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Comparative literature is an academic field dealing with the literature of two or more different linguistic, cultural or national groups. While most frequently practiced with the works of different languages, comparative literature may also be performed on the works of the same language, if the works originate from different nations or cultures among which that language is spoken. Also included in the range of inquiry is comparison of different types of art works; for example, a relationship of poetry to other poems.This article compares Nima’s Afsaneh and Alfred de Musset’s Les nuites. Some characteristics of Nima’s Afsaneh subscribe with Alfred de Musset’s Les nuites, and this article reviews the common characteristics of these two poems.

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Adaption from literary works for cinema is classified into interdisciplinary researches. In recent decades, it has drawn the interest of many comparatists. In this viewpoint, the comparative literature tries to change the purely theoretical position of human science by creating relation between it and other sciences, especially literature, and enrich it by linking to other arts, especially cinema.The purpose of this article is introducing and analyzing the dramatic characteristics of Khossfy’s "Khavaran-name" (as a qualified writing) by interactive and comparative approach based on the position and importance of adaption from literature in cinema.These dramatic characteristics that are made "Khavaran-name" as a qualified writing are: use of fictional and narrative aspect, dramatic characters, suspension, variety of conflicts, possessing rich content, and coordination between content, space and pictures.The method of this article is descriptive-analytical based on Khavaran-name using accepted theories associated with adaption in cinema that is an advanced method concerning with American school and its interdisciplinary approach in comparative literature.

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Archetype is the common experience of mankind that has remained of distant past in collective unconscious. Because human experiences are abundant, we can not be identify the number of archetypes, but the most significant archetypes are: anima, animus, self, persona, shadow, wise old man and mother. Sacrifice is one of the major archetypes that have been institutionalized in the collective unconscious of most humans. In psychoanalyst viewpoint, sacrifice is one of the defensive mechanisms of humans against the demands of the id that leads to social interest. Archetypes are shown in dreams, imagination and illusions. Art (especially literature), is one of the main manifestations of archetypes. Sacrifice and its features can be found in the large number of artworks. In this paper, we investigated the archetype of the "Sacrifice" in Hallaj, in "Hallaj's poetry" of Mohammadreza Shafiei Kadkani, and "Hallaj's requiem" of Adonis, and presented a mythical criticism of them.

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The present article is an attempt for a comparative reading of Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelash By "Abutorab Khosravi", an Iranian contemporary author, and Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman by Jorge Luis Borges, Argentinean author, poet and contemporary scholar, based on the revolutionary theories of Post-modernism, which is one of the most significant theories of the contemporary era. This research, by using comparative method based on the theories of Post-modernism and analyzing the evidence, attempts to prove the hypothesis that the commonality between Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman and Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelashthat in some cases have got imitating nature is not accidental. This reflects the influence of Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman in creating Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelash. Using Post-modern approach, similar plot, same narrative style, and common symbols are some of the features that Marsiaee Baraye Zhale va Ghatelash shares in common with Daroonmaye Khaen va Ghahraman. The main purpose of this essay is investigation and analysis of these common features in order to demonstrate the similarities of these two texts.

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Sohrab Sepehri and Mikhail Naimeh, the two contemporary poets of Iran and Lebenan, have limited the layers of Mysticism in their poems, which regardless of the their eastern or Islamic origin, have been able to enlive and revive the legacy of literature of Sufism and Mysticism in the contemporary period and in the two Persian and Arabic literature. They have also been able to consider the concerns and demands of contemporary humans trapped in the social and political problems of themselves. The current research is looking for identifying Mysticism and Sufism themes in the poems of two poets, which made their poets more similar and more privileged or more distinct from other contemporary poets. We can mention some Mystical contents (roots) including intuition unity, soul’s unity with the universe, sufical solitude, love and its contraction with reason (wisdom), naturalism, sufical optimistic, explanation of good system, death of Mystical friendship, and being oppotyunist.

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‘Love’, which has been so generously bestowed by God upon the inner and outer worlds of human beings is a fundamental and pivotal issue; since it has its roots in the nature of man and the essence of life, and attracts them subconsciously. Pluto (270 AD, p.203 or 204) and Molana (604- 672 Lunar) are among those thinkers, who have talked about and artistically elaborated on love and its related concepts. Influenced by the different thinking atmospheres of their time, their incompatible civilizations as well as other variables of their time that have differently affected them, the two highminded elites, who had greatly affected the thinking of other thinkers educated by them, were led to view love differently.The examination of the reflections of Neo-platonic thinking in the literary and theosophical texts including Molana Jalal-o-Din Balkhi’s Masnavi is important in many ways, and the important phenomenon of love is a profound and mysterious concept that, in a way, connects Plato’s theosophy with that of Molavi. Certain concepts in the reviewed works of these prominent characters, which have sometimes been taken as identical and influenced by each other, do seem different in some cases.Despite a huge time gap –almost a millennium- between the writing time of “a collection of Pluto’s woks” and Molana’s Masnavi”, this paper aims to compare and contrast the concept of love in these two works through the library method of research using descriptive, inferential and analytic approaches to scrutinize some manifestations of similarities and differences between the viewpoints of these outstanding figures in the realm of insight and wisdom.

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Literature of different nations have always influenced each other mutually from the ancient time until now, and fewer people can be found that have remained unaffected of these influences. For example, we can consider two ancient countries, Iran and Greece that their relations and cultural exchanges have reflected at their literature in various forms. Research demonstrating the influence of the poets and their works on each other can be very useful to understanding the ambiguities of their works. In this paper, by analysis of Nezami's works, it was made clear that Nezami, through the translation of Greek works into Arabic or Persian, was familiar with Greek mythology, and directly or indirectly has inspired many of his stories from Greek mythology, as some stories such as "Alexander and the Barber", "Jamshid and His Confidant Friend", "Alexander and Noushabeh", "Senseless City", "Pastor and the Ring" and "Fetneh" have been adapted from the Greek mythologies such as "Mydas King" "Amazons" "Maylo", and "Gyges or Zhyres".

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In the process of reading and evaluation of a work, retrieval of another text and knowledge of how to reproduce it in this text cause to enrich the analysis. The link of comparative literature and intertextuality is a new achievement that facilitates work analysis in the frame of paradigm and methods. Investigation of similarities and their influence on each other is one of the most important factors of comparative analysis, but intertextual reading wants to go beyond the investigation of similar sources. Text is based on pervious discourse and will attract discourse in itself and even change the meaning of pervious text. This paper wants to introduce Mathnavi-e-Khamush Khatun (that is Indian) according to the connection of comparative and intertextual criticism principles, and proceed the most important items in the text that prepare the situation to referencing the stories of Thousand and One Nights, and after comparative study (similarities and influences), proceeds to how the stories of Thousand and One Nights are converted and absorbed in Mathnavi-e-Khamush Khatun. It further proceeds to the elements of suspense, parody, permutation and alike that cause to signify other narrative and make new text. The connection between new elements and structure in this Mathnavi with the beginning of Thousand and One Nights structure (beginning of Shahrzad story) is another field to comparative and intertextual reading.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the language changes that occur at the level of words is the semantic change. The purpose of semantic transformation is transforming the first meaning while maintaining the appearance of the words. Loanwords are one of the breeding grounds in semantic transformation. What is discussed in the article is the semantic transformation of Arabic loanwords of KALILA WA DEMNA. For this purpose, initially we raised the linguists view of how semantic changes are happen. Then the semantic changes of Arabic loanwords of KALILA WA DEMNA based on these principles have been studied. This study is a longitudinal study that compares the semantic transformation of Arabic loanwords in Persian language in the sixth century (A.H.) with the previous centuries. Because this study examined the Arabic loanwords in Persian language, we can place it in the field of comparative literature. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the evolution of Persian language happens under Arabic influence over time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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