Quick growth of spirituality in academic setting, Work place, organizations and its implications for leaders, managers, and heads of human resource departments is of great significance. To this end, it was hypothesized that spread of spirituality in academic settings and work places can result in individual creativity and prosperity as well as in organizational coordination. This study was an attempt to study the factors contributing spirituality among the cadets of Imam Ali Military University .To this end, a set of variables including: behavior of idea - political staff members, communication with clergymen, Quranic education, attending congregational prayer, role of commanders and social values were investigated.Descriptive correlation analysis of the data along with chi-square analysis by SPSS revealed following statistics as the rate of their effectiveness:Behavior of idea – political staff members = %82.7Communication with clergymen=% 86.2Quranic & Nahjolblalaghe education =%82Congregational prayer and other religious events = %78.4Social value=%62.4