The argument of the article is that development is not one-dimensional and one-sided, but also a balanced distribution of resources and facilities, and the product of development has a direct and significant relationship with social and economic development. An analysis of the status of the social and economic indicators of development influenced by the external and international elements of post-hierarchy. The method of library research and scrolling was used to collect the required data and information using the technique and theoretical analysis, thematic analysis and a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the study is all faculty members and experts in social and economic affairs of the University of Tehran. Using the Cochran formula, a sample of 98 individual is selected. The cluster sampling is used to gather data from these samples. The research findings show that the status of dimensions and socio-economic components of development "poverty status, education status, inflation situation, security, employment, import, export, consumption and investment status" were significantly different in the pre and post-sanctions period. The final result of the research is that not only Iran's social and economic development has not declined after a boycott, but also in many aspects of the social and economic development, including security, education, exports, savings and investment, a growth and upgrade is visible. On the other hand, poverty and inflation has declined.