Sexual harassment as a form of harassment based on sex, which is conceptualized significant effects on victims. One of MlmvsTryn these effects create insecurity for women in business and academic environments, public places and other social-sector. Women form half the population, on a daily basis AstrsHa and problems faced due to sexual harassment dumped into the psychological and sociological lead to many complications in throughput. The present study Revolving subject, sensing components affecting the nuisance factor of the boys. The theoretical framework of this study Ahyr four-factor theory and Advnvhyv (quoted from chipboard et al., 2014) on sexual harassment is a combination of many key components from single-factor theories a priori.The study was nonexperimental descriptive was conducted with survey techniques. The population is son in 18 to 30 years of Sanandaj. Sample size selected Cochran's formula and multistage cluster sampling method is determined. The data collection tool has been integrated and standardized questionnaires that had good validity and reliability.In general, based on the descriptive results obtained from verbal sexual harassment that includes 3 types of harassment, non-verbal and physical, committed a total of 380 people, only 18 people HychGvnh trouble NshdhAnd indicating that the poor conditions and Jnsyt the sample is ZdhY. BhDst results from the multivariate analysis (logistic regression and path analysis) of parents variables showed that.