The theory of Pavlov and Behaviorism has been considered as one of the learning and training methods-specifically in educational psychology-and can be used in educational systems. This school is criticized, for it reduced the human behavior and thoughts in its analysis to stimuli, reflections, environment and the physiological process. This is why, this trend and its principles which are taken from positivism, materialism, Darwinism and Descartes’ s doctrines have been criticized. We are not against this theory as a specific technique; the disputable point is physiological, epistemological, psychological and anthropological approaches which have been concluded by them, with the worldview and epistemology that insist on eliminating psychology, spirituality, moral values and scared human beliefs as well which lead to the material interpretations. The lack of authenticity and independent thought and knowledge, the lack of self-knowledge, art, the conflict with rational facts, environmental and physiological determinism, denial of psychic phenomena, also disbelief in morality and values are some serious critics on conditional psychology.