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This current research is based on to Study the effective factors on teenagers attitude in reading fantastic stories with emphasis on Harry Potter, in survey method and by using questionnaire. Validity of instrument determined by consulting with advisor and reader and through face validity and reliability of questionnaire is based on Cronbach’s Alpha that shows 0.934. The sample of research consist of 228 teenagers who studied Harry Potter’s book in 1391 and were chosen by snowball method. This research is done by using Fishbein & Ajzen theory. Based on the research result, behavior’s desire (reading intent) of the most teenagers was ideal in reading fantastic and Harry Potter’s books. Relations between variables showed that there is a weak relationship between mass communication and advertisement, experience, perceived behavior control, expectation of others and motivation to comply of expectation of others with reading intent variable. Also there is a middle relationship between evaluation outcome, expectation of outcome and Harry Potter’s stories property with reading intent variable; There is a meaningful weak relationship between grade and reading intent. There is a strong and direct relation between reading intent and reading behavior of fantastic stories.

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This study measures students satisfaction from staff in Gonabad university and effective factors on it. Statistical community is all of GONABAD azad university students in academic year 2011 and the sample size was 284. Students satisfaction from staff is average 3.47 of 5. The highest satisfaction is (4) from the workshops operators and 2.5 is the least satisfactory which is from Student Affairs staff. Mean of Independent variables in the range of 1 to 5 for Satisfaction from facilities 2.99, the sence of safe 3, the sense of belonging to university 2.96, having qualified 3 dignitive, the sense of distributive justice 2.78, the worth of work 3.57, satisfaction from life general the conditions 2.79, and the comparison with other university students was 2.81. Service Quality with 5 dimensions (tangible elements, reliability, accountability, assurance, empathy) was another independent variables that is measured by “SERVQUAL instrument”. The results showed that the gap between expectations and perceptions service quality is 2. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that among independent variables, four variables (having the proper dignity, the gap of between expectations and perceptions, comparison with other universities students and evaluating of facilities) maintaind in regression equation. This variables explained 27% of the variations in the dependent variable in unisan.

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This study set out to investigate the effect of identity formation strategy accompanied with self persuasion and cognitive behavioral interventions on labor children’s attitude toward drugs. Since this effect is carried out through social identity changes and improvement of self-esteem, the effect of this identity formation strategy is studied on self-esteem too. 47 labor children of Tehran (ages 12-14 years old) who were under the supervision of Child Protection Community. It was not possible to select children by a random selection. They were divided into 3 groups to be examined in a pre-test and a post-test quasi-experimental study, 2 experimental groups and a control group. The independent variables consisted of intervention strategies based on two kinds of identity formation. In one of these two, the identity formation strategy was used with a minimum cognitive behavioral intervention and in the other one the identity formation strategy was aplied with a more usual cognitive behavioral intervention. The dependant variables consisted of attitudes toward drugs and selfesteem. Poup’s (Ghafari & Ramezani, 1373) and Jafari Roshan’s (1388) questionnaires were used to gather the data. According to the co-variance analyses, each of the 2 groups underwent identity formation strategy had a significant negative attitude toward drugs and an increased self-esteem. Still, the experimental group which had received the least cognitive behavioral interventions had a significant increased self-esteem in comparison to the control group. Identity formation strategy accompanied with self persuasion and minimum cognitive behavioral interventions has a significant effect on preventing addiction and increasing self-esteem in labor children. Thus, there is no serious need of long term cognitive behavioral interventions.

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Women issues, defects and necessities in related with them, are an important part of issues in different societies. In review of women condition in the world compare this with men condition, shows that women are one of most supersensitive group of people inbenefication from facilities and opportunities aspect.This study aims at the investigation of how affects social capital on the feeling of gender inequity the educated women’s situations in Esfahan. The theoretical variables and parameters of this study has been based on Chafetz, Bourdiew, theories. The population of the study is women with BA, MA and PH.D degrees in six areas of fourteen areas of Esfahan city. Its sample contains 385 people calculated by cronbach’s alpha formula. Applying SPSS software to examine hypotheses and data analysis uses Spear man correlation coefficient, correlation coefficient cramer’ V, correlation coefficient gamma and regression. The result of this study shows significant relationship between trust social and feeling of gender inequity, between social support and feeling of gender inequity, between social network and feeling of gender inequity, Other results show that, there is not statistical meaningful correlation between social honesty and feeling of gender inequity. Also, there is not statistical meaningful correlation between indexical variables and feeling of gender inequity.

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This study aims to review youth’s approach about veil and study this social issue with a sociological view. Social Experts believe the most important factor of social disorders in society, are violating social norms. It is believed that in all communities, youth however are the builder of society’s future, are generally less responsible to social order and more susceptible to change and transform the existing system. Dr Ali Shariati in his book named women, wrote: person’s dress represent his or her culture and the way people are dressed show the way they thinks; so the dress of each person is directly related to his or her attitudes toward the cosmos. Hence it can be said that person’s dress represents his or her culture. Collecting required information is done by library method and survey. The survey was done by two main methods of presenting questionnaires and interview; according to the age and education of respondents questionnaires method was used. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that three factor of individual religious believes, family attitudes toward children’s veil and satisfaction of government officials are the main determining factors of youth’s (18-34 years old) approach to veil in area No. 2 and 18 of Tehran. Also the variables such as gender, residence area, paternal occupation and amount of using mass media have meaningful relationship with variable of attitude toward veil and can be effective on person’s attitude in this issue. On the other hand this study showed that variables such as cultural capital, education level, maternal occupation, age and marital status has no impact on this approach and has no significant relationship with variable of youth’s approach to the veil.

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The present study has been examined the factors affecting people’s welcome of art museums in the fine museum Art and contemporary Art in tehran. In this study we have regard to factors affecting welcom of art museums. These factors are: individual factors, cultural factors, economic factors, social factors. Theoretical framework and analytical model in this study Is composed of the ideas of theorists that are : pierre Bourdieu and Dr ravadrad. This research was in way survey, and with technique, “questionnaire” which enjoys face validity, construct validity, and reliability (Cronbach Alpha, above %80) done in data gathering. The statistical population includes 73986 people visit the museum of fine Art and contemporary Art. Finally, with using statistical formulas were selected 398 people by non-probability sampling method. The results of this study show that: gender, geographical origin, the mass media have a meaningful relationship with people’s welcome of art museums. The results of the logistic regression test showed that the first step range of geographical origins 62%, in the second step range of gender 64.7%, in the third step range of the mass media 66.7% is able to distinguish people.

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The Family status has great impact on teens’ communicative behaviors. Teens imitate their parents’ use of modern communication technologies as well as their level and quality of usage. Lack of emotional properties is considered to be among teens use of internet. In this study, both qualitative and quantitative methods (Delphi) were used. Population sample of the study were the faculty members of Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Campus, School of Radio and Television and Allameh Tabatabaei University. The theories used in this study for social learning are Skinner’s theory as well as Triandis’s individualism and collectivism. The findings of the study suggest that academic status of the parents of teens has a direct correlation with internet use. Another finding of the study shows that family discrepancies among parents results in more dependency of teens to internet.

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This essay studies one of the most earliest problems in theoretical sociology that is under different titles e. g. agency - structure, individual -society and subject –object discussed, meaning that problem of relation between individual and society, from Elias process sociology point of view. The author stand for the opinion that Elias urges as well against the authors who emphasize on one of both dimensions as a main factor in establishment of the social life (Durkheim, Marx, of one side, G. Homans of another side) as well against the authors, who try to emphasize of both of them simultaneously (Giddens, Bourdiue) and follows completely different path. Elias tries in Horizon of his process sociology to show that both dimensions of social life that are as static and separate categories interpreted in another sociological theories, are actually completely processional and dynamic entities and in reality are not separable .There is no an independent “I” as “Homo clausus” that appears and acts over against the “milieu” or “Environment”. the Human being is more “somewhat” independent existence. “Homines Aperti” “open men” they permanently constitute “Figurations” which nobody intended. to Seek and find the law which govern these permanent changes of “Figurations” is the main Task of sociology.

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