The expansion of research partnerships between industry, government, and the university has resulted in some challenges regarding intellectual property due to different participants with diverse natures, interests, and motivations. Especially in the case of publicly funded projects, the existence of a framework for intellectual property policy becomes doubly important. In this research, we attempt to design the framework for intellectual property policy using the grounded theory method. For this purpose, we reviewed related scientific sources and conducted interviews with experts with relevant knowledge and experience to obtain theoretical saturation. The proposed framework has four main dimensions: “, contextual factors”, , “, objectives and expected outcomes”, , “, policy process”,and “, policy content”, , 13 factors and 42 components. Based on the results, to adopt an appropriate intellectual property policy for collaborative research, the characteristics and conditions of the project and its stakeholders as contextual factors and the expected consequences in the short, medium, and long term, should be considered. Depending on the characteristics and nature of the project and its stakeholders, different repercussions are anticipated from the policy. Also, the development, implementation, and evaluation of this policy are affected by contextual factors and its expected consequences and can impact the content of the policy.