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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Using the terms of different sciences and knowledge in inventing themes and creating imaginary is one of the methods of poets in expressing opinions and explaining mental ideas. One of these sciences is medicine, which has found a special place in literature, and Azerbaijani style poets, especially Khaghani, have written many poems related to this science. He has spoken on the occasion of patients, medicines and treatments that without knowledge of medicine and medical knowledge terms, it becomes difficult and complicated to understand his poems. The purpose of this study is to find out the poet's use of words and terms of this knowledge and its artistic applications in the court of Khaghani Shervani and also to be aware of the poet's goals in using this knowledge. METHODOLOGY: The present study has been done by descriptive-analytical method and using library studies to research medical terms in Khaghani Divan and many diagrams have been drawn. FINDINGS: In Khaghani Divan, various medical information including types of diseases, types of drugs and treatments, medical supplies, occupations and even beliefs related to it have been discussed. Khaghani using a variety of expressive arrays (similes, metaphors, allusions and metaphors) and rhetorical industries, both verbal (repetition, types of puns, puns, conjugations) and spiritual (ambiguity, good reasoning, contradiction, discernment, obscurity, observance) For example (appropriateness), question and answer, equation style, paradox, etc. ), he has made his poetic images more artistic. Khaghani has also pursued various purposes in using these terms, the most important of which are the reflection of his medical knowledge to the audience, the description of the beloved, the praise of praise, the condemnation of enemies and opponents, the condemnation of the heavens, the description of nature and the lament of the child. CONCLUSION: The results show that Khaghani had extensive knowledge in medicine and was aware of the diseases and illnesses of his time. He was familiar with the properties of various drugs and their effect on the treatment of patients as well as the treatment of diseases,Therefore, without knowing it, understanding his poems is difficult and difficult for the audience who are unaware of this knowledge. The poet Shervan has been more successful in his descriptions by using this knowledge creatively and adorning it with various expressive and original crafts, and by doing so, he has proved his skill and mastery.

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Zamani (Allah Dad) m. | SHAHSAVARI S.

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    8 (78)
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Chronology is one of the novel sciences that has been considered by those in power in different eras. During the Timurid period, Alegh Beyg made considerable efforts to link his family to the Genghis dynasty. For this reason, he wrote a genealogical work, entitled Tarikh al-Arba’, e, the original version of which disappeared, but its adapted remains became known as the Al-Atrak genealogy, of which two copies are available today. The aim of this research is to introduce this literary historical work by looking at the literary, linguistic and content layers of Shajrat al-Atrak and with the help of descriptive stylistic method. Considering the stylistic features of this text and the use of descriptive stylistics at three levels of content, language and rhetoric, the period of reproduction and writing of Shajrat al-Atrak and the nature of its author should be examined. METHODOLOGY: The method is analytical and descriptive and the data are collected through phishing and sampling of the text by repeated study and selection of repetitive options and sometimes mentioning rare and rare cases to approach the answer. Questions helped. FINDINGS: Shajrat al-Atrak is one of the historical-literary texts that by introducing and examining its features, gives researchers the opportunity to study in a text that in addition to the vague historical points of the Mongol and Ilkhanid rule in Iran, also in terms of literature and language. It has outstanding features and can connect part of the communication circles of different historical periods of Persian language, literature and culture of Greater Iran. CONCLUSION: Conclusion: Despite all the author's efforts in the use of literary arrays and Arabic words, and moreover Mongolian Turkish, the prose of Shajrat al-Atrak is still simple and like most historical reference texts. What I like most about its prose writing style is the style of sentence writing in inflection, and the chapter and connection of sentences,In such a way that most sentences, regardless of the place of connection and the chapter, are connected with "wow" in turn, making it difficult for the proofreader to connect the sentences. Mistakes in the use of prepositions, quoting Turkish sentences and poems, and even writing text based on the dialect of the Turks of Parsigo, reinforce the author's suspicion that he is a Turkic speaker and that he is probably a Mongol, and that the author claims that the text Alegh Beyg summarizes and approves. Given the author's devotion to the Sunnis, the text seems to have been reproduced in the period before the Shiite religion became official. Considering the rhetorical and linguistic features of the text and its compatibility with the prose of the Timurid period, it seems that the text belongs to the Timurid period and the author is a relative of the Turkic-speaking Ilkhanids.

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    8 (78)
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Describing and illustrating is one of the most important abilities of a poet in creating a poetic work,Because he does this by using his mental and scientific resources and using linguistic and expressive possibilities. Ferdowsi Shahnameh is one of the poems that has a high status from this perspective. Hakim Toos has finally described the artistry of situations, people, conversations, scenes and events, and has created original, attractive and lasting images. In this article, an attempt is made to examine the secret of the beauty and attractiveness of Ferdowsi's descriptions in the Shahnameh, how and by what tricks did Ferdowsi create such images? METHODOLOGY: The method of this research is descriptive and content analysis and data have been collected based on library studies and many diagrams have been drawn. FINDINGS: The study of the descriptions of Shahnameh shows that Ferdowsi did not ignore humans, animals, nature, objects and even abstract concepts in both epic and lyrical descriptions and in this way he used linguistic and expressive possibilities. CONCLUSION: The secret of the attractiveness of Shahnameh descriptions in Ferdowsi's artistic and creative use of linguistic, expressive and imaginative possibilities. With his unique mastery and using these facilities, he was able to show the peak of epic and lyrical images that are unique in their kind.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Examining and applying the principles of epic works of different nations can play an important role in understanding them as much as possible and can also explain the relations between the literature of the nations of the world and the development of literary, intellectual and cultural exchanges. Jamshid is one of the mythological characters of Shahnameh whose life stages and events during his life have many similarities with Osiris, one of the mythological characters of ancient Egypt. METHODOLOGY: This research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner. FINDINGS: Jamshid and Osiris in Iranian and Egyptian mythology have common features that indicate the collective human unconscious. By examining and comparing the lives, deeds and destinies of these heroes, one can get acquainted to some extent with the collective unconscious contents of the two nations (Iran and Egypt) and to illuminate the dark and obscure corners of the ancient cultural and social structure and understand the way of thinking and beliefs of the people. Ancient times helped. CONCLUSION: By examining the lives of the two main heroes of the stories (Jamshid and Osiris), their lives can be summarized in three stages: 1. The simultaneous birth of the hero, 2. The creation of a golden and ideal era by the hero, 3. The fall or death of the hero A time of disaster or turmoil.

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    8 (78)
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: "The Stories of MaŠ, di Galin Ḫ, ā, nom" is a collection of 110 Iranian folk tales written by Elwell-Sutton. These stories, with their cultural themes and special linguistic features, are an irreplaceable work among folk tales, and no independent research has been done on the linguistic stylistic features of these stories so far. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the linguistic style of these stories at three phonetic, lexical, and syntactic levels. METHODOLOGY: The study method is descriptive and analytical. After probing the field of Persian prose, popular cultures, historical grammar and stylistic books, relevant data were extracted and categorized. FINDINGS: The linguistic features of the stories have made the book a valuable work in the field of stylistics. Turkish and foreign words, folk proverbs and allusions, word archaism, syntactic archaism, phonological processes, colloquial verb phrases, grammatical aberration, application of classifiers, catch phrases, indicators, lexical innovations, rhyming reduplication, initiating verbs, oaths, insults, etc. are evident in these stories. At the phonetic level, there are assimilations with the least frequency and metatheses with the highest frequency. CONCLUSION: According to the background of the Persian language and using the old words that exist in the popular dialects of the Iranian people, it is possible to solve the problems of word formation and word selection in the Persian language to some extent. It is also possible to use their equivalents in the vernacular instead of the non-Persian words used in the language. These words can be considered as a support for Persian language and this linguistic capacity can be used. For example, instead of the Arabic words like massaneh (bladder), moattal kardan (delay), qollab (hook), Turkish qablameh (pot), French commode (chest of drawers), French bascule (big weighing machine), their Persian equivalents such as abgah, lang kardan, changak, komajdan, ganjeh, barkool, and the like can be used respectively.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In this article, we try to match the stages of the hero's passage in the epic stories of Persian poetry by presenting the model of the hero's journey by Joseph Campbell. Based on this, the study of the hero's journey during the stages of departure, arrival and approach and return in Garshasbnameh, Samnameh, Kushnameh and Jahangirnameh will be examined. METHODOLOGY: This research is a report of a fundamental, theoretical and documentary research with his descriptive-analytical method based on library studies. FINDINGS: The research findings indicate that in all four works studied, the stages of the hero's journey can be observed according to the proposed Campbell archetype. CONCLUSION: In all four epic poems, the hero is out of the ordinary world and this is the beginning of his journey for a journey that will return to normal life at the end with many changes and transformations and through multiple stages of departure, approach and return of the hero.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The poem "Borzonameh Kohan" written by Shamsuddin Ahmad Mir bin Mohammad Kosaj is one of the Iraqi style poets in the eighth century AH. In this poem, the poet describes the events related to Borzoo, son of Sohrab and those around him. This article examines the style and content of the poet's poems from three linguistic, literary and intellectual perspectives. The main question of the research is what are the most important stylistic features of Shamsuddin Mohammad Kosaj in the ancient Borzunameh system? METHODOLOGY: The method of data collection in this article is based on library studies and research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner FINDINGS: Kosaji, in accordance with the epic style of poetry in Persian literature, composed the poem Borzunameh Kohan and is one of the talented poets of the Iraqi style who has succeeded in following the previous poetic styles. CONCLUSION: At the linguistic level, the poet frequency has used weight of Motaqareb Mosamman mahzuf and rhymes and rows of nouns, present, letters, adverbs and pronouns. At the lexical and syntactic level, the use of prefixes, suffixes and ancient words, Turkish, Greek, special words and various terms can be seen in his poetry. At the literary level, in proportion to the epic and didactic content, the use of various imaginary forms of simile, metaphor, pun and spiritual novelty, proportion and exaggeration has a lot of style. At the intellectual level, in addition to the epic theme, which is its main subject, he has paid attention to educational themes such as praise, anti-worldliness, glory and complaint, prayer and supplication, and reference to ancient customs and beliefs.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The school of romanticism in contemporary literature has been considered by poets in both individualistic and socialist romanticism and most poets have tended to it. In this article, the poems of Forough Farrokhzad and Fereydoon Moshiri, who are among the leading poets of contemporary romanticism, have been analyzed with the aim of examining their intellectual foundations in the tendency towards romanticism and expressing differences and similarities in a comparative study. METHODOLOGY: The research method is descriptive-analytical and the statistical population includes the collection of Farrokhzad's poems and the generalities of Moshiri's poetry entitled "Reflection of the morning soul". FINDINGS: Both poets started the poem with individual romanticism and in the forties turned to socialist romanticism and also continued individual romanticism. In the field of socialist romanticism, the fusion of individualistic and socialist romanticism is abundant in Moshiri's poems, but it is not seen in Farrokhzad's poetry. In the field of society criticism, both have rejected the existing conditions of society and criticized the disorders. Farrokhzad describes the declining society and has shown the ugliness more prominently than Moshiri,Moshiri, on the other hand, has criticized the society with an educational attitude, hoping for its recovery. CONCLUSION: Farrokhzad and Moshiri both share the principles of the school of Romanticism but have different intellectual foundations. Farrokhzad has turned to romanticism with his personal life experience, but Moshiri has an imaginary and poetic experience. Farrokhzad is a social poet in socialist romanticism,But Moshiri has reached a fusion of individual and social romanticism. These differences indicate the existence of different styles and tendencies towards romanticism in contemporary literature.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: SohrabSepehri is one of the stylist poets in contemporary poetry that has been able to invent and create poetic images with the techniques of de-familiarization, outgoing the usual norms in the use of industries. In Sepehri's poetry, visual de-familiarization prevails in the field of simile. He tries to relying on techniques based on de-familiarization, create similes in addition to introducing their ideal world and breaking down the wall of habits, create images with new and unknown connections between nature, objects and concepts. In this research we seek to extract type of the simile examples and Sepehri's speech de-familiarization analysis, let's get to one of the highlights of his personal style. METHODOLOGY: The research method in this essay is descriptive-analytical and the data were collected in a library method and then the data analysis were examined based on the content analysis technique. FINDINGS: The main basis of the authors' examining is on the types of similes in terms of its elements as well as their sensory or intellectual nature, and of course, they pay attention to formalist stylistics. The results of this study show that one of the important tricks of SohrabSepehri to understand his inner worlds and his ideal world and finally, to achieve his own style, using dynamic poetic images based on de-familiar similes. CONCLUSION: From the analysis of Sohrab's poetry and the de-familiarization metaphors used in his poems, we can found that he has his own system of thought and following his habitual attitude, tries to change the audience's perception of the world around him. Due to his painting job and interest in nature, as well as his tendency towards Eastern mysticism, he tries to describe his ideal ideas to the audience in a different format from what his predecessors have stated. In fact, he is looking for a painting with words,A kind of de-familiar painting by relying on a tool called imaginary forms and, of course, by emphasizing the element of simile is placed in front of the audience, and transforms its mental archives into an image.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Among literary works, the story provides the best platform for criticizing the author. The novels "Tarlan" and "The Moon is Complete" draw society's attention to realities that are far removed from our view. These novels try to show human value and dignity and try to remind him of his lost human identity. METHODOLOGY: This study aims to analyze these novels based on humanistic human-centered components. In this regard, with a descriptive-analytical method to study issues such as,Rationalism, loneliness, realism, unrestricted geography (or utopia), human relations, critique of tradition, and some other concepts. FINDINGS: Given that humanism is a school with an emphasis on human superiority and the need for self-belief and belief in inner powers, and on the other hand, humanist ideas have always been a concern for artists and writers CONCLUSION: The results of the research indicate that almost all humanistic components in both novels are seen as fundamental concerns of the author. Also, the author has been able to express these concerns and concepts in the form of interpersonal relationships of characters and Show staging and characterization.

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Taremi a. | FAYYAZ M.

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    8 (78)
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The emergence of massive environmental crises is one of the great challenges facing the contemporary era that has endangered the lives of humans and other living things on the planet. The root of these challenges must be sought in the worldview and attitude of human beings towards existence. Because how humans treat each other and the natural world is influenced by thoughts, ideologies and worldviews. This study tries to design and explain the epistemological system and worldview of Iranian-Islamic mysticism in relation to the environment based on the most important works of Persian mystical poetry. METHODOLOGY: This research is one of the interdisciplinary studies that will study the position of the environment in the outstanding works of Persian mystical poetry from the Sanai era to the Jami period in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library studies. FINDINGS: A study of the outstanding works of Persian mystical poetry, especially in the poetry of mystical poets such as Sanai, Attar, Rumi, Shabestari and Jami, shows that God-centeredness, belief in the coherence and order of the universe, the good system, the mirror and verse of the universe, the rule of action and reaction, the secret of love in existence, life and perception of the universe, and sufficiency are the main foundations of Islamic mystics' view of the environment. CONCLUSION: The worldview of Islamic mystics based on religious teachings is full of epistemological views of nature and the environment. Mystical literature, especially mystical poetry, is the best container for reflecting the feelings and thoughts of Islamic mystics towards nature and the environment. The analysis of the outstanding works of Persian mystical poetry indicates that the system of beliefs, thoughts, speech and practical behavior of Islamic mystics is rich in respect, reverence, love and affection for nature and its manifestations. Iranian-Islamic mysticism, based on its intellectual foundations, is based on principles that can change the way people think and think about the environment and regulate their behavior towards it. Patterns based on the system of mystical beliefs can replace humanism, individualism, absolutism, segregation, the morphological, mechanical, and objective view of the world, and make fundamental changes in its relationship to nature.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the literary institution of contemporary poetry, with the break from classical literature and socio-cultural changes after the constitution, the themes of materialism, secularism, and Dahrimaneshi grew up as poets. In this article, with the aim of analyzing DahriManeshi in contemporary poetry, its most prominent components in the poetry of three poets have been studied. METHODOLOGY: The method of studying and reviewing resources is library. The writing of the article is descriptive-analytical with a selection of poetic examples of poets. The statistical population of the study is the poems of Nader Naderpour, Fereydoon Moshiri and Nosrat Rahmani. FINDINGS: The themes of DahriManeshi in the poems of all three poets, especially in the first period of poetry in the thirties, have a light frequency. Pleasure with carnal and erotic loves, pub and opium, emptiness of life and ending with death, disbelief in the other world, atheism, complaining about the times and death thinking are the most prominent components of DahriManeshi in poetry. They are. In comparison with poets, the components of DahriManeshi in Nosrat Rahmani's poetry are more than Naderpour and Moshiri. CONCLUSION: The thought of DahriManeshi in contemporary Iranian literature, especially in the thirties after the coup d’, é, tat of August 28, 1943, is seen in the intellectual style of poets. Poets look at man, God and the world with a materialistic tendency and see the cause of everything from time immemorial.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Characterization is the most important element in modern fiction. so other elements such as: truth-likeness, scene, space, color, dialogue, and etc. Which become stronger and more consistent under the influence of the composition and dealing in "character”, . On the other hand, what is considered in cultivating the element of character in modern stories, it is the use of psychological components. Among these, Jung's psychological teachings (archetype = archetypes) have been the most influential. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the myth-historical role of the mother of a female heroine (Based on two famous novels: Suvshun and Jai Khali Sulooch, respectively: SiminDaneshvar and Mahmoud Dolatabadi). METHODOLOGY: The study method in this research has been the collection of library resources and based on analysis and description. In the first stage, by studying the stories of Suvashun (by SiminDaneshvar) and Jai Khali Sulouch (by Mahmoud Dolatabadi), the mother role of female heroes (Zari and Morgan) is considered. And then, this role is evaluated from the perspective of myth or archetype with their historical and real situation. FINDINGS: SiminDuneshvar andMahmoud Dolatabadi were famous novelists with a contemporary style, and in this case, they have had many technical and artistic influences on the progress of storytelling after themselves. These two writers have been authoritative in the subject of "personality" and "characterization", So that the reader associates and identification with the character of the hero in their stories. And what is wrapped up as a "message" in the midst of events is accepted by the soul. One of the prominent characters in the stories of these two writers is a woman-especially as a mother. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that: SiminDaneshvar and Mahmmood Dolatabadi have been the most famous and influential writers of the present century who have had special skills in composition and dealing for their narrative elements-especially characters. Despite the sex differences between them, these two authors have shared in presenting a true face and model of an Eastern-Iranian woman (in mythological and historical dimensions). And this role has been portrayed as befitting the ancient and historical position of this class in the cultural and social relations of the studied history.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the precise and scientific ways that bring the researcher closer to the world of poet and writer is the careful study of stylistic features. The present study examines the style of Golrokhsar Safiava's poems in the field of language, literature and thought. METHODOLOGY: This article is based on library studies and has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner. FINDINGS: Golrokhsar Safiyava is one of the leading poets in the contemporary history of Tajikistan, who has been nicknamed the "Mother of the Tajik Nation". In Golrokhsar Divan, out of a total of 369 poems, the formats of new poems, sonnets, quatrains and combined forms have the highest frequency, respectively. But most of Golrokhsar's poems, which seem to be half-hearted, are originally Masnavi and find the form of a new poem only by step-by-step fragmentation. CONCLUSION: At the linguistic level, Golrokhsar has composed most of his poems in the two seas of Raml and Hazj, but in his poems there are weight strokes. Repetition in its various forms, the use of ancient and Tajik words are other linguistic features of his poems. At the literary level, simile, contradiction and discernment are among the most prominent literary features. At the intellectual level, the most frequent themes are love, expression of the status of women, homeland, pain and sorrow, loneliness, death, and complaints.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mohammadpour kh.

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Examining the style of poetry is a valuable step to recognize and analyze more accurately the poems of different periods and awareness of their artistic value and to understand the influence of poets on the works of the past and contemporaries. Amir Khosrow Dehlavi is one of the Persian Persian lyricists of the second half of the seventh century and the beginning of the eighth century AH. Therefore, in this article, the sonnets of this prominent poet are examined at three levels: linguistic, literary and intellectual, as well as special inventions of the poet, by giving examples of verses. METHODOLOGY: This article is a descriptive-analytical study based on library studies. The Statistical community is all the lyric poems included in Amir Khosrow Dehlavi's poetry collection, corrected by Iqbal Salahuddin. FINDINGS: The study of Amir Khosrow's lyric poems shows that the poet has created beautiful and unique lyric poems by mastering Persian language, mystical taste, artistic ability in using different weights and meanings and using various expressive and novel techniques on a large scalea and its own innovations. CONCLUSION: The result of research shows that love and its related themes are the most important poetic axis of Amir Khosrow's lyric poems. At the linguistic level, the poet uses the various weights and variations in the use of side music and a variety of effective word arrays in the inner music, the stylistic structure of words, compositions and sentences, shows the linguistic prominence of his sonnets. Theology, the great influence of the Qur'an, prayer and supplication, love and affection, the instability of the world, belief in fate and destiny, skepticism, praise, folk themes, are among the most important intellectual components of Amir Khosrow Dehlavi that in most cases traces of mysticism can be seen. Also, Amir Khosrow's innovations in different linguistic, syntactic and literary levels have made him stand out in lyric poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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