In the first part of this article we have explained the theoretical approaches and presented comparative models of the scope of impact and functional confrontation of the model in the audience's subjective and objective spheres. In the second part we have done a case study of Barbie doll. In the theoretical approach section, as it concerns the impact of the model on the audience, we have dealt with different aspects of the issue at three levels: theoretical, theoretical reductions, and analysis. At the first level of analysis, the major function of the model is "identification" which in its turn extends to three sub-levels at second level of analysis, namely the ideal, good and bad criterion, and lifestyle. From the viewpoint of the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity, the model's character function upon the audience is mentioned at five levels: insight, knowledge, inclination, method, and action. When it comes to contextual and cultural concept, three equal terms, i.e. OSVAH, mythology and pattern are offered with a comparative matrix for defining the functional distinction between the productive approach and characterization in both Islamic and Western viewpoints. In the end, with due regard to the mutual influence of subjectivity and objectivity from the viewpoint of moving from material to mental, and moving from mental to material, it has been attempted to offer a discourse analysis of modeling by relying on the case study of Barbie, in the macro conceptual domain, and show the modeling confrontation of the west with the Islamic civilization, especially the issue of Islam phobia in the aftermath of September 11.