The purpose of this study was to determine validity and reliability of the Persian version of Brunel mood scale 32 items (2007). In order To confirm the construct validity of the Brunel mood scale, 423 (216 male and 207 female) athletes with different skill levels (novice, non-elite and elite) in 10 team and individual sports, selected by random sampling and then the questionnaires were completed. First, face and content validity of Persian version of mood questionnaire by three professional sports psychology and three specialist teaching English by using a translation - back translation method, was confirmed. Then in order to determine the construct validity of questionnaire, confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equation modeling, internal consistency and temporal reliability (response stability) based on Cronbach''s alpha coefficients and intera-class correlation coefficients in test- retest method with two weeks interval, were used. The results showed that fit indexes of the measurement model of 32 items (RMSEA = 0.08,CFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.93), internal consistency (tension= 0.74, vigor= 0.80, confusion=0.72, fatigue = 0.76, happiness = 0.77, calmness = 0.78, depression= 0.70, anger = 0.72 and the total = 0.78) and temporal reliability (tension= 0.90, vigor= 0.87, confusion=0.84, fatigue = 0.86, happiness = 0.87, calmness = 0.86, depression= 0.88, anger = 0.86 and the total = 0.88) was acceptable, which shows good reliability and validity of Persian version of Brunel mood scale 32 items. Therefore, the Persian version of the Brunel mood scale can be characterized as a tool to study and evaluate the mood and emotional of Iranian athletes will benefit.