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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

دارابی علی

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دیپلماسی رسانه ای به عنوان یکی از شاخه های دیپلماسی عمومی ابزار موثر اعمال سیاست خارجی به حساب می آید، در این میان ایالات متحده پس از جنگ جهانی دوم بواسطه توانایی هژمونیک در صنایع فرهنگی – رسانه ای به طور گسترده ای به بسط نفوذ قدرت نرم خود در سراسر جهان از یکسو و تخریب و دشمن سازی ازایدئولوژی ها و فرهنگ های رقیب از جمله اسلام از سوی دیگرمبادرت نموده است. در این نوشتار که با بهره گیری از رویکرد توصیفی – تحلیلی به رشته تحریر در آمده است و با در نظر گرفتن آنکه دیپلماسی رسانه ای ایالات متحده پس از وقوع یازده سپتامبر دچار تغییراتی در اولویت بندی های شناسایی مفهوم دشمن نسبت به دوره جنگ سرد گردیده، فرضیه محوری بر این اساس است که این ابرقدرت در کنار بهره گیری همه جانبه از ابزار های قدرت سخت، پس از یازده سپتامبرکوشیده است تا به موازات بکارگیری سایر حربه ها علیه جهان اسلام و کشورهای اسلامی ساختار شکن همچون جمهوری اسلامی ایران، از هالیوود بر مبنای بازتعریف وخلق دشمنی جدید در قالب های چون «بنیادگرایی اسلامی»، «اسلام هراسی»، «تروریسم» و «ایران هراسی» بجای دشمن قدیمی «کمونیسم» در دوره جنگ سرد استفاده نماید.

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رهیافت فوکویی، بازتولید روش هایی است که میشل فوکو در آثار خود از آن ها برای تحلیل و نقد دوران مدرن بهره می برده است. این روش ها بررسی تبارشناسانه و دیرینه شناسانه دوران مدرن را از آغاز پی گیری می کند و گویای واقعیت امروز عالم مدرن با رجوع به گذشته، خصوصا گذشته تاریخ اجتماعی غرب است، البته این فرآیند، بدون تاریخی سازی پدیده به کشف روابط بازتولید قدرت و سوژه می پردازد. کشف روابط قدرتی که رسوب شبکه های تولید قدرت در تاریخ اجتماعی غرب و سامانه ها و نهادهای به جامانده از این روابط است و چنانچه فوکو خود اذعان داشته، از مهم ترین کارویژه های آثار او، فهم روابط قدرت است، حال اگر این روش ها برای بازشناسی قوانین استیلا و سلطه موجود در پدیده های عالم مدرن ازجمله روابط بین الملل به کار رود می توان بازتاب تکنیک های سلطه در تاریخ اجتماعی غرب را در این پدیده نیز مشاهده کرد، از جمله این پدیده ها نظام بین الملل است، نظامی که با همه توان در حال بازتولید عناصر یادشده از سلطه در ساختاری جهانی شده است، از سویی دیگر، پس از پیروزی انقلاب اسلامی ایران، شاهد برخوردهای مختلف همین نظام سلطه ازجمله تحریم های گسترده آن بوده ایم، این تحریم ها طی چند سال اخیر با چگالی بیشتری اعمال شده است. این مقاله قصد دارد با استفاده از رهیافت فوکویی در تاریخ اجتماعی غرب به فهم چرایی و رمز گشایی از حجم گسترده از تحریم ها علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران بپردازد.

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This paper deals with the cause of the recent signs of US–China strategic rivalry at the regional and international issues. The author focuses on the economic liberalization as a main cause of China's rising competitive tendencies against the US. China has articulated a grand strategy that is based on the idea of peaceful development. Chinese leaders have been seeking to characterize their country as a responsible world power, emphasizing on soft power and diplomacy of peaceful coexistence with the other major powers. But the other side of the coin is that the China's economic rising has been driving its hegemonic ambitions. China tries to achieve regional hegemony in Asia and attempts to push the US away from the region. The economic rise of China appears to be strengthening its global situation. It can lead to intensification of US–China strategic rivalry at global level. It seems that as a result of economic rise, China's foreign policy is becoming more realistic over time.

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Some thinkers like Paul Ricoeur, Hannah Arendt and Chantal Mouffe have distincted "Politics" and "the Political" in a manner as if there is a dichotomy and opposition between them. Such standpoints make problem in reading and evaluation of an important part of literature: rhetoric literature and specially rhetoric poetry. This article is based on a study to know that how any change in our conceptin of the relation of "Politics" and "the Political", can impress our understanding of produce and significance of this kind of literature. The poetry of Sohrab Sepehri which usually has been supposed that is a non-political poetry, is a good sample to see that more appropriate definition of "the Political" can result in a better knowing of the political dimension and the place of such poetries in contemporary political societies.

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The condition of success and reasons of failure of development strategies and plans, has been one of the most important “development studies” issues. It has been explained in different ways, such as that there is strong relationship between efficiency of development strategies and plans and development theories. paradigmatic-implicative theory, which has explained the relation of development theories and political thought and identify the development theory as one of the practical implication of political thought, one of the conditions of success of development strategies and development plans can refer to the political thought foundation. So we explore the political thought which support the Structural Adjustment model, which is the most important development model in 1980s. We use “qualitative content analysis” method in this paper to show that the political foundation of Structural Adjustment model is based on “libertization through rights protection”, in correspondence with Robert Nozick political thought.

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Ideas of Justice and freedom and relation between them are among the most significant and controversial debates in political literature and political thinker's doctrines. This subject has been taken focal place in debates of political scholars in contemporary epoch. How to relate between justice and freedom in public sphere and how to make reasonable balance and equilibrium between them, is the core of disputed and thoughtful political discussions. To restrict liberty in favor of justice or to set limits on justice for the more extensive freedom prevents full development of society. Some thinkers believe that the human values are in contradiction with each other, Therefore justice and freedom are inconsistent with each other. we should always restrict one of them in favor of the other. But some scholars think that human values are consistent, therefore justice and freedom are in congruence with each other. The research explains Shahid Motahhari's point of view about relation between justice and freedom. He is one of the most known and influential contemporary thinkers in Islamic world. The research uses critical analysis method including assessing results and implications of his view about justice and liberty. The conclusion of this research is that in Shahid Motahhari's point of view, there is not any contradiction or inconsistency between justice and liberty. It is not necessary to restrict justice in favor of liberty or to limit liberty to attain more justice. Desired society is a free and just society. Citizens of this society have both freedom and justice together, because justice is giving everybody his due, and liberty is consequence of the concept of right. By realizing justice, liberty is also realized. This research can contribute to understand complementary debates in social and political sciences from religious and Shiite doctrine's point of view.

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After occupation of Afganistan by NATO forces led by American in 2001, fundamental changes have occurred in the country, including a change in the constitution and the subsequent formation of the a new Afganistan constitution, which is based on the Islamic political system and democratic practices. question of this present article is that the new Afghan constitution to which legitimate  reference have considered more authority? This constitution includes some important decision bodies such as the presidency, the government, the national Assembly- consisting of wolsi Jirga or House of Elders- mashrano Jirga, loya Jirga, judiciary and administrative system. For better implementation of the constitution and administrative affairs, while constitution guarantees the cooperation between decision - making powers in the country, In addition, legislative and judicial powers in many cases have proper control over the executive branch, However, the President as the head of the executive branch, and receive legal authority wider powers than any other, marks the final authority. Present article Relying on analytical method  And utilizes the theoretical approach of parliamentary and presidential political structure, will analyze President pivotal role in political decision-making, social, cultural and economic Afghanistan.

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