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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Developing identity, internal consistency, external dependency and methodological limitations are the four main agent for epistemological relativism. According to Allameh Tabatabaie, relativism is inconsistent with the truth of knowledge. Relativism in the final analysis leads to the Sophism and denial of science. According to Allameh, philosophy is an instrument for the rational discourse among all human beings and human perception begins with the senses, his approach to the epistemology much more will be questioned of relativism. In this article, his approach to the relativity of knowledge will be examined on the basis of irrefutable principles. They are principles that their denial requires their approving. Reality and Knowledge are two irrefutable principles. Based on these principles, we can answer to the sophism and relativism. The immaterial truth of Knowledge; and retuning the acquired knowledge (ilm husuli) to the knowledge by presence (ilm huzuri) connect the knowledge to the reality and come to know the world in the world methodologically. These four principles are pillars of Tabatabaie’ s approach to the epistemological relativism.

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The problem of acquired knowledge is one of the vital and notable issues in the Islamic philosophy. Philosophers and theologians have made a different approach to the knowledge and its nature. Allameh Dawani had a specific doctrine on the knowledge. He in contrast to the others has not regarded the acquired knowledge under the category of quality believing that the philosophers who have considered the knowledge as a psychic quality applied simile and metaphors in philosophical discussion. His doctrine has been criticized by later great philosophers such as Mulla Sadra. In this paper his thought on the basis of Mulla Sadra’ s works and its epistemological consequences has been explained. The most important requirements are as following: denial of categorical relation view, existence and necessary of nothings, fallacy of common usage instead of real application, rejection of resemblance idea, denial of regarding knowledge as a category, returning acquired knowledge to the knowledge by presence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The first level in acquired knowledge which is achieved by human beings, is sensory knowledge. By sensual knowledge, the imaginary and rational knowledge are made. Hence, discussion on the quality of sensual perception is important. Since the sensory knowledge is provided by external senses, the question arises about the process of emergence of perceptions, what role does the body and its faculties play? Do the body and its faculties have played a role in itself or by accident? Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra's discussion on psychology and knowledge and perception has certain principles which lead to the different views on this issue. first of all, in this paper Mulla Sadra and Avicenna’ s elements on the question have been explained and then their approach to the body role in appearance of sensual knowledge has been taken into consideration. As a result, according to Avicenna’ s sensual perception is material and done by the brain, therefore, the body and its faculties have the main role in emergence of the perception, but according to Mulla Sadra, sensual perception is immaterial entirely, and body and its faculties are regarded as an instrument and preparatory cause.

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The consequences of Getter’ s paper were vast and profound that some epistemologists, in order to get rid of this predicament, decided to cast serious doubts on all contents of his paper. We have selected three main samples, among the objections explaining in detail. These objections are as following: (1) bewilderment in the claim that Gettier’ s counterexamples embrace all kind of knowledge, (2) perplexity in historical and epistemological importance of his claim, and (3) hesitating in validity of deductions are used in his counterexamples. In rejecting (1), it will be shown that how we can generalize the idea behind his counterexamples to all kinds of knowledge and reveal the inclusiveness of his claim. We have divided objection (2) into two sections. At first, by assessing Plato’ s and Aristotle’ s standpoints concerning the nature of knowledge, its origin and features, we have revealed that why Gettier’ s claim has a Platonic-Aristotelian origin and finally, should be regarded as a classic view. Then, we showed that why doubting on epistemological importance of Gettier’ s claim should not be neglected and how it caused turning from assessing tripartite definition of knowledge to assessing epistemic justification. In rejecting objection (3), we have examined two proposed ways to undermine the validity of Gettier’ s inferences and showed why both are untenable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The theory of Pavlov and Behaviorism has been considered as one of the learning and training methods-specifically in educational psychology-and can be used in educational systems. This school is criticized, for it reduced the human behavior and thoughts in its analysis to stimuli, reflections, environment and the physiological process. This is why, this trend and its principles which are taken from positivism, materialism, Darwinism and Descartes’ s doctrines have been criticized. We are not against this theory as a specific technique; the disputable point is physiological, epistemological, psychological and anthropological approaches which have been concluded by them, with the worldview and epistemology that insist on eliminating psychology, spirituality, moral values and scared human beliefs as well which lead to the material interpretations. The lack of authenticity and independent thought and knowledge, the lack of self-knowledge, art, the conflict with rational facts, environmental and physiological determinism, denial of psychic phenomena, also disbelief in morality and values are some serious critics on conditional psychology.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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All human knowledge has passed the process of the historical developments and reached the present level. By using the documentary method, this paper analyzes the relation between magic and science. One of the fields of knowledge is the scientific knowledge. Based on the positivist paradigm, magical thinking is false. Positivists, in their methodology, emphasize on observation and experiment, and non-empirical phenomena have regarded as un-scientific and meaningless. This radical reading is modified by the new positivists. Some philosophers and anthropologists have supported magic by anthropological approach. They emphasize that there is not conclusive argument for the superiority of science over other types of knowledge. Any knowledge embraces various language games and a set of vocabulary which its understanding is difficult when taken into consideration from outside. According to the modern anthropological paradigm, the scientific thought and mythical-magical thinking-are mixed with each other. They have existed in the past and present societies and they have fed from each other.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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