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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to determine validity and reliability of the Persian version of Brunel mood scale 32 items (2007). In order To confirm the construct validity of the Brunel mood scale, 423 (216 male and 207 female) athletes with different skill levels (novice, non-elite and elite) in 10 team and individual sports, selected by random sampling and then the questionnaires were completed. First, face and content validity of Persian version of mood questionnaire by three professional sports psychology and three specialist teaching English by using a translation - back translation method, was confirmed. Then in order to determine the construct validity of questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equation modeling, internal consistency and temporal reliability (response stability) based on Cronbach''s alpha coefficients and intera-class correlation coefficients in test- retest method with two weeks interval, were used. The results showed that fit indexes of the measurement model of 32 items (RMSEA = 0.08,CFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.93), internal consistency (tension= 0.74, vigor= 0.80, confusion=0.72, fatigue = 0.76, happiness = 0.77, calmness = 0.78, depression= 0.70, anger = 0.72 and the total = 0.78) and temporal reliability (tension= 0.90, vigor= 0.87, confusion=0.84, fatigue = 0.86, happiness = 0.87, calmness = 0.86, depression= 0.88, anger = 0.86 and the total = 0.88) was acceptable, which shows good reliability and validity of Persian version of Brunel mood scale 32 items. Therefore, the Persian version of the Brunel mood scale can be characterized as a tool to study and evaluate the mood and emotional of Iranian athletes will benefit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of visual manipulation during walking training on functional balance and selected kinematic parameters of gait in the elderly. 16 accessible older women ranging in age from 65 to 75 were recruited and randomly assigned to a experimental (n: 8) and control (n: 8) groups. Experimental group trained walking while lower visual field was blocked for 12 weeks, 3 training sessions per week. Berg functional balance test was used for measuring subjects’ functional balance and Zebris gait analyzer was used for measuring kinematic gait parameters. We used the paired samples t test to compare the mean test scores before (pre-test) and after (post-test) intervention in each group. Independent t test was also used to evaluate the differences in means between experimental and control groups. A p-value of 0.05 was considered for all statistical methods. Results showed a significant effect of walking training while lower visual field was blocked on stride length, gait velocity, percentage variability of velocity for experimental group (P<0.05) and not statistical significant improvement on step width and double support percent (P>0.05). Within group analysis showed that there were no significant differences between pretest and post test mean scores of measured gait parameters in control group (P>0.05). Between group analysis showed that there were significant differences between posttest mean scores in two groups in stride length, gait velocity (P<0.05). Also, between and within group significant difference was revealed for experimental group in functional balance (P<0.05). We concluded walking training while lower visual field was blocked could improve some kinematic gait parameters related to walking balance in older women. Reduction in visual dependency, improvement of ability to use sensory substitution systems like somatosensory and vestibular systems can be probable causes of improvement in gait parameters.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The perpose of this study was comparison the effect of increasing and decreasing contextual interference with the change motor program on the task of learning anticipation timing coincidence and error detection capability. For this purpose, 40 students in 4 groups participated that in each group, 10 subjects were completely random. In this research, different levels of contextual interference (block, random, increasing and decreasing) was comared with with same paramere and different motor program. Respective task was anticipation timing coinsident that was represented whit different path (change motor program). After the training, they participated in retention and transfer tests and were assessed their Absolute error detection capabilities. Data have been analyzed by statistical methods: one way Anova, repeated measurement and toky test. The results showed that the effect of contextual interference was observed and Increasing and decreasing groups in the absolute error and error detection capabilities were significant differences with other groups. significant differences between groups for error detection capability show more cognitive effort in high interference groups that it support the hypothesis of cognitive effort Lee, Swinnen and Serrien (1994).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Witkin claimed that field independence could be an advantage for participants in closed skills and environments, while field dependence could be an advantage for participants in open skills and environments. For further confirmation, the present study performed to examine the throwing accuracy of field dependent-independent participants in closed and open environments. The Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) distributed among 320 male students, and at the result, base on their GEFT scores, 90 participants placed into three groups of field dependent, neutral, and field independent (30 participants in per groups). The study was performed in closed and open environments (45 participants in each environment). The study task included dart throwing in each environment. Participants throw 10 darts in pretest stage. In acquisition stage, participants throw 60 darts in 6 blocks of 10 trials. The retention test included a block 10 trial which performed at 24 hours after acquisition stage. After checking the dates normality using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and equality of variances using Levenes test, dates analyzed with factorial variance analyze with repeated measure, two- way variance analyze test, and Bonferoni Post Hock test statistical methods. The results indicated that there were significant difference among groups in acquisition (F=5.35, P=0.006) and retention (F=4.46, P=00.01) stages. Field dependent participants showed better performance both closed and open environments in acquisition and retention stages than field dependent and neutral participants. The study only partially confirmed the Witkins field dependent-independent theory.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Falling is a main cause of mortality in older adults. Balance training can help to prevent falls in older adults. Therefore, according to the principle of specificity of training, the perturbation-based trainings are more similar to the real situations. So these training programs can improve the lack of balance in older adults. So, the aim of this study is comparing the effectiveness of two different balance trainings on static and dynamic balance in elderly women.Methods and Materials: 38 old women (age 65-80), were assigned to the following groups: perturbation-based training (n=13), non-perturbation-based training (n= 12) and control (n= 13), using random assignment. Static and dynamic balance have been tested before and after the eight weeks of training by the postural stability test of the Biodex balance system using dynamic (level 4) and static platform. The data were analyzed by one sample paired t-test, independent t test, and ANOVA.Results: There was a significant improvement for all indexes of static and dynamic balance in perturbation training group (p<0.05). However, in non-perturbed group, all indexes were improved except ML (p>0.05). ANOVA showed that the perturbation-based training was more effective for ML index of both static and dynamic balance abilities.Conclusions: The findings confirmed the specificity principle of training. Although general balance training can improve balance abilities, these kinds of trainings are not such specific for improving balance neuromuscular activities. So the perturbation-based trainings can activate postural compensatory responses especially in mediolateral balance and so reduce falling risk. According to results, we can conclude that the perturbation-based programs will be useful for rehabilitation interventions in elderly women.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of the present investigation was to determine the attentional mechanisms and performance of a sensori-motor task (darts) under pressure in novice performers. A total of twenty undergraduate students (20.5 ± 1.12 years old) voluntarily participated in this investigation. Following an instructional session of darts, the participants were tested in three conditions including baseline, dual task trails under low pressure and dual- task trails under high pressure. In the dual-task paradigm, we asked the participants to perform darts as a primary task and simultaneously respond to an auditory stimulus with two distinguishable frequencies as a secondary task. Following baseline measurements, the participants were told that they would be given additional trials with the auditory stimulus and that they would have the chance to win reward if they met 150% of their baseline scores in high pressured trials. Participants’ heart rate was measured before, during, and after doing dual-task trails. Results revealed that in high pressure trails, the heart rate increased significantly. In response to the secondary task, the results showed a significant increase of reaction time in high pressure condition. Furthermore, rate of response accuracy to the secondary task decreased significantly in high pressure condition. These results suggest that pressure depletes attentional resources and induces inefficient information processing as well. However, there was an unexpected choking effect on performance in the trials under high pressure. The novice performers scored better under high pressure condition than that of baseline trials. We concluded that novitiate performance is enhanced by high pressure conditions by which explicit monitoring of skill execution is allowed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was investigating and testing the PETTLEP’s mental imagery. The main goal of the present study was comparing the PETTLEP’s mental imagery and physical practice effect on the acquisition and retention skill of dart throwing. To this aim, the questionnaire of mental imagery (Hall & Martin, 1997) and the personal information forms were distributed among 256 male students. Finally, based on a special goal 45 people by the points from 45 to 55 and without any former skill of dart throwing in three groups of 15 persons of PETTLEP’s mental imagery, physical practice and control were selected randomly. The training protocol was three sessions a week and during 6 weeks, and after that the test was completed. The test of retention was held two weeks after the last training session. After being sure about the data to be normal and the equality of variances, data was analyzed according to One way ANOVA with repeated-measure analysis on last factor (time), One way ANOVA analysis and post-hoc Tukey test. The results of the repeated-measures showed the significant difference between the physical practice and the control group (p=0.006), PETTLEP group and control (p=0.001) in the stage of acquisition. Moreover, in the stage of retention between the groups of physical practice and PETTLEP group (p=0.007), physical practice and control (p=0.001), and also between the PETTLEP and control group (p=0.001) there was a significant difference. With respect to the findings of this study, The role of the mental imagery and especially the PETTLEP model was in the center of attention more than before and it is recommended to use this model in addition to physical practicing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of present study was to examine the effects of gender and sport skill type (open and closed) on observational learning (OL) use in elite athletes. For this reason, 240 athletes of Iranian national teams (21.79±4.78 years) completed the Functions of Observational Learning Use Questionnaire (FOLQ; Cumming et. al, 2005) to assess their use of three skill, strategy and performance functions of OL. Repeated measures ANOVA indicated that athletes used skill function of OL the most, followed by the strategy and the performance functions, respectively. A 2(gender)´ 2(sport type) MANOVA also indicated that there were gender differences in the performance function, in the other words, females used the performance function significantly more than males. In contrast, the use of the skill and strategy functions of OL in females and males were the same extent. Finally, the results revealed that there were significant differences in use of OL functions in open and closed sport. In the other words, athletes in open skill sports used the strategy function significantly more than athletes in closed. These findings suggest that understanding and usage of the cognitive and psychological functions of observational learning may improve the learning process.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of present study was to compare anthropometric indicators, physical activity and fundamental movement skills of male students with different socioeconomic status (SES) of Ardabil city. In this descriptive study, 241 students (7-10 years) were randomly selected from elementary schools and classified in high, medium and low SES groups. Demographic information and physical activity level were completed by subjects using SES and Nicolas Barbosa questionnaires respectively. Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD2) and anthropometric indicators (height, weight, WHR, BMI and body segment lengths) were measured by the means of standard procedures. The data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. The students of high socioeconomic status had a higher BMI and WHR than students of medium and low SES. However body segment lengths of low SES students were significantly high and they did better than other students in manipulative skills. Furthermore, there was a significant difference between the students of low and medium SES in manipulative skills (P<0.002). The physical activity level of high SES students was lower than other students who were in medium and low SES. It seems that optimal body composition and long body segment length in students of low SES associated with the efficient performance of manipulative skills.

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