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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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اقدام های هدفمند در حوزه علوم انسانی و سیستم های اجتماعی، همیشه به کارکردهای آشکار ختم نمی شود و در مواقعی، پیامدهای پیش بینی نشده و غیرمنتظره به بار می آورند. در عالم انسانی، همیشه نیت های خوب، پیامدهای خوبی در پی ندارند. در دهه گذشته، گزارش های مختلفی (شاید با روش غیرمعتبر) درباره میزان ساعت کار مفید در ایران ارایه شده که نشان می دهد، میانگین کار مفید 7 دقیقه، 22 دقیقه، 40 دقیقه و 120 دقیقه در یک روز کاری است. شاید همه این محاسبات معتبر نباشد یا با درج ه ای از خطا همراه باشد؛ ولی بر اساس تجربه روزمره کارکنان در بخش های خصوصی و دولتی، درجه ای از صحت در این گزارش ها وجود دارد و ساعت کاری مفید در کشور پایین است. عده ای ساعت کاری مفید پایین و بهره وری اندک منابع انسانی را به ژنتیک ایرانیان نسبت می دهند که ریشه تاریخی دارد و در افکار بزرگانی چون حکیم ابوالقاسم فردوسی هم نمایان شده است. . .

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Objective: This study sought to establish a conceptual framework for explaining organizational resilience against corruption in Iranian governmental economic organizations. Methods: Glaserian emerging grounded theory method was used to identify factors of organizational resilience against corruption as a new concept in literature. In order to find a deeper understanding of the concept and its generative factors in three layers (event, mechanism, and structure), in an integrated framework, the critical realistic ontology was used. Results: "Anticipating", "monitoring", "response", "reassurance", "reducing impacts of corruption on staff", and "improvement" were recognized as principal categories in the empirical layer. Categories of "intelligence and dynamic organism", "strong control" and "resilient staff" were recognized as generative mechanisms in the actual layer. Categories of "open system", "organizational culture" and "attitude to corruption and reform" were recognized as structures in the real layer. These 12 factors with other conditional factors shape organizational resilience against corruption. Conclusion: According to these categories, organizational resilience against corruption is a meta-capability that includes what organizations should have and do before, during, and after corruption.

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Objective: The present study aims to provide a model of human resource flexibility in public banks of Iran. Human resource flexibility is an organizational capability variable that refers to an organization's ability to cope with its changing environment. Due to the differences in the viewpoints of researchers regarding the various dimensions of HR Flexibility and because of the expressed criticisms about the incomprehensiveness of the discussed dimensions, the further investigation seemed necessary. This study tried to provide a novel domestic framework to seal the present research gap. Methods: This survey-exploratory research is both applied and qualitative. Its statistical population of comprised of a group of experts including human resource management executives and experts in banks as well as university professors. Adopting the Targeted sampling method, some of the participants were selected as the statistical sample and were interviewed consequently. The selection of experts and data collection via interviewing them occurred until the theoretical saturation was reached. Finally, six experts were interviewed. Thematic analysis was then used to analyze the gathered qualitative data. Results: Analyzing the data obtained from the conducted interviews, 79 initial themes were extracted. The identified themes were classified into 27 general categories called Main Themes and then into 5 dimensions by paying close attention to the similarities and differences among them. Conclusion: This study could eventually put forward a five-dimensional model in the field of human resource flexibility in the banking industry. Flexibility in human resource management activities, perceptual-cognitive flexibility, skill flexibility, individual and organizational learning, and behavioral flexibility were the dimensions of this model.

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Objective: The outbreak of the coronavirus in 2020 led the Iranian policymakers to narrate different stories and make their decisions, accordingly. The purpose of this study is to identify the narratives of the Iranian government in the face of the pandemic. Methods: This is a qualitative case study conducted by applying a thematic analysis. Accordingly, the texts of the decisions made by the Iranian policy-makers were thematically analyzed and then labeled as narratives. The derived narratives were analyzed, successively. Results: Four distinct narratives in policy-making decisions under the Covid-19 pandemic were extracted, including the narrative of the need to reduce activities to combat disease, the narrative of the need to continue activities, the anti-sanctions narrative, and the narrative of knowledge-based production and economics. Conclusion: The development of the policy narrative framework enables the policymakers to classify their decisions and policies within the narrative framework and to turn their intellectual apparatus into a tangible narrative for their audiences. This article combined the form and the content dimensions of the policy narrative framework and presented a new conceptual framework for it, which describes and analyzes the policy narratives more comprehensively.

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Objective: The Parliament, like any other institution, is required to be evaluated to improve the quality of its effectiveness. This article seeks to provide a model for assessing the performance of the Iranian parliament considering the contextual condition and political context of the country. The designed model is expected to facilitate monitoring the ongoing changes in the performance of the Iranian body over time and to improve its functionality. Methods: At first, using the meta-synthesis method, the available data about the performance evaluation of the parliament were studied. Then, based on the available literature, a comprehensive model was developed. In order to adapt the model to the contextual condition and political context of the country, more than 60 in-depth and semistructured interviews were conducted with the time and former members of the presiding board and other MPs, including the former President, ex-Cabinet ministers, as well as the managers and experts of the Parliamentary Research Center. Results: The result of the research was presented via a set of standards or criteria including 216 criteria in the form of 84 topics, 26 sub-areas, and 5 main areas to evaluate the performance of the parliament. By adjusting this model to the situation in Iran, the criteria were completed and classified into sub-areas and topics. The criteria were put forward in the following five areas: "pivotal role of the parliament in the country", "elections and conditions of becoming an MP", "functions and work process of the parliament", "Parliament’, s internal structure and its infrastructure" and "Parliamentary values". In order to use this model, the opinion of experts in the field had to be collected and the time situation in each of the sub-areas or topics had to be determined. Due to the large number of criteria introduced, questionnaires could not be developed based on them. By aggregating opinions and analyzing them, the time situation of the parliament in each of the areas was determined and a clear evaluation of the performance of the parliament was carried out. Conclusion: To date, no model has been provided for evaluating the Iranian parliament. By presenting such a model, this article created the minimum necessary standard for the systematic evaluation of the body in different periods. It is expected that implementing the model could improve the performance of this important institution in the country.

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Objective: Coaching leadership is one of the new leadership models in modern organizations. It is a process for developing expertise and improving the employees’,personal growth,however, many managers know little about this leadership style or do not have the necessary skills to exercise it. This study aimed to identify the components of coaching leadership. Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose, a field study in terms of data collection method, and exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of its implementation method. In its qualitative part, the grounded theory was used. For data analysis, the systematic approach, developed by Strauss and Corbin, was applied through open, axial, and selective coding. In order to validate the components of the research, several methods were used, among which the member checking method (interviewees) and interrater reliability were the most significant ones. In the quantitative part, the survey method was used. A 21-item researcher-made questionnaire was also used to collect data. Construct validity was assessed to evaluate the validity of the instrument based on confirmatory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha method and combined reliability were used to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire. The statistical population of the present study consisted of two parts. In the first part, the target population included prominent experts and university professors of leadership and coaching. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 of them using the snowball sampling method. The latest related sources were also analyzed. In the second part, the statistical population included all employees working in the public sector of the Iranian electricity industry, i. e. 16, 899 people. From among them, using Cochran's formula, 370 people were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling. Results: The results of the qualitative section indicated the components of coaching leadership as self-awareness, building-trust, empathy, effective communication, helping to set goals and design actions, monitoring growth and development, and team building. Conclusion: According to the obtained results, the components of coaching leadership including self-awareness, empathy, building-trust, effective communication, helping to target and design actions by employees, monitoring the personal growth and development of employees, and team building in the Iranian electricity industry stand below the average level. Therefore, managers are required to try to strengthen these components, achieve the basic skills of coaching leaders, and put into practice their serious mission in organizations and Iranian society.

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Objective: Implementation of judicial policies is one of the important issues in the judiciary with a major role in ensuring justice and implementing the rule of law. This research aims to design a model to implement judicial policies in Iran's judicial system. Methods: In this research, 26 purposive semi-structured interviews were conducted with elites of the judiciary, and 333 concept codes were obtained accordingly. Applying the thematic analysis of qualitative data, similar concepts were merged or deleted and common themes and patterns related to the topic of research were identified and extracted. The design of the initial model was done at three levels of basic, organizing, and global themes. A three-round fuzzy Delphi survey was carried out to validate the model by aggregating the opinions of 20 experts from the Iranian judiciary and universities collected via a distributed questionnaire among them. Results: Performing the data analysis, 122 basic themes, 36 organizing themes, and 8 main inclusive themes were obtained which formed the theoretical model. According to the achieved results of the present study, the dimension of implementation policies has the most effect on the model of implementing judicial policies. Dimensions of participation of the involved actors, network governance in the justice system, the structure of implementation, empowerment of human resources, personal characteristics of judges, and principles of culture, religion, and citizens, are the following factors influencing the model, respectively. Conclusion: The extracted dimensions and components from the research model are comparable to some religious doctrines and upstream documents. Therefore, such a model can guarantee the progress of the judiciary when being pursued.

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