In the Holy Qurʾ, ā, n, the expression ʾ, araʾ, yat and its similes are frequently applied. These expressions are among the most difficult combinations of the Qurʾ, ā, n. In the upcoming study, we intend to study the application of these combinations in the Qurʾ, ā, n and re-read the analysis of the meaning of each case of their applications in the Qurʾ, ā, n with a critical approach. In this study, we specifically want to compare the analyzes reflected in the four works of Al-Durr al-Maṣ, ū, n by Samin al-Ḥ, alabī, , Iʿ, rā, b al-Qurʾ, ā, n al-Karim wa bayā, nuh by Muḥ, yī,al-Dī, n Darwī, sh, al-Tahrī, r wa al-Tanwī, r by Ibn ʿ, Ā, shū, r, and al-Mī, zā, n by Ṭ, abā, ṭ, abā, yī,about the applications of this linguistic structure. These four works seem to reflect the analyzes aforementioned in books of the Iʿ, rā, b alQurʾ, ā, n, literary interpretations of the Qurʾ, ā, n, and contemporary interpretations. Our purpose is to find out what exactly the different applications of this structure mean and which of the commentators have analized these applications more correctly. We aim to defend this hypothesis that considering the attention of all commentators to the rhetorical subtleties of the applications and its effect on the meaning of the verses, and considering the distinction of the various applications of theese expressions in similar structures, the contribution of the commentary of Samī, n al-Ḥ, alabī,in the literary analysis of the applications, and the contribution of two contemporary commentaries, Ibn ʿ, Ā, shū, r and Ṭ, abā, ṭ, abā, yī,are worthy of attention in terms of matching the meaning of interpretation with literary points.