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Religious sociology is one of the important interdisciplinary branches in the sphere of religious studies which views religion from different social angles. Max Weber is among the greatest theorists of religious sociology, and religious rehabilitation is one of his important theories. In short, this theory refers to the fact that sometimes, due to various political or social conditions or even other external factors, a religion or a denomination with a high level of popularity and power in a society is forced to roll back from its dominating position due to animosity from the ruling class and undergo hard impairments. With certain tactics by the special individuals of that religion or denomination, however, its political power and performance is revived in another form or in another region. In this article, we investigate the measures taken by the Shiite scholars in the interregnum period after the Safawids, i. e. the Afghans and Afshars periods, in Iran by adducing that theory. It is worth noting that this article is not seeking to state the causes for Afghans’ and Nader Shah’s actions towards the Shiites, rather, it investigates the reactions of the Shiite scholars to the certain actions of those governments in order to get out of the impasse of those deadly actions. The important finding of this article is that contrary to researchers’ opinion that Shiism was completely out of affluence in that period, it could, using considered plans by the Shiite scholars and prominent authorities get out of recess and weakness and spread its territory of influence to other areas in Asia such as India and China.

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Miri Wajiha



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The era of the Infallible Imams’ presence was concomitant with religious arguments and appearance of numerous educational trends each of which attempting to fix their own doctrines. This caused the Shiites to be in need of teaching discussion skill, a skill taught by the Infallible Imams as one of their educational goals. The present study rotates around two basic questions: (a) what were the educational merits of the Infallible Imams’ methods for teaching discussion skill, and how can they be delineated? (2) What were the Infallible Imams’ principles in teaching the discussion skills? This article aims at presenting a historical explanation for teaching the discussion skill as a part of the Infallible Imams’ educational goals. The discussion skill was taught in two forms through holding discussion sessions under Imam’s supervision: (a) small conferences and two-handed meetings, and (b) holding discussion sessions with thinkers of other groups in the presence of the disciples and granting independence to the disciples for holding discussion sessions. Each of these methods was based on certain educational merits and goals, and would stress on principles that are among the findings of this study. The research method is descriptive-analytical through a combination of historical-traditional propositions and educational discussions.

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Writing about the Prophet’s companions, which began seriously from the third century on, entered the other Islamic lands along with Islam. This was because the related writers would regard the Prophet’s companions as the mediator between the Prophet and the nation as well as persons familiar with the Prophet’s Sunnah and way of life. But writings about the Prophet’s companions done in various regions were influenced by the intellectual-political trends and were compiled in a variety of forms. This impacted those works both in quantity and content. Those intellectual-political trends caused those writers, in seeking to resolve and confront those thoughts, to transmit some traditions from the companions that would confirm their favorite ideology or would marginalize unwelcome discourses in society. The present study seeks to analyze the method of reviving used in the book entitled al-Isti’ab in translating the first caliphs to show that although this book deals with a reflection of the very traditions in the early centuries AH, the selection, compilation and the way of applying its vocabularies was formed to boycott or highlight some of the companions to give a definite answer to the political-religious process of the time or to move in confirming those processes and ideologies.

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In the present writing, the Sayyids’ presence in the Indian subcontinent under the Turks and the political-religious evolutions arising from it was investigated. Sayyids were one of the most important classes entering the Indian subcontinent in the political-military evolutions of the Muslims in India. With their influential speeches and humane character, the Sayyids caused the Hindus to accept their beliefs, and their religious power as well as their social influence caused the Sunnite Sultans to always feel a need to them. In view of their religious status in the Islamic world, the Sayyids succeeded to promote Islam and Shiism in the Indian subcontinent, and to strengthen their status among the Sultans and people by playing role in the social issues in Indian society as well as participating in political rivalries there. The present study deals with identifying the first Sayyids and how they were established in various regions in India as well as investigating their position in the society and in the political system of the rulers in the subcontinent and, in general, the political-social evolutions from their arrival up to the end of the Turks’ era using a historical investigation and a descriptive-analytical method.

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Najafiyan Razawi Leyla



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With the departure of the Prophet, considering his peace-centered approach in order to preserve the solidarity of the Islamic society and the Muslims’ unity diluted. However, with the beginning of Imam Ali’s caliphate and his practical commitment to the Quran and the Prophet’s Sunnah, this issue was revived again. A review of the Imam’s performance in his short period of caliphate and a case study of the battle of Camel on the basis of the oldest historical texts shows this fact. Accordingly, the present study’s question is as follows: “What historical documents exist regarding Imam Ali’s performance in the events surrounding the battle of Camel through which one can confirm Imam’s attention to preserving the solidarity of Islamic society and the Muslims’ unity with a peace-centered approach? ” The result of this descriptive-analytical study is that the Imam, in order to prevent schism in the society, used a peace-centered approach to prevent the instigation from turning into a war, while clarifying the conditions for the people and sending envoys to the instigators. He also attempted, after the end of the battle, to avoid violence and have a religion-based behavior with the remainders of the battle, and to have no compromise as to the affairs of the Islamic society (e. g. choosing the rulers) and wrote letters describing the events for the people of Kufa and Medina to preserve the solidarity of the Islamic society and the Muslims’ unity.

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Towfiq Said | Miri Wajiha



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Regarding enforcement of divine limits in Occultation Period, Sayyid Murteza has two seemingly conflicting opinions. His theological and jurisprudential opinions on statement of divine limits in Occultation Period are woven together. The present study has been organized around the answer to the following question: What is Sharif Murteza’s view in his political thought regarding possibility or impossibility of enforcing divine limits in the Occultation Period? This article aims at resolving the ambiguity and conflict regarding suspension and allowance of enforcing divine limits in Sharif Murteza’s political thought. To provide two pillars of enforcing limits in the Occultation Period, i. e. “legitimacy” and “power”, Sharif Murteza justifies them legally. He clarified that in case someone is able to enforce right, remove falsity, enjoin good and forbid evil, on the one hand, while enjoying enough knowledge on divine precepts and limits, and, on the other hand, is conceded the judgment position by the oppressive king, it is then obligatory for him to enforce the divine limits. He considers the Imami jurists and scholars as the persons qualified for taking over the judgment position. The research method is gathering data and analyzing them on the basis of documentary and analytical method.

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