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In this research, some of the previous pieces of the researches done on the women studies in Iran are first surveyed. Then, the research findings and information presented in these investigations are used so as to analyze the women"s role in development in Iran; with an emphasis on employment. It shoud be indicated that understanding the women"s role in development in Iran is not obtained through measuring the rate of employment among the women only. Instead, recognizing the important factors leading the women, both the employed and the housewives, toward having an effective role in development is of utmost significance as well. Thus, the objective of this research is to identify such key factors, through a scientific study of the research findings of the other investigations.

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In this research, the residence In Eshkevar-e- Bala or Eshkevar-e-Tonekabon which is a mountainous village, located near Ramsar City in Mazandaran Province, has been scientifically investigated. After doing this resear-ch on the residence, from various perspectives, the following research findings have been obtained. 1. The houses of the poor and the houses of the rich are differentiated, due to the number of the rooms only, and not by their appearances of their construction materials. 2. The house is the most appropriate place for mutual discussions, problem - solving sessions, experience exchanging, ..., during the leisure time at night. 3. The house and the money - earning are so intermingled that one may well notice the various features, factors, and manners of money earning in each place of the house. 4. Since they should work collectively in house - constructing, the cooperation which is the major characteristic of a large number of rural communities may be frequently noticed. 5. The process of cleaning and health affairs not only inside the house but also in some site of the alley which belongs to the house are well considered and done by the villagers. 6. The family removes to the other rooms of the house on the basis of season shift. 7. All of the house sites, such as the rooms, the yard, the walls, the roof, ..., are well used and occupied. One may notice no useless places and spaces or no sort of ornamentation.

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In this research, after setting up three demographic scenarios, the effect of the population age composition of Iran (1996) on the future size of Iran population is measured, decomposed, and scientifically investigated. In all these scenarios, it is first assumed that the fertility immediately declines to the replacement level. But, in contrast with the first scenario which assumes the probable changing trend in mortality, in the second one it is assumed that the mortality would remain constant at the level being current in the base year (1996). However, in the third scenario, the mortality is assumed to rise immediately in the base year to the level reached in a stationary condition and thereafter it remains constant. Hence, the predicted results were as they have been expected to be before. For instance, in the first scenario before reaching a stationary condition, Iran population would increase up to 78% . In spite of "NRR = 1", such an increase is usually conceived and described through the subtle concept of the momentum of population growth. Thus, in order to obtain a clear and better understanding of the effect of the population age composition in Iran, this effect should be decomposed in its two components: I. The effect of the rising birth rate and an increase in the number of births. II. The effect of the declining death rate and a decrease in the number of deaths. By decomposition, it is also shown that more than two third of the effect of population age composition has been through the reduction of the death rate and a decrease in the number of deaths. In other words, only less than one third of the effect of population age composition has been through the rising birth rate and an increase in the number of births.

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The researches done concerning the social deviance and pathology In Iran have been concomitant with sociological analyses. Many researchers have tried to study what they regarded as social deviance and pathology and found out their causes and effects as well. Unfortunately, these researchers, just like many other investigators in the other areas of the humanities, have not abode by any specific methodology and mostly followed their own interests. Hence, this present meta - analysis is an attempt to re - analyze, mostly methodologically, some of the researches done on the social deviance in Iran and to criticize them so as to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Hopefully speaking, this study will provide a strong basis for the sociology of the sociology of Iran and an opportunity for evaluating the researches for investigators, instructors, and students too

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In urban and rural communities, one may notice various customs, In these communities, the people help the young marry in an easy manner and have a nice family life. The people of local communities participate in and contribute to marriage expenses and ceremony, investment, money - saving, etc. in order to facilitate the marriage process of the young. In rural and nomadic communities, the relatives and the tribal members accept to pay the marriage expenses. They both pay all the expenses and gather a considerable amount of money for the newly wed. In this article, the research papers of 294 university students, during 12 years, concerning marriage, have been surveyed. Their research methods were participatory observation, interview, and using various documents. At the end, it may be concluded that the other factors, such as a change in the manner of spouse - selecting, social promotion due to education and higher status of thoughts than before, migration, ...,play a significant role too. Hence, the present difference among the variable relations originates from these factors and elements.

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Today, researching on simple hereditary factors and genetic differentiations according to gene pool is one of the most significant scientific discussions in the world of biology. Among these research topics and issues, one may find color blindness, due to its gene being found in the human chromosome X, very interesting and important. According to the Post"s and Pickford"s theories, the frequency of this disease among various world populations is quite different and it also depends on their ways of life. In this research, this phenomenon among 1008 samples in six groups of the Iranians, i.e. Yamoot, Gooklan, Tekeh, Qazzaq, Talesh and Zoroastrian have been surveyed. Then, the research findings have been compared with the other Iranians" results being previously under study. Hence, the Post"s and Pickford"s theories have been re-analyzed. At the end, it has been concluded as follows. I. Those who are in the primary stage of life, i.e. the herding one, do not usually have color blindness. 11. During the course of time and developing stages, i.e. the agricultural, rural, and urban ones, the frequency of color blindness is increased.

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The fertility behavior, in its motivations, decision - making process, and the associated attitudes, can be considered a social behavior which takes place in a social context. Migration removes the migrants from a social, cultural, and economic context and sets them in a new one. If these two contexts are not similar, the migrants may be expected to behave in a different manner at the destination, compared with the place of origin. Therefore, some research questions such as the following may be posed: - To what extent and by what mechanisms can the changes in residence lead to the changes in human behavior; in relation to the fertility and reproduction? In order to answer these questions scientifically, some researchers have tried to establish the links between the fertility and migration through using a range of various research hypotheses. Four major hypotheses have been put forward, they are: migration disruption; adaptation; migrant selectivity; minority group status. The moving itself may lower the fertility rate through delaying marriage, dividing the spouses, or reducing the desire for an immediate pregnancy. Migrants may be considered as a self - selected group that they would have had a lower or higher fertility rate, compared with their non - migrant counterparts at the place of origin, if they had not migrated. The adaptation hypothesis poses that as migrants adapt to the society of destination, their fertility levels and patterns converge to those of the native - borns as well. The minority group status hypothesis considers the characteristics of the minority groups which are different from the majority ones at destination. According to this hypothesis, the socio economic variables related to the fertility are not the same, within various racial and ethnic groups. Thus, each of these four major hypotheses may have a significant role to play in describing the relationship between migration and the fertility. Of course, the strengths and weaknesses of any hypothesis depend largely on the circumstances in which it is applied. The selection of an appropriate theoretical framework depends on the nature of one"s study, its objectives, target population, and the data available.

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In this paper, a new definition of the Riba (usury) has been put forward. This definition should be both consistent with the aim and philosophy derived from the Islamic Scriptures as a nice philosophy of banning the Riba and with the changing economic conditions in new era and with the change in the nature of money along with its backing relative to the past. If the Riba is defined as any "extra payment" and being gotten in transactions, based on the purchasing power of money, then, holding the \purchasing power of money constant through the course of time will be categorically outside its definition. Regarding the change in the nature of "new money", compared with "old money", four discussions should be presented as. follows: I. Compensating for the reduction of the purchasing power of money in usance transactions is essentially and categorically outside the domain of the true definition of the Riba. IT. Since through the course of time and transforming from the past era to the present one, money converts to "value money", vatum, due to the change in its nature, this compensation is necessary. ITI. Choosing not to compensate is in violence to "No Oppression Rule". IV. The "rule of no injury" implies that in usance transactions, this compensation takes place.

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