Introduction: One of the ways to improve quality of education is to assess Students' Learning styles. Several factors such as learning styles can affect the learning process. Frequency of using learning styles varies in different countries. The purpose of this study is to introduce an overview of experiental learning styles in nursing education.Method: After searching for available resources and articles related to experiential learning including Pubmed, Scopus, Proquest, Google Scholar, Elsevier, Iranmedex and SID, this study was conducted in 2013. Key words were "Learning styles, Experiental learning, Kolb, Nursing student and Nursing education".Results: According to conducted studies among nursing students, superior learning styles among students are convergent and assimilator learning. However, in different studies it is revealed that some students use two or more learningstyles.Conclusion: There are more learning styles in nursing students, especially convergent and assimilating styles. Therefore, coordination of learning styles and teaching methods is a way to improve quality of education.