2024 - 2010
Journal Article
انگلیسی Version
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فارسی Version
Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study
View 8
Belief in a just world and moral personality as mediating roles between parenting emotional warmth and internet altruistic behavior
View 9
Exploring the Effects of Meditation Techniques Used by Mindfulness-Based Programs on the Cognitive, Social-Emotional, and Academic Skills of Children: A Systematic Review
View 7
Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories and Misinformation About COVID-19: Comparative Perspectives on the Role of Anxiety, Depression and Exposure to and Trust in Information Sources
Exploring emotion regulation and perceived control as antecedents of anxiety and its consequences during covid-19 full remote learning
Work Stress Hampering Employee Performance During COVID-19: Is Safety Culture Needed
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Comparative Effectiveness of Multiple Psychological Interventions for Psychological Crisis in People Affected by Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis
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Rationing of Nursing Care and Professional Burnout Among Nurses Working in Cardiovascular Settings
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Urban (digital) play and right to the city: A critical perspective
Service quality in tourism public health: trust, satisfaction, and loyalty
Mental health, well-being, and psychological flexibility in the stressful times of the COVID-19 pandemic
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The effect of computerized cognitive behavioral therapy on people’s anxiety and depression during the 6 months of Wuhan’s lockdown of COVID-19 epidemic: A pilot study
Experiences and perspectives of traditional bullying and cyber bullying among adolescents in Mainland Chinaimplications for policy
Adolescents’,mental health at school: The mediating role of life satisfaction
Mediator roles of social support and hope in the relationship between body image distress and resilience in breast cancer patients undergoing treatment: A modeling analysis
Associations of Intimacy, Partner Responsiveness, and Attachment-Related Emotional Needs With Sexual Desire
View 15
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Mobile Phone Dependence, and Academic Boredom in Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Swedish version of the multidimensional inventory for religious/ spiritual well-being: first results from Swedish students
Decision-Making Support for People With Alzheimer’s Disease: A Narrative Review
Body image during pregnancy in the era of coronavirus disease 2019: The role of heterogeneous patterns of perceived social support
Psychological consequences in patients with amputation of a limb. An interpretative-phenomenological analysis
Parents' Education Anxiety and Children's Academic Burnout: The Role of Parental Burnout and Family Function
Development of an instrument to assess spirituality: reliability and validation of the attitudes related to spirituality scale (ARES)
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Parenting style and adolescent mental health: The chain mediating effects of self-esteem and psychological inflexibility
Differences in Psychological Impact of the Confinement During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Spain: A Longitudinal Study
Psychological Capital and Career Commitment Among Chinese Urban Preschool Teachers: The Mediating and Moderating Effects of Subjective Well-being
Vulnerable Narcissism in Social Networking Sites: The Role of Upward and Downward Social Comparisons
Obesity and mental health: A longitudinal, cross-cultural examination in Germany and China
Defining Spirituality in Healthcare: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework
Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Patients With Mental or Physical Diseases
EFL/ESL Teacher's Resilience, Academic Buoyancy, Care, and Their Impact on Students' Engagement: A Theoretical Review
The Role of Teacher Autonomy Support on Students' Academic Engagement and Resilience
Psychological adjustment, quality of life and well-being in a German and Portuguese adult population during covid-19 pandemics crisis
Better writing in scientific publications builds reader confidence and understanding
Rationing of nursing care and patient safety
Short-Term analysis (8 weeks) of social distancing and isolation on mental health and physical activity behavior during COVID-19
Effects of Self-Compassion Training on Work-Related Well-Being: A Systematic Review
Don't think that kids aren't noticing: Indirect pathways to children's fear of covid-19
An examination of factors contributing to the acceptance of online health misinformation
Framing messages to deal with the COVID-19 crisis: The role of loss/gain frame and content
Intuition as Emergence: Bridging Psychology, Philosophy and Organizational Science
Factors related to COVID-19 preventive behaviors: A Structural Equation Model
Fear of Nurses During COVID-19 Pandemic in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Assessment
Cognitive control and ruminative responses to stress: Understanding the different facets of cognitive control
Psychological distress model among Iranian pre-hospital personnel in disasters: A grounded theory study
Continuous support promotes obstetric labor progress and vaginal delivery in primiparous women-a randomized controlled study
The Role of Students' Self-Regulated Learning, Grit, and Resilience in Second Language Learning
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Proactive personality as a predictor of career adaptability and career growth potential: A view from conservation of resources theory
The co-occurrence of self-harm and aggression: a cognitive-emotional model of dual-harm
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Competitive Anxiety, and Guilt and Shame Proneness From Perspective Type D and Non-type D Football Players
Online Learning Satisfaction During COVID-19 Pandemic Among Chinese University Students: The Serial Mediation Model
Development of the Family Togetherness Scale: A mixed-methods validation study in Kenya
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Peer effects on engagement and disengagement: Differential contributions from friends, popular peers, and the entire class
Preliminary scales for ICD-11 personality disorder: self and interpersonal dysfunction plus five personality disorder trait domains
Self-handicapping in Chinese medical students during the covid-19 pandemic: The role of academic anxiety, procrastination and hardiness
Pathophysiology of major depression by clinical stages
View 14
Relationship Between Cognitive Fusion, Experiential Avoidance, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Experiences of Self-Criticism and Self-Compassion in People Diagnosed With Cancer: A Multimethod Qualitative Study
Predictors of Persistence of Anxiety, Hyperarousal Stress, and Resilience During the COVID-19 Epidemic: A National Study in Iran
The Influence of Health Beliefs, of Resources, of Vaccination History, and of Health Anxiety on Intention to Accept COVID-19 Vaccination
CBT for childhood anxiety: reviewing the state of personalised intervention research
View 1
The impact of intolerance of uncertainty on test anxiety: student athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Assessment of the quality of life in parents of children with ADHD: Validation of the multicultural quality of life index in Norwegian pediatric mental health settings
From information exposure to protective behaviors: investigating the underlying mechanism in COVID-19 outbreak using social amplification theory and extended parallel process model
The influence of Chinese college students’,physical exercise on life satisfaction: the chain mediation effect of Core self-evaluation and positive emotion
The Physical Learning Environment of Online Distance Learners in Higher Education-A Conceptual Model
Influence of Working From Home During the COVID-19 Crisis and HR Practitioner Response
Working With Type 1 Diabetes: Investigating the Associations Between Diabetes-Related Distress, Burnout, and Job Satisfaction
Stress makes the difference: social stress and social anxiety in decision-making under uncertainty
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The relationship between family support and e-learning engagement in college students: the mediating role of e-learning normative consciousness and behaviors and self-efficacy
Perceived Parenting Styles of Individuals With Gender Dysphoria
English as a Foreign Language Teachers' Critical Thinking Ability and L2 Students' Classroom Engagement
COVID-19: Are school counseling services ready? Students’,psychological symptoms, school counselors’,views, and solutions
The hierarchy of defense mechanisms: Assessing defensive functioning with the defense mechanisms rating scales Q-sort
Effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity training on stress, depression, anxiety, and resilience in healthy adults during coronavirus disease 2019 confinement: a randomized controlled trial
Psychological Complications at 3 Months Following Stroke: Prevalence and Correlates Among Stroke Survivors in Lebanon
Let's talk about mental health and mental disorders in elite sports: a narrative review of theoretical perspectives
The Association between Level of Physical Activity and Body Mass Index, and Quality of Life among Elderly Women
Influence of parental psychological flexibility on pediatric COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: mediating role of self-efficacy and coping style
Effectiveness of Mobile App-Based Psychological Interventions for College Students: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Are Psychodynamic Theories and the Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders Finally Going to Meet?
Feasibility of Reducing and Breaking Up University Students' Sedentary Behaviour: Pilot Trial and Process Evaluation
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The Indirect Effect of Death Anxiety on Experienced Meaning in Life via Search for Meaning and Prosocial Behavior
Internet Addiction and Emotional and Behavioral Maladjustment in Mainland Chinese Adolescents: Cross-Lagged Panel Analyses
How does psychological empowerment prevent emotional exhaustion? psychological safety and organizational embeddedness as mediators
The importance of nature exposure and physical activity for psychological health and stress perception: evidence from the first lockdown period during the Coronavirus pandemic 2020 in France and Germany
Sharing Employee: B2B Employment Model in the Era of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Implication for Human Resource Management
Visual&-Spatial Ability Predicts Academic Achievement Through Arithmetic and Reading Abilities
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Dual stressors and female pre-school teachers' job satisfaction during the COVID-19: the mediation of work-family conflict
Service Innovation in Human Resource Management During COVID-19: A Study to Enhance Employee Loyalty Using Intrinsic Rewards
The Strengths Use Scale: Psychometric Properties, Longitudinal Invariance and Criterion Validity
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A Scientometric Systematic Review of Entrepreneurial Wellbeing Knowledge Production
Proximate and ultimate perspectives on romantic love
Meaning in Life: A Major Predictive Factor for Loneliness Comparable to Health Status and Social Connectedness
Meaning Reflectivity in Later Life: The Relationship Between Reflecting on Meaning in Life, Presence and Search for Meaning, and Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults Over the Age of 7
Intrapersonal and interpersonal functions as pathways to future self-harm repetition and suicide attempts
Romantic attachment and difficulties in emotion regulation on dyadic adjustment: A comprehensive literature review
How Parenting Styles Link Career Decision-Making Difficulties in Chinese College Students? The Mediating Effects of Core Self-Evaluation and Career Calling
A structural equation model of self-regulation and healthy habits as an individual protective tool in the context of epidemics-evidence from COVID-19
Religious affiliation, daily spirituals, and private religious factors promote marital commitment among married couples: does religiosity help people amid the COVID-19 crisis?
Psychological Distress Among Occupational Health Professionals During Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic in Spain: Description and Effect of Work Engagement and Work Environment
Predictive Roles of Thinking Styles in Coping Strategies Among Mainland Postgraduate Students in Hong Kong
The role of emotional intelligence, the teacher-student relationship, and flourishing on academic performance in adolescents: a moderated mediation study
Pre-natal attachment and parent-toinfant attachment: A systematic review
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Proof of concept: a brief psycho-educational training program to increase the use of positive emotion regulation strategies in individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Academic Procrastination
Dimensionality of the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48)
Protectors of Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Key Roles for Gratitude and Tragic Optimism in a UK-Based Cohort
Surveying 80 years of psychodrama research: A scientometric review
Mediating Effect of Personal Meaning in the Prediction of Life Satisfaction and Mental Health Problems Based on Coronavirus Suffering
Fear of cancer recurrence, health anxiety, worry, and uncertainty: A scoping review about their conceptualization and measurement within breast cancer survivorship research
Gamification as Online Teaching Strategy During COVID-19: A Mini-Review
Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for psychological distress associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Meaning-Based Coping and Spirituality During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediating Effects on Subjective Well-Being
The process of spiritual care
Cognition and pain: a review
Neuropsychiatric and cognitive sequelae of COVID-19
Psychosocial framework of resilience: navigating needs and adversities during the pandemic, a qualitative exploration in the Indian frontline physicians
Association of Self-Compassion With Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors and Non-suicidal Self Injury: A Meta-Analysis
The importance of well-being on resiliency of Filipino adults during the COVID-19 enhanced community quarantine: a necessary condition analysis
Prolonged COVID 19 Outbreak and Psychological Response of Nurses in Italian Healthcare System: Cross-Sectional Study
COVID-19 pandemic worry and vaccination intention: The mediating role of the health belief model components
Mistrust and beliefs in conspiracy theories differently mediate the effects of psychological factors on propensity for COVID-19 vaccine
The impact of unsupportive social support on the injured self in breast cancer patients
Mediators and theories of change in psychotherapy for young people with personality disorders: A systematic review protocol
Perfectionistic individuals’ understanding of how painful experiences have shaped their relationship to others
Post-traumatic growth and related influencing factors in discharged Covid-19 patients: A cross sectional study
The Relationship among Trait Mindfulness, Attention, and Working Memory in Junior School Students under Different Stressful Situations
A multi-theoretical and multi-method family study approach to preschool inhibitory control: links to working memory, Receptive vocabulary, behavioral maladjustment, and parent mental health in the context of temperament and executive functioning perspectives
The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Student Well-Being and the Mediating Role of the University Support: Evidence From France, Germany, Russia, and the UK
The Vicious Cycle: Problematic Family Relations, Substance Abuse and Crime in Adolescence: A Narrative Review
Testing the Effectiveness of the Health Belief Model in Predicting Preventive Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Romania and Italy
Quantative and qualitative approaches to generalization and representationalist view
Intensive dialectical behavior treatment for individuals with borderline personality disorder with and without substance use disorders
COVID-19 vaccination intentions: the theory of planned behavior, optimistic bias, and anticipated regret
Setting an International Research Agenda for Fear of Cancer Recurrence: An Online Delphi Consensus Study
Cognitive predictors of precautionary behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders Among Japanese Children: A Pilot Study
The Joyful Life: An Existential-Humanistic Approach to Positive Psychology in the Time of a Pandemic
The Association Between Test Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Images Among University Students: Results From an Online Survey
Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas as predictors of cyber dating abuse: an actor-partner interdependence mediation model approach
A systematic review approach to find robust items of the Zimbardo time perspective inventory
The influence of personality, resilience, and alexithymia on mental health during COVID-19 pandemic
The effect of the online and offline blended teaching mode on English as a foreign language learners’ listening performance in a Chinese context
Neuroscience of Object Relations in Health and Disorder: A Proposal for an Integrative Model
Personality Factors in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review
Job insecurity and employees’ extra-role behavior: moderated mediation model of negative emotion and workplace friendship
Association of stress‑related factors with anxiety among Chinese pregnant participants in an online crisis intervention during COVID‑19 epidemic
Associations Between Mental Health, Interoception, Psychological Flexibility, and Self-as-Context, as Predictors for Alexithymia: A Deep Artificial Neural Network Approach
Adjustment to COVID-19 lockdown among Italian university students: The role of concerns, change in peer and family relationships and in learning skills, emotional, and academic self-efficacy on depressive symptoms
Mood, burnout, and dispositional optimism in kayak polo players during their competitive stage
From Therapeutic Factors to Mechanisms of Change in the Creative Arts Therapies: A Scoping Review
Lockdown Effects on Healthy Cognitive Aging During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study
Neuropsychological development of cool and hot executive functions between 6 and 12 years of age: a systematic review
Emotion Regulation in Close Relationships: The Role of Individual Differences and Situational Context
Explain the experience of family caregivers regarding care of Alzheimer’s patients: a qualitative study
Student Perceptions of Academic Engagement and Student-Teacher Relationships in Problem Based Learning
Virtual Reality and Wearable Technologies to Support Adaptive Responding of Children and Adolescents With Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Critical Comment and New Perspectives
The Influence of Self-Regulation on Learner’s Behavioral Intention to Reuse E-Learning Systems: A Moderated Mediation Model
Communication, the Heart of a Relationship: Examining Capitalization, Accommodation, and Self-Construal on Relationship Satisfaction
Why Do Students Procrastinate More in Some Courses Than in Others and What Happens Next? Expanding the Multilevel Perspective on Procrastination
Burnout, anxiety, stress, and depression among Iranian nurses: Before and during the first wave of the COVID‑19 pandemic
Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Demoralization Scale-II and the association between demoralization, sociodemographic, disease-and treatmentrelated factors in patients with cancer
The Impact of Cognitive Biases on Professionals’ Decision-Making: A Review of Four Occupational Areas