The prey suitability for generalist predators is an important feature for efficient mass rearing and IPM. The green lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) is a polyphagous predator attacking several pests on various crops. This experiment was conducted under laboratory conditions at 25±2 oC, 60±5% R. H. and a photoperiod of 16L: 8D, at Kerman Shahid Bahonar University. The effects of different prey species were investigated on the preimaginal development, survival, adult longevity and fecundity of the green lacewing. The results indicated that duration of each pre-imaginal stage development and total development time in C. carnea were significantly affected by species of prey tested. The total developmental period was 19.63±0.125, 20.63±0.180, 22.06±0.183, 22.35±0.120, and 23.81±0.356 days on Aphis gossypii(Glover), Myzus persicae(Sulzer), Aphis punicae(Passerini), Aphis fabae(Scopoli) and Aphis craccivora(Koch), respectively. The maximum mean fecundity per female of C. carnea was 478.50±8.38 eggs recorded when fed as larvae on M. persicae followed by 409.33±8.16 eggs on A. gossypii, whereas, the minimum of 242.78±7.37 eggs was recorded when fed on A. craccivora nymphs. The longest female longevity was recorded for C. carnea fed on M. persicae. There was significant difference in adult longevity due to feeding on different preys. However, nymphs of M. persicae and A. gossypii were the best of the prey species tested, in that when fed on these species the pre-imaginal developmental period of C. carnea was shorter and its adult longevity, fecundity and percentage survival was greater than those fed on the other preys. These findings could be useful in defining more optimum conditions for the mass rearing of C. carnea in IPM programs.