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Didactic poem is one of the broadest and longest poetry in the Persian literature. Didactic poetry sometimes independently and separately like long story and potry pays attention to the teaching of advices and ethics and sometimes is disperse among literary works. The long lyrical poems and even epic and eulogy poems contains not only ethics, philosophical, religious concepts but also poetical aspects which increases attractiveness of these literary works. One of the unknown long lyrical poems of the Persian literature (which can also be called the longest Ten letters and it has been neglected) is the long poems of Moheb and Mahboob that is one of the precious works belonging to the eight century. This poetry is in the form of Mthnavi that explains love and love affairs and composed in the way of Ten letters of the Persian literature and has no yet been published. In this lyrical Mathnavi there are lots of didactic concepts and meanings of philosophy that the poet depending on the fields of passivity and artistic sense has used in the different parts of this love story. In this research the aim is to explore and understand, for the first time, the didactic and ethical themes of these long lyrical poems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mankind always suffered from Injustice, Cruelty and Violence that exists in the messed up society of modern time, and for self- relief tried to make an ideal world in his mind. This ideal world that named utopia, made a good imaginary shelter for human till relive him form life difficulties and enabled him to live confidently in free world without suffers.Utopia is expression of poet's dream for the evolution and survival. This matter was main concern of vigilant humans at all times and reflection of this concern in Parsi Literature is obviously traceable.This research is an effort to trace this topic in the Freydon Moshiri Letters, the famous Persian contemporary poet. This research tries to draw an explicit portrait of idealism that the poet wished for utopian society.Researchers concluded that what Freydon Moshiri wished as utopia is includes of matters such as consideration of human beings, justice, kindness and loves between peoples.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ahmad Golchi Maani, the contemporary poet & investigator (1295-1379) is one of the poems which has a special attention to repetition arrays mostly lead to increasing and elegance of his words tune.Repetition is the utilization of a word / words in a sentence or a distich more than once and it is also one of the characteristics of literary styles, it is more applied to literal rhetoric in order to accentuate, hamage and chastise. Although repetition is not pleasing on on ordinary speech, however it's used to litreture styles as an example on Golchin poems in order to speech arrays or according to the poem necessitiees. In this research aproaches and characteristics of Golchin's poems will be proceeded by analysing his complete poetical works.It is applied variety of repetitions as: phonemes, syllable, word, phrase, sentence and remarks on a ingeniously styles in Golchin's poems.He applied different kinds of repetition in order to make a word tune more than other factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iranian former times among the various peoples have been known irony world. So, not surprisingly, with the likes of the Iranians, like many other nations have a long history, but for most of the Iranian scientists to write their works in Arabic would choose to develop and set books in Persian adage Not much attention is.But one of the contemporaries of the late Ali Akbar Dehkhoda the books in Persian language has developed, and the likes of which have mentioned the various issues and needs to be subject classification.Dehkhoda adage that in four volumes from Amirkabir Institute publications have been published, including various issues, which according to the bulk of any convincing evidence and refer the reader to use a lot of hours to be frequent and boring study to pay with the culture prepare subject can be helped to the likes of researchers and readers through a conceptual topic or have in mind, using the least opportunity to achieve their desired topic.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The long history of the allegorical tradition that uses talking animals as the main character(s) in the world's literature is indicative of the fact that anthropomorphizing animals has long been a popular storytelling technique among writers (e.g., Aesop's Fables, Panchatantra, Animal Farm, Kalila and Dimna, Marzban Nameh). This technique has also helped enrich the Persian Literature. In Persian fables, animals act like humans, they talk, cheat, fight, and the like etc. Such characteristics repeat in a similar or varied fashion throughout the story and finally gain symbolic significance. For instance, peacock signifies hypocrisy in Masnavi and Mantiq al-Tayr. Likewise, dog, wolf, pig, and mouse, signify greed in Seir al-Ibad ILa al-Maad. In a similar vein, serpent and whale signify jealousy and lust, respectively. In The Cat and The Mouse, the cat is a hypocrite who pretends to be pious and the mouse is another hypocrite who pretends to be a faithful friend. This paper aims at examining the cultural significance and the symbolic role of cat and mouse in Persian Literature by focusing on such works as The Mouse and The Cat by Obeid Zakani and The Cat and The Mouse by Sheykh Bahaie. This review also tries to apply the sociological perspective to the analysis of the aforementioned works.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Modernism is a term applied in various fields including Philosophy, sociology, art … . After World War I, however, Modernism refers to an aesthetic discourse which points to a radical break from cultural and artistic traditions. Although Modern poetry commences with Nima Yushij in Iran, Modernism reveals its influences in literature with the beginning of social changes and modernity from the 1340s. Consequently, Modern poetry emerges with the following characteristics: relativity, individualism, imagism, and an inclination towards prose. In spite of being a follower of Nima, Manuchehr Atashi comes to be known a Modern poet from the beginning of his career. Even though one cannot claim that Atashi has all the features of a Modern poet, one can still observe a majority of these features in his poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In Shahnameh, each hero and warrior had a unique flag with special paintings which were used as their own symbol, and were very holy. The role of every flag was proportionate with every hero's competency and character. Derafshe kaviani was the most important and the holiest flag among them. This flag was the symbol of uprising and revolution against injustice, which was first elate by kaveh Ahangar's hands , who destroyed Zahhac's injustice. In this essay, the role and the colour of the heros have been addressed briefly, and the emergence and the importance and holiness of Derafsh kaviani have been discussed in details, in order to clari that this flag not only have been very holy among Iranians, but also have scared and frightened the enemies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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One of the contents in this respect and farsi Literature is abstinence and withdrawal from the world. The culture that had endowed the pioneers and followers with the attribute of broadmindedness, and the clear evidence of this matter is avoiding companionship with powerful individuals. We have disregarded the explicit explanations about the meaning and history of abstinence. What are dealt with in this article are the abstinent thoughts and also its different approaches in withdrawal from the world and putting aside the materialistic powers. We have also considered abstinence and piety with precision, through a new look, in order to show that not all the people accounted for that group are necessarily with holy behaviors, although the evidence regarding our claim at this time is merely Farsi texts and prose, which of course undoubtedly could reflect the truth of our time.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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"Shahnameh" is a Literary, historical and national masterwork, so, it impacts on our culture and literature is undeniable. Undoubtedly, "Shahnameh" is one of the most important works that during thousands of years of Iranian ups and downs history affects on protection of honorable legacy of the ancestors and recognition and promotion of national, culture and language identities. Mystery of its impression and insolubility is that Ferdousi relied on national old stories and anecdotes, and provide them in the most beautiful art and literary matter. Thus, study of Shahnameh is in the context of national studies. In the present article, it is tried to find connection of art and literary aspects of "Shahnameh" by determination of available resources for Ferdousi in composing "Shahnameh", then, we will investigate honesty and loyalty of Ferdousi to the resources and his art and literary innovation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A great majority of The Haft Peikar reflects the ancient knowledge of astrology especially of Sabian culture. Stars and their characteristic signs are prominently used in The Haft Peikar. It would be difficult to understand The Haft Peykar without any knowledge on terminology of astrology and Sabian culture. Nezami seems to be against Sabian's ideology. He has created the seven stories with motivation of overthrowing Sabian's believes, displaying their superstitious actions, and questioning their religious beliefs. In creation of Bahram's destiny, he has tried to prove that the ideas of Sabian are delusional without any scientific foundation. During medieval ages, Sabian represented idolatry and worship of stars. They believed in the emergence and manifestation of the divine spirit through the planets, inspired by the new doctrine of Plato. The world was viewed as infinite spirit in their beliefs. They had faith in an unknown and unique founding cause for the source and the course of life then the wisdom.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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