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In order to achieve sustainable development, planning an appropriate management program is essential. Watersheds are the main units of land management and the main objective of this paper is to review the history, current status and future management needs of these units in Iran. For this purpose, the concepts of watershed and watershed management were explained and organizational structure, activities and current approach to watershed management have been investigated. Four case studies of the approach and practices of watershed management in Iran and abroad were also mentioned (two internal samples and two external). The historic course of watershed management in Iran indicates that signs of changing approach are ongoing from a traditional mechanical to the systemic management approach. As a general conclusion for improving integrated management of watersheds in Iran, some suggestions were offered as follow: improving the current organizational structure of watershed management and establishing committees called watershed council, considering the scale of the watershed, applying a united and appropriate watershed management model, shifting the attitudes from technical engineering to managerial approaches toward the nature of watershed management, watershed participatory governance and establishing an unitary and coherent organizational structure.

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Integrated watershed management and regeneralization of available information to ungauged basin needs to recognize homogeneous watersheds. The hydrologic similarity of watersheds is caused by the hydroclimate and physical behaviors. In present study, hydroclimate and physical indices were used for indicating the homogeneous sub-watersheds in Karkheh Watershed and then results were compared. Factor analysis to reduce in the dimension of variables was conducted, separately for climatic, hydrological and physical parameters. Finally, using Fuzzy c-means (FCM) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) homogeneous sub-watersheds were indicated by hydro-climate and physical parameters. Factor analysis results showed that indices of CSDI (cold spell duration index), GSL (growing season length), RX5day (monthly maximum consecutive 5-day precipitation), TX90p (percentage of days when daily maximum temperature is greater than 90th percentile) and TMAXmean (mean of maximum temperature) of climate indices, and indices of percent of hydrologica group D and flood potential index of hydrologic indices were selected. Also indices of basin area, basin elongation, average length of drainage and total topography between the physical parameters were selected. Comparing the results of the FCM and HCA indicated that the optimal number of clusters is same, but the results of watershed classification are not same in each cluster of two ways. Classification by hydroclimate and physical indices highlights that 25 and 27 basins were classified similar, respectively in two methods of clustering. Clustering by hydroclimate parameters produced different results compared with physical parameters, so that the 17 and 19 sub-basins are in the same classes in the FCM and HCA, respectively. However, there is no preference to accept watershed classification by hydroclimate or physical parameters, thus a combination of hydroclimate and physical parameters were used for classification. Watershed classification by the combination of hydroclimate and physical parameters indicated that 33 sub-basins were classified similar in both FCM and HCA methods. Classification in Karkheh basins based on the combination of physical and hydroclimate parameters revealed that the northern areas are in group 3, central regions (from east to west) are in group 2 and southern areas are in group 1. Inherently, these basins are similar in each group and demand the same protection operations in view of watershed management.

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Changing in urban life, climate change and successive droughts and floods have caused the issue of restoration of rivers to become one of the most important environmental issues and water resources problems. In recent years, the lack of attention to environmental issues, improper exploitation of water resources, ignoring sustainable development, changes in natural structure and channelization of urban river have created undesirable conditions for urban rivers. This study tries to develop and select the best strategy to achieve river restoration by considering six sustainable development criteria and using the hybrid model of Analytical Hierarchy Process and Modified Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (M-TOPSIS-AHP) and taking into account two goals of quantitative and qualitative restoration of base flow and securing against flood. The required data was collected through survey forms that have been filled by 38 experts in the field of water resources management. The inconsistency rates of surveys forms were investigated and inconsistent forms were removed. Then the pairwise comparison of AHP method was used to obtain the relative weights and finally the strategies were ranked by TOPSIS method and the best strategy was introduced.

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Vegetation has a fundamental role in controlling surface landslides by its mechanical and hydrological effects. However, due to the complexity of vegetation-soil interactions, quantification of the effects of roots on soil remains as a challenge. This study tries to evaluate and quantify the effects of Tamarix roots in increasing the soil shear strength of Kashafroud banks in Khorasane_Razavi Province, Iran. After field observations, a number of 18 samples of soil containing Tamarix hispida roots and also three samples of soil without any root with the sizes of 10×10 cm were collected from the research area and transported to the laboratory. Direct shear test was carried out for the samples and by drawing Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope, the shear strength of soil reinforced by the roots was obtained and compared to those of the soil samples without any roots. Results showed that roots increase the soil cohesion and shear strength by 216. 6 and 41. 64 percent, respectively. Results also indicated that by increasing the vegetation indices of RAR and RDR, soil cohesion and as a result, shear strength is increased. Of course, this shear strength increase will support natural stability of river banks against erosion and destruction.

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Identification of areas with high potential for flooding in the basin is one of the most important activities in flood control and reducing its damages. In this research, the possibility of prioritizing nine sub-basins from flooding point of view has been studied in Eskandari Watershed, using HEC-HMS. Also, the priorities of sub-basins were studied using flooding coefficient and peak discharge per unit area experimental methods. In order to run HEC-HMS model, plan rainfall with two, five, 10 and 50 years return periods were used. Flood hydrographs associated with each precipitation were calculated for each sub-basin, using the sequential removal method of sub-basins and removing CN in each sub-basin in each run of the model and their effect were computed in flood generation. Results showed that sub-basin I has the first priority is flooding potential, considering independent and depended sub-basins. Prioritization of sub-basins with two experimental methods had different results that are independent from a particular process. As E sub-basin had sixth priority in flooding coefficient method and third priority in the peak discharge estimating method. By comparing the prioritization of sub-basins in HEC-HMS model in different return periods, results showed that sub-basins prioritization in different return periods has specific process. Therefore, HEC-HMS model is more efficient compared to experimental methods in sub-basins prioritization in flooding.

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Iran has an arid and semi-arid climate as well as a more unstable ecosystem than humid regions; so the importance of water and soil resources conservation becomes higher in this country. The use of vegetative buffer strips is an effective strategy to reduce pollutions in surface waters as well as soil erosion. The present research has been conducted with the aim of study the effect of runoff rate, plant age and plant species on the efficiency of vegetative buffer strips to control runoff quality and quantity in Sari, Mazandaran, Iran. 1×10 m experimental plots were used and artificial runoff with two rates equal to the runoff generated by a precipitation with 25 and 100 years return period. The results indicated that the efficiency of vegetative buffer strips containing vetiver grass and turf grass affected by the runoff with a rate equal to the runoff generated by a precipitation with 25 years return period was higher than the buffer strips affected by the runoff with a rate equal to the runoff generated by a precipitation with 100 years return period, during the study period. Also, it was found that the efficiency of vegetative buffer strips to control runoff quality and quantity is affected more by the flow properties than characteristics of buffer strips, their plant age and species, when runoff rate is high. Two studied plant species including vetiver grass and native turf grass also showed a different performance to reduce runoff volume and its pollutants. On the other hand, variation of the plants’ age caused different efficiency for the studied vegetative buffer strips.

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In this study, the seasonal variations of discharge and concentrations of soluble nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, orthophosphate and potassium and also the concentrations of these substances during baseflow and rainfall runoff in the seasonal and perennial rivers entering the Zarivar Lake were investigated. The results showed a great variation of discharge in the spring than the other months because of frequent rainfalls and the maximum discharge in this season. Despite the differences of the stream lake behavior and also the different nature of nutrients, generally, nutrients concentrations have different seasonally significant so that the maximum concentrations and the maximum concentration variations of soluble nitrite, nitrate, orthophosphate and ammonium were seen in summer. The results of the inter and intra storm variability analysis of nutrient concentrations indicated a significant differences between nitrite and nitrate during and between storm events with sig=0 and sig.

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Rainfall-runoff relationship is one of the most sophisticated hydrological processes which helps to understand the watershed hydrologic response assessment. The rainfall-runoff relationships of Ardabil Province watersheds were analysed to investigate the spatial variability of rainfall-runoff responses using precipitation-runoff polygons technique at a monthly temporal time scale. Therefore, variations of recorded precipitation and runoff data were analysed over a period of 22 years from 1990-2011 in 20 watersheds of the Ardabi Province. According to the results, the maximum runoff coefficient is corresponding to Doostbeighlou Station by the value of 33%. The analysis of precipitation-runoff polygons reveals that the Arbabkandi, Polealmas, Samian and and Doostbeighlou watersheds had the higher amount of runoff coefficient. As well as, the hydrologic response of Shamsabad, Kozetopraghi and Ahmadkandi are similar and homogeneous in term of runoff generation. Based on the relationship between monthly runoff coefficient and the area, the highest correlation coefficient was observed in the March (0. 92), and the lowest was assigned to August (0. 0089). The larger the area of the polygon and the highest coefficient of variation is corresponding to Doostbeighlou and Samian watersheds. The distribution of the runoff coefficient over the months showed that the Hir and Ahmadkandi watersheds had the highest runoff coefficient in June and August which is related to the delay in runoff production. Based on the results, precipitation-runoff polygon technique is a suitable way to compare the hydrological response and changes in rainfall-runoff relationship of watersheds. It should be noted that the comlexity of rainfall-runoff process causes an overlapping in polygon portions and irregular shapes which caused a difficulty in interpretating of watershed response and needs much more furture researches.

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The land use changes cause changes in components of the hydrological cycle and increase or reduce the amount of runoff. Subsurface runoff is one of the most important parts of the runoff in wet areas, especially in steepy lands with higher vegetation. Given the advantages and capabilities of distributed hydrological models, these models are appropriate to assess changes in land use and quantitative estimates of changes. In this study, evaluation of the effects of land use change scenarios on the subsurface flow rate was investigated using WetSpa model on daily basis in Horo-Dehno Watershed with an area of 263. 43 Km2. Daily hydro-meteorology data including evapotranspiration, precipitation and temperature from 2006 to 2010 were used to run the model, . The model input maps included DEM, land use and soil texture maps. According to the watershed potentials, four scenarios of land use change were planned in ArcGIS and entered in the calibrated model for simulation. In order to use model to simulate the effects of land use change scenarios, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis and calibration were performed manually and afterwards with the PEST optimization program. In addition, to compare the output hydrograph of subsurface flow in current situation of four scenarios with simulated results, changes in hydrological processes and parameters were evaluated. This analysis showed that improving land use is the reason of increasing of subsurface flow, increasing of deep infiltration, reducing of surface runoff and increasing of watershed time of concentration. Whereas, land degradation reduces the amounts of subsurface flow, permeability to deep and surface aquifers and increases runoff volume. Therefore, maintaining and improving current land uses are one of the major alternatives for watershed surface runoff management.

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One of the major issues that residential and industrial zones encountered is lack of stormwater management for these areas that can lead to inundation problem. This research aims to solve the problem of inundation as well as the shortage of water sources in Neyshabur City. Following the identification of the executable stormwater management actions and developing 32 management scenarios for the city, the impacts of implementing the scenarios were predicted considering technical, environmental, hydrologic, economic and social criteria. The scenarios were prioritized using a multi-criteria decision making technique. The analysis based on the weighs elicited using the Delphi method among participants having tertiary education, indicates that scenario 24 (combination of bioretention, infiltration basin, and underground detention) is considered as the preferred scenario. But for the case of the participants under tertiary education, scenario 28 (combination of bioretention, infiltration trench, infiltration well, porous pavement, infiltration basin, and underground detention) is considered as the best scenario. The outcomes of the current research, explicitly assist the managers and planners in Neyshabur City to manage urban stormwater more effectively and can also implicitly provide suitable research model for other urban watersheds to be adopted by researchers and practitioners.

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The present research was carried out at a research station in Qarehchryan, located in north-west of Zanjan City, Iran. Rainwater catchment systems had dimensions of 5×8 m, with five treatments of control (withness)(A), without vegetation and gravel with gravelly filter (B), without gravelly filter (C), impervious a part of the system with gravelly filter (D) and without gravelly filter (E) in a randomized complete block design with three replications. There were nine daily rainfall events from April until late August 2013, with two times irrigation with an interval of 60 days, 45 liter for every seedling and 33 times of measurement of moisture at depths of 20 and 50 cm. Results showed that spring rainfall had not been able to produce runoff in the control treatments and had no effect on soil moisture. Soil moisture influence has been increased by daily rainfall in both B and C treatments compared to control treatments. . Soil moisture influence from daily precipitation has been increased up to 30 percent in D and E treatments due to insulating surface of existing systems and impervious surface of rainwater catchments. Timeline of the average moisture at the depths of 20 and 50 cm is almost similar in all treatments. This situation indicates that the distribution of moisture in depth of 20 to 50 cm is similar with no significant difference, but, the moisture at the depth of 20 cm is more than 50 cm.

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Marl formations have problems in watersheds due to high sediment yield. The purpose of this research is the marls classification of Isfahan province according to erodibility indices and their physical and chemical properties. In this regard, region marl units were identified and their sediment yield was measured using rainfall simulator. Then, based on erosion type, they were sampled and soil physical and chemical properties were analyzed. Cluster analysis statistical method was used to classify marl units. Statistical analysis was performed by three sets of data including chemical, physical and both chemical and physical accompanied by slope and measured sediment from six mmh-1 rainfall in each step of the analysis. Results showed that the most important similarity factors in marls are chemical properties and the effect of climate. According to information obtained from investigations, climate is the most effective factor of differences among marl units in this province. In addition to its direct impact on creation and evolution of marls, it affects on other parameters directly and indirectly and choosing either of these parameters is related to climate.

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Mohamadi Sedigheh

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With regard to financial and technical problems normally measured sediment data are limited in developing countries; therefore a model that uses water discharge data as input can be a reliable option for estimates of sediment. Due to widely application of the variety of models to predict the suspended sediment, this study aims to determine optimal prediction model based on the amount of discharge flow gauging stations of Halilrood River including, Soltani, Henjan, Cheshmeh Aroos, Meydan and Konaruiyeh. In this regard, efficiency of some rating curves models including one-linear, two-linear and the intermediate categories ones (by and without coefficients as CF1, CF2 and FAO) and black box models including artificial neural networks and neural-fuzzy in modeling sediment were evaluated. The results of the evaluation of the model using the parameters of MAE and RMSE showed that neuro-fuzzy models in major hydrometric stations studied, including Pole Baft, Henjan and Konaruiyeh with an equivalent amounts of 35. 07, 11958. 74 and 34235. 27 ton/day for MAE and 42. 07, 28672. 78 and 52735. 92 ton/day for RMSE, respectively are the best models to simulate the suspended sediment. The artificial neural network model of radial basis function in Meydan with 384. 83 ton/day MAE and 669 ton/day RMSE amounts is the optimal model. Also two-linear sediment rating curve resulted the best simulation in Cheshmeh Aroos Station with MAE and RMSE as 1. 7 and 4. 1 ton/day and one-linear sediment rating curve with CF1 correction in Soltani Station with MAE and RMSE 9723. 2 and 41235. 6 ton/day, respectively are the best. According to changes of efficiency of models with varying location of gauging stations, it can be concluded that ecological conditions and statistical community determine the optimal model of the suspended sediment simulation.

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In this paper the watershed management activities on some part of the Hablehroud Watershed was evaluated on the basis of the stakeholders’ attitude using the questionnaire (face to face interview and recording) and qualitative research method. The respondents’ community was randomly selected among males and females and gathered data was analyzed using the SPSS statistical software. The descriptive results showed that, despite its high necessity and importance, the number and diversity of offered educational and extension programs are insufficient from the Hablehroud stakeholders’ point of view. Assessment of stakeholder’ s viewpoints regarding key influencing factors on natural resources and environmental degradation as well as stakeholders’ awareness and feeling of responsibility about environment indicated that local people have a relatively good environmental knowledge and feel themselves highly responsible. Furthermore, stakeholders very highly acknowledge the effects and importance of implementing soil and water conservation measures from various dimensions. Therefore it is crucial to provide educational and extension programs, to benefit from local knowledge and to involve the local stakeholders in order to succeed in the projects. However, low incomes and lack of employment opportunities, which are main issues of rural communities, lead to migration from some locations. In fact, stakeholders declared that lack of financial resources is the main hindrance to willingness to implement soil and water conservation measures. Moreover, lack of awareness and information about soil and water conservation measures and their effects and absence of pilot and demonstration farms are the second and third most hindering factor to adopt soil and water conservation measures.

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This research was aimed to investigate Hirmand River morphology alterations through the estimation of suspended loads transported by floods. The sediment samples were collected and suspended loads were estimated. The alterations of sediment load along Sistan reach was investigated, spatially and temporally. The suitable reaches for sedimentation inspected through the high resolution Satellite imageries of Spot-5 (with the spatial resolution of 2. 5-5 m). Through the geo-referencing of aerial photos and satellite images in GIS environment, the changes of river width, meander angel, and sinuosity index were estimated during the last 50 years. The t-student test was employed to assess the changes of river width during time. Results showed that the average suspended sediment load of Sistan River was 32 grL-1 and approximately 7. 3 million tones sediment load entered to the study reach. According to the results, the river width has been changed, significantly. The river width in 2016 has been decreased by 0. 33 of that in 1965 and 73% of the river has no capacity for flow transport and shows a high density of suspended load. This study established that the hydrology parameters (sediment and flood), biologic and slope changes are the main causes of sediment load and the changes of river morphology from a disorganized sinusoidal meanders to limited meanders. During the period of 1965-2016 the pattern of flow changed from meander to the sinusoidal. The average angel of river from 287. 94 changed to 295. 26 degree. The average of sinusoidal index changed from 1. 39 to 1. 18 and the average of flooding bed width from 160. 79 m changed to 41. 32 m in 2016.

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Exact estimation of flood-water peak discharge and prioritizing the flooding potential in subwatersheds in main watersheds is necessary (because of cost, watershed restoring is not practicable in all subwatersheds), moreover flood may occur only in some specefic subwatersheds. This study was conducted in Sarkhoon watershed of Bandarabbas (South of Iran) with the aim of developing a flood prioritizing method in small catchments. The resarch was carried out using ElectreIII and Fuzzy Topsis methods belonging to multicriteria models. For the analysis, 7 criterions were selected that includes: Basin mean weight slope, gravilus coefficient, permeability, runoff coefficient, shape coefficient, vegetation cover and rainfall intensity with 25, 50 and 100 years return periods. Then the criterion weights were determined using AHP method and for selecting the best hierarchy and function of electre III and Fuzzy Topsis, the spearman coefficient were utilized and the results showed a correlation coefficient of 0. 8 between predicted and actual flood peak values. In the final step the combination method for the final prioritizing was adopted. Results showed that subwatersheds 18-1-1, 14 and 18-1-2 have more flooding peak. It was concluded that the combination method can promise as a suitable method for prioritizing the flooding potential in subwtersheds.

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Nowadays, desertification as a great problem affects most of the countries in the world, especially developing countries. Desertification phenomenon that occurs in arid, semi-arid and dry semi-wet regions, will reduce the land potential. In this study MEDALUS model was applied for quantitative assessment of desertification risk with emphasis on five criterion in Shahroud-Bastam Basin, because of easy style and data accessibility and also compatible with the effective indices on land degradation. For this purpose, first, the study area was divided into five homogeneous units. Then, five criteria including soil quality, climate, vegetation, management, erosion and 13 indicators were used for quantitative evaluation of desertification in homogeneous units. Index layers for each criterion were prepared using GIS. These indices were ranked in accordance with Modified MEDALUS model. The geometric mean was then calculated and map was produced for each criterion. Land degradation map of each homogeneous unit was prepared using the geometric mean criteria. Finally, from their combination, desertification susceptibility map produced. According to the results, climatic and erosion criteria with an average weight of 1. 607 and 1. 467, had the most effectiveness on desertification and vegetation with average weight of 1. 377 had the least effectiveness. As a results, from the total of study area, with area of 7737. 71 km2, 40% (3096. 311 km) is located in the C3 class or extreme critical erosion, that requiring more attention to implement desertification control programs. Result of this research is a managing tool available for decision-making regarding the selection of priority areas in the fight against desertification.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Urban flood is the volume of water that is out of the capacity of the drainage network of the city and results in many problems and damages. Most researches around the world shows an increase in urban floods, especially metropolitan areas. The concentration of human population in urban areas with urbanization and changing the face of the earth's nature has caused an increase in impervious surfaces and change in hydrological cycle. This study was done to simulate runoff of Ilam City Catchment using of the SWMM hydrologic-hydraulic model. The model validation results showed that the simulated peak discharge and flow volume are in good correspondence with the observed value (BIAS= 3. 25, RE= 0. 065). According to the results obtained from the analysis of the sensitivity of the important parameters of the model, the factors affecting the flood occurrence in the study area include the inadequate size of urban channels, increase of impervious areas, coefficient of roughness of permeable areas, slope, area, equivalent width and roughness coefficient of impermeable areas. The results of the study show that sub-area 2 has the highest risk of flood due to land use changes, non-standard construction and inappropriate drainage network, which results in an increase in impervious surfaces, and in the absence of attention, the city of Ilam face severe flood risks due to the drainage network infrastructure and the lack of observance of the urbanization developments criteria. Also, the SWMM model has the accuracy required for urban flood simulation and it can be used for urban runoff management plans and designing superficial water collection and disposal networks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this study, urethalate floating cover is designed using soft drinks bottles and foam polyurethane in order to prevent evaporation losses of water reservoirs of Sarcheshme Copper Complex. Designed urethalate is including four square coatings with two layers of bottles that foam polyurethane is injected into these coatings to maintain and shaping and liners of anti-acid concrete has been created on its surface to protect of the upper layer. For evaluating the performance of two layer urethalate cover to reduce evaporation, two ponds with an area of nine m2 in the vicinity of Sarcheshmeh tailing dam were constructed and then the evaporation losses was measured for two month in each pond. The obtained results using designed cover showed performance of two layers urethalate in evaporation reduction. More than 92. 5% of the expected evaporation was reduced. Due to the durability and performance of urethalate, this project can be considered as a worthwhile project to be used elsewhere. It would also be a useful application of environmental waste material to save water in the region with water scarcity in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Weather generator models are used to predict climate parameters variations caused by climate change phenomenon. It can be used as a downscaling method for hydrological modeling, risk assessments in agriculture etc. Herein this research, HadCm3 model were used. Three different scenarios were considered. Downscaling were done using LARS-WG model. LARS-WG is a statistical downscaling model. Different climatic parameters such as minimum and maximum monthly temperature, minimum and maximum precipitation were predicted based on A1B, B1 and A2 scenarios. This research was done for Balqur Watershed in Kardeh Dam in Mashhad. Base line period is 1961-2010. Prediction was done for 2046-2065. Results showed that changes in minimum temperature would be higher than maximum in 2046-2065. Generally precipitation would be decreased except for a light increase in A2 scenario. But even if it is considered, it would not be as important as an increase in temperature would increase evaporation too. So, with regard to this fact and be aware of directly and indirectly negative effects of climate change on the environment and other sectors, strategic long-term plans to manage the new situation seems inevitable and necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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