Background and aim: The escape rule of traffic laws and its consequences, such as deaths and injuries, based on statistics from police and medical centers in Iran, is a social issue that affects all levels of society in individual, family and nationality dimensions, and every year, it has many social and economic disadvantages. The aim of this paper is the sociological study of factors affecting the escape of traffic laws. Method: The present study is a descriptive-explanatory study and the dominant method is a quantitative-survey. The statistical population is selected among citizens over 18 years old and the sample size was with a confidence level of 96% and the error of 4% was calculated equal to 613, and the statistical sample of each city was estimated by considering the sample proportional to the population size of each city. Findings: The results show that all the variables entered in the equation have a direct effect on the escape of driving laws and regulations, which are respectively the amount of effect: legal awareness (0/139), social bonding (-0/134), anomy feeling (0/112) and procedural justice (0/086). The variables of awareness of the rules, procedural justice and social bonding with the escape rule have a negative relationship and the variable of the anomy feeling show a positive relationship with it. . Also, using the regression equation, it was determined that the implementation of procedural justice and in general, interaction and how the police officers interact (respectful treatment, neutrality), in comparison with anomy feeling, legal awareness and social bonding, have a greater contribution to their escape rule behavior. Conclusion: According to the results of the research, it is suggested that using mass media, boards, films, Holding training classes before and after obtaining a certificate, should be taken into account addressing the training of low age groups through schools, and more use of cyberspace to level of awareness and the knowledge of citizens about traffic laws. Also, with regard to the role and contribution of more share of procedural justice are provided to more training and practical of police officers in the relationship of respectful treatment and along with neutrality with offenders.