The methodology of philosophical researches causes to strengthen the motivation, enhancing the ability to understanding concepts, creative thinking and skill of analyzing data; this methodology is learned in order to enhance the process of thinking as a base for philosophical researches. The conclusion and purposefulness of philosophical inquiry, proper research and the correctness of researching lead to efficiency of researching. Research effectiveness when is ensured that the evaluation of research plan is properly implemented, a plan which embraces goals, necessities, issues, assumptions, context and the methods of the research. Moreover, efficiency of researching requires firm methodology and proper tools, which are appropriate tools of research principles and techniques; also, speed associated with accuracy is the consequence of research efficiency. In this plan, research is the process of thinking and methodology is the form of thinking. Therefore, science of Logic as the guaranty of thinking form can be called as the method of philosophical research. Therefore, our effort is to be able to achieve a comprehensive research methodology that considers new principles and techniques of research, corresponding to the Logical bases, presenting it as the framework of the methodology of intellectual sciences. In fact, “ the methodology of philosophical research” is a new dimention of logic instrumental identity demonstrating that as a skill. Logical discussions, such as “ definition of thought” , “ thinking levels” , “ eight Vertices” , and so on, are in fact the criteria helping philosophical researchers to order their researches.