Debate over an independent philosophical field under the title of Metaphilosophy is rather a new one and has particularly begun with Kant’s serious reflections on the cognitional nature of philosophy and by the 1960s reaches its climax as a serious issue. However, from the outset of philosophical thinking in Greece– although sporadically – debate over the nature of philosophy and its subject, method and end has been one of the important issue s of philosophy. Aristotle, as will be discussed in this article, on several occasions reflects on the nature of philosophy and enumerates its main subjects such as “being as being” and “separate substance”. Afterwards, Avicenna elaborately explained this issue in the first essay of Kitab Al-Shifa, especially in the first two chapters of it. He elaborates it, on the one hand, by a negative approach and discusses things which are not the subjects of philosophy but are its problems, such as God and the Cause of causes, and on the other hand, by an affirmative approach discusses the subjects of philosophy, such as “being as being” and “separate substance”. This article tries to survey Avicenna’s views on the subject of philosophy and its relation with separate substance, physics and mathematics. In fact, it criticizes the Avicenna’s Metaphilosophy of Kitab Al-Shifa.