Study of the issue of divorce and factors affecting this subject are of those issues that have drawn the intellectual community and especially sociologists’ attention into this field in recent decades. There are few social phenomena as complicated as divorce. Divorce has an increasing impact on different aspects of human life. In this paper, 19 studies conducted on divorce over a time span of 15 years during 2002 to 2016 are Meta-analyzed by using systematic review method. This paper is divided into two main parts. In the first part, the methodology, content and structure of the studies are investigated. In the second part, the most significant causes of divorce and its solutions are considered. On a theoretical level, the results show that the studies mostly use micro-theories such as exchange and homogamy. Furthermore, in regards to factors affecting divorce, social factors such as interference of relatives and acquaintances, addiction, value incompatibilities, lack of mutual understanding and economic factors including unemployment and subsistence are statistically more prominent. The proposed solutions are classified into four categories; Socio-cultural institutions, educational institutions, economical and supportive institutions and legislature and regulatory institutions. Most solutions were devoted to the educational and domestic aspects. Decreasing the rate of divorce could be achieved by increasing the skill and knowledge of communication between men and women, detailed and expert elucidation of psychological, social, cultural and economic consequences of this social phenomenon to prevent rushed decision-making, and reducing patriarchy.