Gully erosion is one of the most important advanced (accelerated) forms of water erosion; so, identification and consideration of effective factors and its zoning is one of the important tools for controlling this phenomenon. The main purpose of the present study is spatial modeling and assessment of gully erosion using a probabilistic Weights-of-evidence (WofE) model and its different scenarios for selecting the location of gullies identified in Maharloo Watershed, Fars Province. For this aim, first, using extensive field observations, points of headcut, end, and also the boundary of the gullies (gully polygons) were identified and the gully inventory map for the study area was prepared. Then, thematic layers such as percent slope, slope aspect, plan curvature, elevation, Topographic Wetness Index, average annual precipitation, NDVI, land use, lithological units, distance from river, distance from road, drainage density, and some soil characteristics (percent silt, percent clay, EC and pH) were identified as effective factors on gully occurrence and their maps were prepared and classified in GIS environment. In the next step, using WofE algorithm, the relationship between effective factors and three different scenarios according to gully locations (head, end and gully polygons) were determined and the weight of each factor's classes was calculated. Ultimately, gully erosion zonation maps were prepared in the ArcGIS software environment. Evaluation of three gully erosion zoning maps using the ROC curve and 30% of unused gullies in the modeling process indicated that the accuracy of the models prepared based on three scenarios are 0. 847, 0. 861 and 0. 792, respectively. Also, results of layer weighting using WofE model indicated that rainfall increasing, high drainage density, high silt percentage, low altitudes, southern directions, low distances from roads and river, Asmari, Aghajari, Razak, Gachsaran, Mishan and Sachun geological formations, as well as bare lands, have played an effective role in the occurrence of gully erosion in the study area. In order to control and prevent this kind of erosion in the Maharlo Watershed, the protective measures and watershed management were performed in the early stages.