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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The present study aimed at investigating the different applications of globalization including 1. Business centers such as stock exchange, foreign banks, central offices of banks responsible for foreign exchange transactions, and partnership companies, 2. Transportation infrastructure such as tourism and overseas air travelling companies, Internet companies, offices of telecommunication services, post head offices, and 3. shopping centers offering digital/electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, GPS's devices in terms of their variance as well as regarding CBD (Central Business District) and the population of Tehran.The results of the study showed that there was an inverse correlation between population density and location of globalization applications. The activities tend to be localized away from the central business district. Regarding the centralization of applications or place connectivity, most of these activities tend toward convergence than itself, and the whole activities tend toward convergence and centralization than others. This showed that there still exists a face to face and personal communication in the process of globalization of Tehran and its related activities. Accordingly, giving a model of standard distance for localization of these activities, the present study suggested the most available as well as the best distance for clients and those involved in these activities in this sector, excluding deviation in spatial distribution of these applications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Demand for tourism in the nature necessitates a comprehensive planning, attention to the environment and preventing its destruction. In order to nature- based tourism planning in arid and semi- arid areas, 12 criteria and 41 sub- criteria for ecotourism planning were obtained through surveying the local and foreign references. These criteria were presented to the tourism and environment experts in form of Delphi questionnaire for determining the location criteria of ecotourism in arid and semi arid areas and their prioritizations. Results based on the percentage of criteria importance and the importance degree of the studied criteria showed that 11 main criteria including the recreational importance, management elements, physical properties of the area, wildlife, water resources, environment sensitivity, cultural-historical aspects, social aspects, vegetation and economical aspects including 28 sub-criteria are important for ecotourism planning and decision making accordingly. It is clear that using ecotourism criteria in other natural ecosystems requires a separate and particular study.

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Water shortage is one of the most important environmental challenges in arid and semiarid regions. Unfortunately, today, due to low precipitation and over pumping of groundwater resources in recent years and also lack of attention to aquifer and artificial feeding; therefore more attention to ground water resources is an inevitable and important issue.The review of quantitative and qualitative situation of the underground water tables is of such issues which shall be considered. In this study, the qualitative and quantitative variations of the groundwater water tables have been investigated for feeding and discharge in some pizometers of Jovain prolific plains in south Khorasan province. Firstly, the data statistics of hydro static levels at 50 pizometers as quantitative and at sixty pizometers as qualitative were prepared as selected pizometers and sufficiency and homogenous tests of the data were performed. Then the imperfect data were reconstructed and finally the data were extracted and analyzed in 12 years common statistics base of 1995-2007. The aim of this paper is to determine the qualitative and quantitative maps of underground waters based on the variables of hydrostatic levels through inverse distance interpolation method (ID) by the use of GIS system (Geographical Information System). So that, based on the results of mapping Annual Groundwater Unit Hydrograph (AGUH) of Jovain province, on average the water ground level from years of 1995 to 1999 up to aqueous year 2006-2007 shows a drop of 10 m. Also the Annual Groundwater Unit Hydrograph (AGUH) of Jovain plain and three periods of diverse drop of hydrostatic level from years 1995 up to 1998 from 53.07 to 54.09m shows approximately a normal drop status. But from statistical year 1998 on ward up to year 2003, the drop has reached from 53.07 to 54.09 m, that is 4.5 m of drop during four aqueous years. With respect to the obtained results of analysis of quantitative and qualitative results by Inverse Distance Interpolation Method (ID) and mapping qualitative and iso- drop maps, the interpolated qualitative parameters are critical in some areas and show a drastic decrease of quality of this aquifer.

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Tehran's urban complex is a geographical area which is created by the functional correlation and interaction of activities and residence in some cities and population community, in a way to form an integrated spatial system. Tehran urban complex is one the most important and largest urban areas of our country with a population of over 13422367 individuals.Our aim in this paper is to study the changes of population settlement pattern in Tehran urban complex and its some effective factors during the last three decades (1976-2006) from the view point of authors. Analytical- descriptive method has been used in this paper.The results of this study show that population settlement in Tehran urban complex during the three decades of under study has been more in other urban points and villages than in metropolis of Tehran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The study area is located in the Trusted Zagros and is placed at the border area of Hamedan and Lorestan provinces. The main aim of this research is the assessment of karst development and its potential from geomorphology and hydrogeology point of view. Highly tectonization and distribution of dissolvable carbonaceous rocks is caused to develop karstification phenomenon in this area. Some of karstic geomorphologic features such as dolin, karren, cave and karst springs (for example Gamasiab spring) are formed. In order to evaluate the hydro chemical conditions of the area, the data from 26 springs were used. The results of data analysis show that the types of water in most of the springs are calcium and magnesium bicarbonate (Ca-Mg-Hco3) which is matched with the type of karstic aquifers. Assessment of the saturation indices of calcite and dolomite show that the most part of this area is under saturated by these two minerals. This means that the ground water doesn't travel in long distances. According to the results of dye tracing test, the mean velocity of groundwater is the same as velocity in karstic areas and shows the dominancy of conduit flow regime.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the present article, the efficiency of the relevant objectives and policies of villages developed in the fourth program, have been evaluated. Collecting information through questionnaires and content analysis has been performed after their validity and reliability tests. Based on the results of the study, the satisfaction level of the objective villages, particularly from economical aspect is placed at a low level. Although based on Fridman test, it is not possible to find a significant difference between 27 indices from the view point of satisfaction, but their classification in different dimensions and multi variable regression analysis showed that the physical and economical aspects of about 67% of variations indicate the satisfaction. Although the economical dimension, by itself indicate 40% of satisfaction changes, but 90% in economical indices are placed at a level lower than medium from satisfaction point of view.The results showed that people with average 4.5 had the highest level of satisfaction from the government measures for encouraging and implying positive view to young people for participating and had the lowest satisfaction rate of average 1.12 toward the modification of irrigation system.

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In this study, a group decision-making approach based on Geographical Information System (GIS) has been developed for solving educational land use allocation problem. Most researches conducted in the field of land use allocation, use multi-criteria decision making techniques with a view individual decision. However, in this article, land use allocation problem has been considered as a group issue that requires the participation of different expertise and perspectives in the decision making process. In this context, Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) method is used to determine the weight of criteria and aggregation of individual judgments (AIJ) method utilized to aggregate priorities of decision makers/experts.Proposed model has been implemented at district 6 of Isfahan as a case study; to allocate educational land uses and the results has been compared to the outcome of individual decisions. To allocate high school as an academic land use, land per capita, minimum area, distance to city centers, distance to dependent land uses such as libraries and distance to urban roads, have been considered and modeled as criteria. Utilizing a sensitivity analysis and comparing the result of individual decisions (each expert) and group decision (AIJ result) is showed some disagreement. However, all experts are dedicated same priority for the first three sites with plot number 5453, 4 and 9 to allocate as high school. The results indicates that group decision making approach in land use allocation problem make it possible analysis of opposite ideas offered by different experts and help decision maker to choice an alternative (site) obtained majority. In this research we consider same weight for all decision makers. In fact, each expert based on his knowledge and skills should have different weight that must be considered to aggregate individual judgments. Also by using fuzzy based methods, we can involve uncertainty of judgments and decision making at the proposed model. This would be considered at the next work of the authors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, socio- economic analysis and full review of people requirements is a key factor in providing the required facilities in destinations. The aim of this study is recreational valuation of Parvaz forest park, Choghakhor wetland, A'atashgah waterfall and Dimeh fountain, and also comparison between obtained results and investigation of socio-economic characteristic of visitors by using Zonal Travel Cost Method (Z.T.C.M). This method is based on using map, the view, socio-economical characteristics of visitors of promenades and also increase of the cost and distance from the region. Results showed that variables like age, education and amount of visitor’s income had significant impacts on use of promenades. Investigating amount of visitor’s income showed that strong correlation exists between this variable and the number of visited days of promenades and also their interest to pay entrance fee. It also showed that level of education has a key role in absorbing visitors for promenades as most of the visitors had university education. Results showed that the recreational value of Parvaz forest park, Choghakhor wetland, A'atashgah waterfall and Dimeh fountain is 407150000, 442346000, 137239800 and 723852000 Iranian Rials, respectively. These results show the importance of water resources in tourism attraction. The monetary values obtained depend on the better natural location and beautiful sights around them. High value of recreational areas which was recorded for the studied promenades showed that these promenades need more attention and providing the development of tourism plan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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