible to access all the articles of faculty members, and as a result, it was not possible to select samples using random methods, therefore, the available sample method was used to select the samples. The number of co-authors for each member was entered in a table in Excel software. The matrix was created manually. The result was a 106*106 matrix. Configure the Co-authorship network for the publication of internal papers was investigated using the macro indicators network analysis such as Density, clustering coefficient, mean distance, connectedness, and diameter of the network and for analyzing the performance of each faculty member with a compilation in the network, was used the micro indexes of the analysis of networks such as Indices degree centrality, betweenness, closeness, and eigenvector. To analyze and draw information obtained from the network were used U. C. I. Net software and its complementary package Net Drew. Findings: The pattern of three authorships has been the most important collaborative pattern in the articles studied (%30). The network is composed of 106 nodes and 461 ties. The study of micro indicators showed that individuals such as Ali Delavar, Mahmoud Mehrmohammadi, Abbas Abbaspour, Mahboobeh Arefi, and Khosrow Bagheri with the highest degree of scientific collaboration with other writers, are the most participant in the network. Based on the analysis of the network structure in terms of micro-indices that indicate the individual's performance in the network, it can be said that according to the degree centrality index, people such as Mahmoud Mehrmohammadi, Korosh Fathi Vajargah, Mohammad Attaran, and Khosro Bagheri have a prominent position and influence And their power in the network is higher than other members and they have the most scientific influence and these people somehow control the flow of information in the network. The analysis of macro indicators also showed that the density of the mentioned network was 0. 114, so the network did not have sufficient Cohesion. Therefore, the current network is of a discrete type and the flow of information is slow. In other words, the connection between the nodes is low and the network has low coherence and there are many holes in it. Conclustion: Examining the writing patterns of the professors showed that the pattern of three writings in the published internal articles took the largest share, which was the result of the cooperation of the professors with students and other researchers rather than the cooperation of the professors with each other,Also, the examination of micro and macro indicators also showed that the scientific cooperation of professors in the field of educational sciences in the public universities of Tehran is not favorable.

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    2 (16)
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Purpose: Postgraduate theses are considered to be one of the sources with a high capacity to solve related problems in society. Students choose the subject based on different criteria, such as personal preferences, work experience, and current problems in their field, which change at any point in time depending on the conditions of that point. The trends that have existed in the field of theses topics in certain periods of time can be tracked and quantitatively analyzed with scientometric analysis. The purposes of this paper are to determine the most frequent topics of theses in the field of urban and regional planning at Shahid Beheshti University (2006-2016),outline the co-occurrence of the topics in these theses,and compare them with the most important problems in this field. The general question of this paper is that during the 10-year period from 2006 to 2016, what the trends in the selection of theses topics in Shahid Beheshti University were, and how much these topics dealt with the problems and challenges that were raised as urban and regional problems during this period Methodology: Due to the position of Shahid Beheshti University as one of the oldest and largest academic centers in the country, which has created and offered this field since 1356, theses of this university have been selected as the case study of this paper. By using the method of network analysis and drawing the co-occurrence graph of theses topics, a clear picture based on quantitative data of the topics chosen by the students in a 10-year time period has been drawn. The co-occurrence of 181 key words was analyzed using betweenness and degree centrality indicators. Urban and regional challenges were also extracted by content analysis. Finally, a comparison between these challenges and problems with the most central subject areas of the thesis was conducted. Findings: ―, Sustainable development‖,is the most widely used keyword in these theses that also acts as a connecting factor to other concepts. The five most common keywords except for ―, sustainable development‖,are evaluation, urban regeneration, distressed areas, and tourism. Comparing the central keywords with the urban and regional planning problems indicates that subjects such as water crisis and air pollution, weakness of the compensation regulations, shortcomings of urban transportation systems, and urban housing are topics that have been ignored in the theses. Conclustion: The problems expressed in the documents reviewed in this article can be divided into six main issues strengthening the institutional and legal structure supporting urban and regional planning, spatial justice, environmental sustainability, efficient transportation system, urban regeneration/revitalization, organizing urban housing and organizing urban spaces. Findings show that the main urban and planning challenges have been pursued in theses as a whole. Among the challenges raised in the researched sources, spatial justice and urban regeneration are the issues that are most compatible with the central issues of theses. About the two issues of strengthening the institutional and legal structure supporting urban, and regional planning and environmental sustainability, although some aspects of these issues have been raised in theses, items like the weakness of the restorative rights system, the undesiredness of the urban cost-income system, the lack of Water resources, air pollution, urban waste and greenhouse gas production have not been raised as central issues. In the two subjects of urban transportation and urban housing, the least correspondence with the central subjects of theses can be traced, so none of the central subjects can be considered as directly responding to these two challenges of the urban and regional planning system in the country. Regarding the reason why urban revitalization is important in these theses, we can point to the impact of discussions and decisions of the public sector that have been expressed in speeches (Akhundi, 2015 A & Akhundi, 2015 B), specialized meetings and seminars, and drafting laws.

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Purpose: Informed peer-review university ranking systems like REF involve peer review to achieve high-quality university performance evaluations while considering bibliometric facts. Despite its advantages and methodological success, it is not possible to implement the review-based exercise in all countries due to unaffordable costs, vulnerability to bias, and differences in cultural, economic, managerial, and infrastructural conditions. As an alternative, some science systems prefer to consider using the results of international university rankings to gauge the academic performance of their higher education institutions. Using a different methodology, the international ranking systems tend to maintain their efficiency by heavily relying on the bibliometric information extracted from databases, the performance data gathered from official authorities, and academic and employer surveys. This gives rise to the question of to what extent these two types of systems are convergent in their results. If their different methodologies lead to similar results, they could be interpreted to have similar effectiveness in their evaluation of academic performance. Therefore, by relying on the results of the international ranking systems, one can avoid the shortcomings of the review-based method, and maintain both the efficiency and effectiveness of the evaluation systems. To reveal the convergence of the results obtained from the methods, the present study explores a sample of British universities evaluated by REF (2014) to investigate the correlation between their scores in REF and the world’, s prestigious university rankings. Methodology: Using a quantitative content analysis method, the present study concentrates on a collection of 150 British universities evaluated simultaneously by REF (2014) and at least one of the world's prestigious ranking systems including QS, THE, Leiden and ARWU. Due to the small size of the population, all REF members are examined without sampling. The evaluation results of these universities are extracted from these systems and entered into a checklist. Also, the subject fields and disciplines covered by the universities are collected to investigate their probable effects on the results. The universities’,subject coverage similarity is calculated using the Cosine similarity measure and K Nearest Neighbor technique in the KNIME data mining platform. Finally, correlation and regression analyses are applied to analyze the data. Findings: UK universities’,scores in REF are found to be significantly correlated to theirs in international ranking systems. They are highly correlated to QS and THE’, s, while being moderately associated with ARWU’, s, and weakly-to-strongly correlated to Leiden’, s. The regression analyses show no significant effects of subject coverage on the overall scores, except for medical tendency’, s effect on QS. However, the subject coverage affects some dimension scores. While it does not significantly predict any of the dimensions of ARWU, it partially predicts the Citations and Industry Income dimensions in THE, with medical and technical, and engineering subjects respectively having the highest positive predicting power. In QS, the subject coverage partially predicts the dimensions of Academic reputation, Faculty/student ratio, International faculty ratio, International student ratio, and Citation Per faculty. Medical science has the highest positive effect on the dimensions of Academic reputation, Faculty/student ratio, and Citations per faculty. Moreover, basic sciences have the highest negative effect on the International student ratio and International faculty ratio. Also, the subject coverage can predict Leiden scores for the dimensions PP (top 10%) (i. e. the proportion of a university’, s publications that, compared with other publications in the same field and the same year, belong to the top 10% most frequently cited), MCS (i. e. the average number of citations of the publications of a university), MNCS (i. e. the average number of citations of the publications of a university, normalized for field and publication year), PP(collab) (i. e. the proportion of a university’, s publications that have been co-authored with one or more other organizations), PP(int collab) (i. e. the proportion of a university’, s publications that have been co-authored by two or more countries), PP(industry) (i. e. the proportion of a university’, s publications that have been co-authored with one or more industrial organizations) and PP(>1000 km) (i. e. the proportion of a university’, s publications with a geographical collaboration distance of more than 1000 km). Medical science has the highest positive predictive power for the scores in all the mentioned dimensions except for PP(industry). Conclustion: The results of REF, as a peer-review-based university ranking informed with bibliometric data, are highly correlated to those of the international evaluations based on performance statistics and enriched by surveys, while being moderately correlated to those performed by just performance statistics. The subject coverage impact on the rankings challenges the application of the results in comparing universities with different subject coverages.

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Purpose: Science production through the publication of articles in indexed journals is one of the most important outputs of higher education centers. Today, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of scientific articles is one of the usual methods of evaluating the research activities of universities. The managers of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad have always been concerned about the level of scientific production of their faculty members in order to maintain and improve the scientific status of the university. The publication of academic faculty members' articles in different years can be affected by various factors which identifying them can help the university managers in planning and policy-making in order to achieve the goal of increasing the growth of science production. Methodology: There are studies conducted about the influence of effective factors on the production of science, but most are qualitative and limited to the identification of the factors and have not focused on measuring the factors qualitatively. This research is based on a mixed-exploratory approach that seeks to discover the influencing factors in the number of publications of international scientific articles and the effective scenarios for its growth. This research has been done in two qualitative and quantitative phases. In the qualitative phase, using the Delphi method, which identified the key factors influencing the increase in the number of articles published, and in the quantitative phase, using the system dynamics method, which evaluated the impact of each factor and finally determined the best scenarios. Findings: In the first phase of this research, some influential factors in the publication of articles by the faculty members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad were identified by reviewing the sources and using the content analysis method. Then, using the Delphi method, the identified factors were available to experts, which included 20 faculty members in the five fields of pure sciences, engineering, agriculture and biological sciences, behavioral sciences, and humanities with the highest number of published articles. In the second phase conducted using the system dynamics method, the data related to the factors identified between 2005 and 2019 were collected, and after determining their logical relationships and drawing a causal-circular diagram, their dynamic diagram was used to examine the extent of their influence on each other was drawn. The results obtained from the review of sources and experts' opinions led to the identification of five key factors and variables, which are: increase in the recruitment of doctoral students, increase in the recruitment of master's students, increase in research projects, increase in sabbatical leaves and increase in a grant. In the second phase, after obtaining the dynamic diagram and data analysis in the simulation model, the initial results showed that the average article of each faculty member in the target year (2030) with the increase of the doctoral student variable is 35. 36, the master student variable is 31. 88, the grant variable is 31. 51, The research project variable will be 31. 47 and the sabbatical leave variable will be 31. 2. But by calculating the cost-effectiveness of each of the variables in order to have a better strategic plan by increasing the budget of each variable by an equal amount, the average articles of each faculty member in the target year was: Ph. D. student 36. 62, sabbatical leave 31. 77, research project 31. 37, master's student 31. 19 and grant 31. 16 Conclustion: According to the obtained results, three scenarios were suggested as the best scenarios to increase the number of articles by academic staff members at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Increasing the number of doctoral students, both with limited financial resources and with regard to a limited budget, is considered the best scenario for in-creasing the number of articles. Assuming that the university does not have a policy to increase the ratio of doctoral students to faculty members for any reason, the best scenario after that is to invest in the sabbatical leave variable. Currency restrictions and the absence of faculty members in the university may make the sabbatical leave not among the priorities of the university. Therefore, in this case, the third proposal scenario-based to increase the faculty members’,articles on this research is to increase the number of research projects.

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Purpose: In recent years, the increasing growth of entrepreneurship research has created the need to target scientific research in this field in the country and also in the entrepreneurship faculty of Tehran University. By using various scientometric techniques, the status of these studies should be examined and studied from different viewpoints. So this study aims to analyze the structure of social network co-occurrence and Co-authorship of scientific documents produced by researchers of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship of the University of Tehran in the Scopus database during the years 2008 to 2020. Methodology: This study in terms of purpose is an applied and descriptive scientometrics, which has been done methodologically with co-word analysis and network analysis. The collected data (on September 10, 2020, corresponding to September 20, 2019) were analyzed using Excel software. VOSviewer software was used to draw the maps and UCINet software was used to analyze social networks using centrality metrics. Findings: Findings show that a total of 236 scientific documents has been indexed by researchers of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship of the University of Tehran in the Scopus database, that all these documents are presented in English and in 5 different types, that the Journal articles rank first with 176 records in the Scopus database. Since 2014, scientific productions in this field have started their growth period and in 2018, they have reached their growth period. "Contributions to Management Science" Journal with the publication of 20 articles, the "Iranian Entrepreneurship: Deciphering the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Iran and in the Iranian Diaspora" Journal with 14 articles and the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business with 11 articles, considered as the core Journals for the researchers of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship of Tehran University. In terms of the number of citations, the articles have had an upward and favorable trend since 2015 and the H index calculated in the Scopus database in the field of entrepreneurship in a 13-year period shows the number 17. The most cooperation in the production of this research has been with the United Kingdom, Australia, and Denmark. Seyed Mojtabi Sajjadi, Mohammad Reza Zali, Afsana Bagheri, and Aydin Salamzadeh have the most scientific products, respectively. In the study of the co-occurrence network of entrepreneurship field in the Scopus database, 13 topic clusters were identified, which are the largest clusters, respectively, "supply chain management", "multi-criteria decision management" and "organizational entrepreneurship". the supply chain management cluster is the largest cluster. In terms of the centrality index, Seyed Mojtabi Sajjadi with a centrality score of 42, Mohammad Reza Zali with a centrality score of 25, and Kambiz Talebi with a centrality score of 20 are in the first to third ranks. Also, in terms of the closeness centrality index, Mohammad Azizi with a centrality score of 909, Kayhan Taj-aldini with a centrality score of 909, and Nader Seyed Amiri with a centrality score of 901 had the highest degree of closeness. According to the centrality index, Kambiz Talebi with a centrality score of 095. 1405, Seyed Mojtabi Sajjadi with a centrality score of 968. 1312, and Jahangir Yadalhi Farsi with a centrality score of 224. 758 are in a good position in the network. In terms of the centrality index of the special vector, Seyed Mojtabi Sajjadi with a centrality score of 1, Mohammad Reza Zali with a centrality score of 57. 0, and Nizamuddin Faqih with a centrality score of 493. 0 were ranked first to third. Conclustion: Since the Faculty of Entrepreneurship can play an active role in the economic growth of the country and increase the employment rate through self-employment, more attention should be paid to this field and active researchers and its thematic trends.

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Purpose: The present study aims to identify the characteristics of scientific productions associated with whistleblowing in the Web of Science database and to detect the thematic attitudes towards these scientific productions in different leading countries (the United States, England, and Australia). Methodology: The present descriptive-analytical research has been conducted according to the scientometric approach and using content analysis, co-word analysis, and social network analysis techniques. The research community in the first stage consists of all the scientific productions related to whistle-blowing in the Web of Science from 1970 to 9/30/1399. In the next step, the research community includes scientific productions related to the United States with 562 records, England with 187 records, and Australia with 125 records. HistCite, Bib Excel, Gephi, and SPSS software were used for data analysis purposes and the VOS viewer was used to map the intellectual structure of the study. Findings: The number of 1594 scientific productions on the subject of whistle-blowing in 779 journals by 2382 authors from 72 countries have been indexed and published in the Web of Science database,The findings show the upward and continuous growth of scientific productions in this field that in 2018, the highest number of scientific productions in this field (134 records) was recorded and the mean annual growth rate of whistleblowing scientific productions was found to be 38. 13%. Nir J. P. (Indiana University) and Miceli, M. P. (University of Ohio) are ranked first and second in terms of whistleblowing productions and citations, respectively. Indiana University (USA) ranks first in terms of scientific production and citations. The United States, UK and Australia are leading countries in this field. Iran ranks 40th among participating countries with 4 scientific productions. The top scientific fields contributing to this field are business economics with 492, social sciences and other subjects with 290, public law with 260, general internal medicine with 115, and engineering with 99 records. Co-word clustering in the leading countries led to the formation of 8, 6 and 5 clusters, respectively. Among the eight clusters of scientific production of the United States, four clusters whose concepts and vocabulary include "ethics, organization, behavior, countermeasures (retaliation), management, fraud and fraud" since the most frequent and common keywords in whistle-blowing research are in these clusters, so they have a central and important position and are the most important trends of American researchers in this field,Among the six clusters of scientific productions in England, three clusters (yellow, green and purple) include concepts and words with high co-occurrence such as "morality, behavior, retaliation and transparency", since the most frequent and common keywords in whistle-blowing research are in these clusters, so they have a central and important position and are the most important tendencies of English researchers in this field,Among the five clusters of scientific productions in Australia, two clusters (green and red) whose concepts and vocabulary include "ethics, countermeasures, management, financial misconduct and reporting", since the most frequent and common keywords in whistle-blowing research are in these clusters, they have a central and important position, and they are the most important trends of Australian researchers. Whistleblowing has the highest degree of centrality in the scientific productions of leading countries,Keywords: Corruption and fraud, Doping, Innovation, Organizational culture, and whistleblowing have the highest closeness centrality and whistleblowing has the highest betweenness centrality in the leading countries. The United States was found to be the most effective and productive country in the field of whistleblowing. Conclustion: The dissemination of scientific productions in the field of whistleblowing in the leading countries has an upward trend and is mostly related to the keywords of recent years, although the United States and the United Kingdom are older in scientific productions in this field. Hot topics in the scientific productions of these countries are retaliation, ethics, behavior, information, organization, management, corruption and culture.

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Purpose: The formation of a knowledge-based economy is one of the central policies of today's societies. The main factor of growth in this economy is the creation of technology, new knowledge, and the application of advanced technology. A knowledge-based economy is a type of economy in which the production and exploitation of knowledge play a significant role in creating wealth (Dasgupta & David, 1994). Based on this, the relationship between science and technology in the framework of pursuing sustainable economic development has received wide attention, and one of the ways to investigate the interactions between science and technology is to examine the citation between them (Looy & et al, 2003). Through the measurement of citations between scientific productions and patents, it is possible to find out their applicability and determine which researches have the potential to be commercialized. Among are universities as knowledge organizations which play an essential role in countries' economies in facilitating the formation of a knowledge-based economy. Therefore, it has become necessary to evaluate the performance of universities due to their vital role in the economic growth and social development of our society. Since these institutions are known as sources of scientific and technological production, the purpose of this research is to compare the flow of knowledge in Iranian universities and the top 100 universities worldwide by using citation measurement between articles and patents. Methodology: This research is an applied study conducted with a documentary method and a scientometrics approach. The research community was determined in a targeted manner and includes 8 top universities in Iran and 50 top universities worldwide, which were jointly present in the five ranking systems of Times, US News, Shanghai, Leiden, and SciVision. In this study, the information related to patent licenses citing articles, the number of publications citing patent licenses, the average number of patent licenses cited by the university to articles of the same university, and citing the patent licenses of each university from the SciVal database in the period, time 2009 to 2018 were extracted on June 26, 2019. Finally, the study's data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of "Frequency Distribution and Mean" and with the help of Excel software. Findings: Stanford University in the index of patent licenses citing articles with 12. 31%, in the index of the number of publications cited in patent licenses with 11. 59, in the index of the average number of patent licenses citing articles of the same university with 9. 68% and in the index Citation of patents was the most frequent with 14. 02%. Also, the investigation of the performance of Iranian universities and the world's top universities revealed that their activities had a negative trend based on the investigated indicators and had a poor performance in a ten year period. These results showed that the average number of patent licenses citing articles in the world's top universities is 2210. 35. From 2010 to 10. 41 patent licenses in 2018, and according to this index, Iranian universities from 75. 75 in 2009 to 2 patent licenses. The average number of publications cited by patent licenses of the world's top universities from 504. 85 in 2009 to 9. 11 documents in 2018 and Iranian universities from 25. 62 in 2009 to 0. 375 in 2018, the average number of patent licenses in each university citing the same university's articles From 335. 48 in 2009 to 1. 02 in 2018, and this rate in Iranian universities have increased from 53. 17 in 2009 to 0. 2 in 2018, The average number of citations to patent licenses of the world's top universities reached 107 cases in 2018, from 2442. 29 in 2009. Also, Iranian universities have performed 24, 17, 6, and 26 times less than the average of the top universities worldwide in all the mentioned indicators. Conclustion: One of the primary, leading, prominent roles of universities is to produce usable knowledge. To attain such an aim, it is necessary to have a relationship with industries. One of the connecting factors between universities and industries is the attention to research and development and the creation of quality technology and production. The results of the present study showed that universities had performed poorly in achieving their mission. In many universities, patents are not developed simultaneously as articles. Even their scientific productions are not considered for patents and are not applied. Therefore, the publishing of articles and patent licenses to increase their number without considering their quality cannot cause economic prosperity. For this reason, universities must try to raise the quality of scientific productions and improve their rank by timely politicizing the issues on the way,solving and promoting the culture of cooperation with industry to commercialize research to achieve more efficient results.

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Purpose: Name is a key factor for distinguishing authors. In the academic databases that store information on papers, searching for the name of the article author is one of the most important elements in increasing visibility and the quantitative studies in the field of Scientology including the amount of citing works. The diversity of writings is one of the issues that lead to challenges in various scientific fields. In addition, the lack of writing standards in the Persian language and the lack of keyboards and standard codes, the habit of simply writing are among the factors that lead to the author's name disambiguation. Also, the spelling mistakes that occur by the writers in writing the name lead to the creation of different forms of writing for a single name. Considering the importance of solving the confusion of authors’,names in Persian articles, this paper aims to propose a framework to solve the problem of confusion and dispersion of authors' names in Persian articles, which has led to a rupture and lack of comprehensiveness in information retrieval. Methodology: The present research is an applied scientometrics method carried out by documentary procedure, and the required data is collected from the ISC database. The initial statistical population is 913 records during the period 2015 to 2017. The proposed framework consists of three stages: searching, matching, and grouping. In this regard, after initial pre-processing and feature extraction, the search operation is performed to find records that are potentially likely to be identical. Our method extracts two types of features including internal and external. The internal feature has been extracted from the author’, s information like first name, last name, affiliation, email, and co-authors. In addition, the external feature uses the scientific history of authors like articles and research interests. Next, in the search phase, the records that are potentially the same are identified. We propose a new method called Farsi-Soundex, which has been inspired by the well-known Soundex to categorize potential unique names. The same records are then found through further investigation in the adaptation phase, which is based on random forests. Therefore, the input of the matching stage is a group of records that have been detected the same based on the Farsi-Soundex algorithm. To specify whether these records are the same or not, a random forest algorithm has been applied to them. Finally, in the grouping stage, all the records that have been identified as the same using random forest are placed in one group by a hash-based algorithm. Findings: The internal features of Email address, last name, and first name are the most significant features to optimize name-writing confusion. Also, the obtained results show the external features of the main subject and sub-subject provide the least effective features for solving the author name disambiguation problem in the academic database. In addition, using a random forest as a classifier in the matching phase, with an accuracy of over 99%, can solve the problem of confusion in writing the authors' names. Conclustion: Results show the high efficiency of our framework in uniformity of names according to the criteria of accuracy, recall, and F value compared to the support vector machine, the nearest neighbor, and genetics. Our proposed method can be applied to scientific databases to standardize the names of the authors. In the future, we are investigating the efficiency of our proposed framework in a non-stationary environment in which the distribution of data may be changed over time.

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Purpose: This study was conducted with the aim of investigating and drawing the communication network of Iranian researchers with other countries in the field of cancer-related science. Methodology: The present study is a type of analytical research in which scientometrics techniques and network analysis have been used. The statistical population of the study includes 18846 articles in the field of cancer, which are indexed by Iranians research in the web of science database. Findings: The flow of science production in the years under review is accompanied by growth. The most amount of production in this field in Iran is related to 2019 with 3755 papers. The total number of joint scientific productions of Iranian researchers with other countries in the field of cancer is 4399 records. The lowest level of cooperation with other countries in the field of cancer is 18% and the highest level of cooperation is 35%. On average, 23. 34% of Iran's scientific productions in the field of cancer have been published in cooperation with other countries. 39, 929 authors were active in the production of Iranian science in the investigated field, due to the large number of authors, only authors who had more than 15 articles were entered into the software, based on this, 1002 authors were entered into the used software, and the communication network of authors in this field consisted of It consists of 1002 nodes and 20298 links. Malikzadeh, Hashemi and Sahibkar are the top authors with 234, 188 and 183 articles respectively. The authors' analysis in terms of the number of scientific couples also showed that Malikzadeh, Sahibkar are in the center of this network with 222 and 200 scientific couples, respectively. Mohammadi and Ahmadi, each with 193 and 189 other scientific pairs, are among the top authors in the field of cancer. Tehran University of Medical Sciences (4703), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (2631) and Islamic Azad University (2165) are the top three universities in terms of science production in the field of cancer. Tehran University of Medical Sciences (247), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sci ences (239) and Islamic Azad University (237) are the top three universities in terms of having academic couples. Tehran University of Medical Sciences (6748), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (3665) and Islamic Azad University (3010) are the top three universities in terms of the weight of the links formed. Tehran University of Medical Sciences (53543), Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (23680) and Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (23540) are the top three universities in terms of citations in the field of cancer. In the field of cancer, 117 countries have produced science with Iran, therefore, the network consists of 118 nodes, each node belongs to a country, which has a total of 4373 links, and the countries that have the most participation in the production of this field with Iran are They are located in the center and at a smaller distance from the node of Iran. Examining the total weight of links showed that Iran (6832), America (2885) and Italy (1288) have more links. Examining the number of joint articles also indicates that the most joint works of Iranian researchers are with the countries of America (1434), Canada (599) and England (469). Studying the citations of joint articles also showed that Iranian researchers have obtained 211, 489 citations with their joint authors. Most of the received citations belong to articles that have been made in collaboration with researchers from the United States (30, 135), England (13, 298) and Canada (11, 486). The journals "ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION", "INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER MANAGEMENT" and "JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY" published 494, 315 and 239 articles, respectively. There is a significant, direct and very strong relationship between the scientific productions of universities with the link weight index and the citation weight, the more the scientific productions of the university in this field, the better position it will have in the scientific network, the more influential it will be and the more attention will be paid to that university. will be in relation to the scientific collaborations of different countries with Iran in the field of cancer, the results showed that there is a significant and direct relationship between the number of scientific collaborations with the link weight and the citation weight in the scientific network. Conclustion: Despite the upward trend of scientific activities of Iranian researchers in the field of cancer, the share of participation each year is associated with ups and downs, which shows that despite the advice given to cooperation and scientific participation in the country, researchers in this field have not taken cooperation seriously. Therefore, measures should be considered so that researchers in this field tend to research more than one author and cooperate with foreign countries.

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Purpose: Studies of social responsibility in family businesses have a great variety of dimensions and components, and the use of approach, analysis, tools, and techniques of data analysis leads to the perception of data. It is different from this phenomenon. The contradictory results of some variables affecting the social responsibility of family businesses such as environmental investments, social interests, shareholders' interests, and industry type are found in various research and the results of the research conducted and uniform It is not, and sometimes there are contradictory results in research. In fact, the effect of each of these factors cannot be found. In such circumstances, it is challenging to determine whether the differences between the results of studies are due to chance or random or due to the theoretical differences that exist in the properties of the studies, in which case it can be transformed into this. The question was answered. Accordingly, in order to better understand the studies in this field, the present study is to evaluate the status of corporate social responsibility publications in family businesses with two integrated approaches to science and transcendental. Methodology: This article is a type of meta-analysis that has studied the process of developing research in the field of "social responsibility of companies in the family business". The statistical population of the research is all articles and scientific documents indexed on the Web of Science on the subject of "Social Responsibility of Companies in Family Business" from 1997 to March 2021 with 262 scientific degrees. These data with both scientific and meta-analysis approaches have been analyzed. In the process of analysis, since recovered backgrounds had to be validated in terms of validity, the validity of the measurement tool, and sampling method, articles selection in the analysis process were based on indicators such as methodology requirements (hypothesis, research method, statistical population, sample size and the method of sampling, the means of measurement, validity, and validity of the tool, statistical assumptions, statistical analysis method, and the correct statistical computing), the study of the subject of the social responsibility of companies and family companies which were examined quantitatively. To determine the statistical population in the process of analysis with abstracts, 162, 72, and finally, 52 articles were separated,eventually, with a more detailed study, 28 articles formed the present research community in the process of analysis. Findings: Since 2016, articles have grown dramatically and peaked in 2020. more than 50 % of the articles have been published in the three journals in this field, and more than 70 % of the articles are related to developed countries. The variety of different variables in the field of social responsibility of companies in family businesses was not confirmed and data analysis indicated that the involvement of environmental index modulations, industry type, family business style, and resources had been used in previous research. Conclustion: The ascending course of research in the field of social responsibility of the company indicates the importance of the problem in the well-being of economic growth, and the improvement of the environment, and the living environment which requires more attention and international cooperation with other countries. Given the heterogeneity of articles, it can be concluded that research related to this area, has not gone through its accumulation process. Although developed countries are seriously seeking research on social responsibility and affecting many international relations, family businesses entering the global arena are more concerned with social responsibility indicators.

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Purpose: Recognizing the current situation in scientific outputs and appropriate policies to improve the scientific quantitative and qualitative levels significantly impact the country's scientific production level. This study intends to pay attention to other indicators besides the number of publications and citations in order to obtain a more comprehensive view of the simultaneous or asynchronous growth of the quantity and quality of scientific research in Iran. Methodology: This research is applied in terms of purpose,In terms of approach, it is quantitative and in terms of data collection method, it is into the category of descriptive research. This study tries to evaluate the quantitative and qualitative growth of scientific outputs of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the years 2010 to 2021 with a scientometric approach and related indicators. Findings: The findings of this study indicate that in the period between 2010 and 2021, the total number of Iranian articles indexed in Web of Science increased by 1. 5 times,the country's share of the world's published articles in Web of Science by 1. 9 times,per capita citations to the country's articles by 1. 7 times,The number of highly cited researchers in the country increased by 12. 3 times,the H index of the country increased by 4 times,the number of highly cited articles also increased by 10 times,and the percentage of articles published in Q1 journals increased by 1. 9 times, and the weighted average index of citation impact also increased by 1. 6 times. The number of journals indexed in the SJR database has increased by 2. 3 times between 2010 and 2021. The number of Q1 journals (based on the impact factor of SJR) belonging to Iran has grown by 3. 5 times in these years. The average impact factor of journals based on SJR information has also experienced a growth of 2. 1 times. The SNIP index or the standardized influence coefficient based on the source for Iran has also grown 1. 7 times. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the correlation coefficient of the total number of articles published on the Web of Science with the number of highly cited researchers is 0. 903, and the assumption of a significant relationship between these two variables is confirmed. Calculating the correlation coefficient of the total number of articles with the country's share of the world's published articles shows a number of 0. 974, and confirms the relationship between these two variables. The calculation correlation coefficient for the total number of articles with the H index of the country in the studied period, which is 0. 964, indicates the existence of a relationship between these two variables. The variable correlation coefficient of the total number of articles with the number of highly cited articles in the country with a rate of 0. 942 indicates the existence of a relationship between the two. Calculating the correlation coefficient of the total number of articles with the variable of the percentage of articles published in Q1 journals showed a number of 0. 789 and confirms the existence of a relationship between these two variables. Paying attention to the correlation coefficient of the total number of articles and the percentage of international collaborations, at the rate of 0. 925, indicates the existence of a strong relationship between these two variables. And finally, the correlation coefficient of the total number of articles with the weighted average of the citation effect shows a number of 0. 991, which indicates a strong relationship between these two variables during the years under study. Based on the Pearson correlation coefficient test, the relationship between the variable "number of journals indexed in SJR" and "number of Q1 journals" was 0. 792. Examining the relationship between the variable numbers of journals indexed in SJR with the average impact factor of journals shows the number 0. 940 and confirms the relationship between these two variables. Examining the relationship between the variable number of journals indexed in SJR with the SNIP index or the standardized impact factor based on the source shows the number 0. 894 and confirms the relationship between these variables. Conclustion: What is important is the extraordinary increase in the index of the number of highly cited researchers in the country as one of the main components of quality in the production of science. It can be concluded that the qualitative growth of the country's scientific outputs has surpassed its quantitative growth. Maintaining and planning to strengthen and continue this process is necessary, as well as the necessary use of other components and indicators of research effectiveness.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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