Due to the key role and importance of using agent-based modeling and simulation tools in various applications, such as urban management and planning, social networks, financial markets, traffic flows, and crisis management, it is worthwhile to evaluate and quantitatively compare these tools based on a well-defined standard framework. So far, several studies have reviewed and compared agent-based modeling and simulation tools from different aspects. However, none of the studies are quantitatively performed based on a well-known standard framework. To fill this research gap, in this paper, five of the most widely used agent-based modeling and simulation tools including AnyLogic, NetLogo, Repast, GAMA, and MASON were compared and evaluated based on the well-known ISO 25010 standard, regarding the quality in use, by Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) method. The evaluation results show that AnyLogic tools are of better quality than others, and this is due to the attractiveness of the tool from the user's point of view and less effort to develop an agent-based application compared to other tools.