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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The human resources community entrepreneurship as a key factor of social progress sociologists and economists has been studied. It seems that the entrepreneurial ability to identify ways of developing human resources, especially young people cross-disciplinary research community and the subject so that the individual factors social factors and the conjoined structure studied mental give understated. Social intelligence is the ability to understand others, practice and astute behavior in relationships with others and to use it in social interaction helps in the social environment of business and universities and academic environment is the best opportunity for growth and prosperity are able. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between social intelligence entrepreneurship has been done with varying capabilities. Methods The study consisted of a survey of all graduate students of Tabriz University in the academic year 94-1393, which they sample included 7187 persons, 430 of these students. Based on the results, a significant relationship between social intelligence Tabriz University graduate students there with their jobs. There is a difference between students of different fields of entrepreneurial ability.

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Urban growth and development caused many environmental problems in current age. One of these problems is environmental impacts of wastes which can be solved by inhabitant’s participation in municipal recycling and waste programs. There are many psycho-social factors affecting people’s participation in municipal waste and recycling programs. One of these factors is environmental values. So, current article investigated environmental values and its effects on waste behavior. The hypothesis of the research was: there is a relationship between environmental values and waste behavior. For this purpose, theoretical definitions of environmental values and waste behavior were used. Survey was the research method and a questionnaire was used for collecting the data. Clustering sampling was used.400 questionnaires were filled by householder’s living in the region. Data was analyzed by SPSS software. Result showed that inhabitants showed high environmental values (on average 4.58 of 5). In addition, they also showed good waste behavior (on average 3.108 of 4). Finally, there was a weak positive relationship found between environmental values and waste behavior, in a way that only 1.5% of waste behavior is predicted by environmental values. At the end of the article the reasons of weak relationship between these two variables were explained.

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امینی سعیده

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پژوهش حاضر وضعیت کنش های دگردوستانه شهروندان تهرانی را در دو مقطع به تصویر می کشد و روند تغییرات عوامل اثرگذار بر این امر اخلاقی را نشان می دهد. به منظور تحقق این هدف تلاش شد با اتکا به رویکردهای فلسفی، جامعه شناختی، روان شناختی و زیستی چارچوب مفهومی مناسبی تدوین شود و با استفاده از روش پیمایش در سال های 1384 و 1394 به پرسش ها و فرضیات پاسخ داده شود. شیوه نمونه گیری خوشه ای چندمرحله و حجم نمونه به ترتیب 419 و 400 نفر بوده است. نتایج نشان داد در هر دو پیمایش از میان متغیرهای اثرگذار- سرمایه اجتماعی، سرمایه فرهنگی، سرمایه اقتصادی، نگرش دگردوستانه و نوع دینداری- بیشترین تغییرات کنش دگردوستانه را سرمایه اجتماعی تبیین می کند. همچنین، در هر دو پیمایش رابطه نگرش دگردوستانه و کنش دگردوستانه معنادار بوده و رابطه نوع دینداری با کنش دگردوستانه در پیمایش سال 1384 معنادار بوده و در پیمایش سال 1394 معنادار نبوده است.

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Sexual harassment as a form of harassment based on sex, which is conceptualized significant effects on victims. One of MlmvsTryn these effects create insecurity for women in business and academic environments, public places and other social-sector. Women form half the population, on a daily basis AstrsHa and problems faced due to sexual harassment dumped into the psychological and sociological lead to many complications in throughput. The present study Revolving subject, sensing components affecting the nuisance factor of the boys. The theoretical framework of this study Ahyr four-factor theory and Advnvhyv (quoted from chipboard et al., 2014) on sexual harassment is a combination of many key components from single-factor theories a priori.The study was nonexperimental descriptive was conducted with survey techniques. The population is son in 18 to 30 years of Sanandaj. Sample size selected Cochran's formula and multistage cluster sampling method is determined. The data collection tool has been integrated and standardized questionnaires that had good validity and reliability.In general, based on the descriptive results obtained from verbal sexual harassment that includes 3 types of harassment, non-verbal and physical, committed a total of 380 people, only 18 people HychGvnh trouble NshdhAnd indicating that the poor conditions and Jnsyt the sample is ZdhY. BhDst results from the multivariate analysis (logistic regression and path analysis) of parents variables showed that.

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The main problem of this paper is to study the issues of Afghan adolescents in everyday interactions and the impact of these issues on the image formation of the self and the others. Theoretical considerations based on the ideas of symbolic interactionism school thinkers and Structure has been developed using social exclusion. This article is a qualitative research, data collection was conducted using semi-structured interviews and narrative interviews. Data analysis was conducted using grounded theory. For this study, 21 boys and girls of Afghan adolescents (12 to 16 years old) were interviewed in Tehran. The results showed that the subjects are generally disdain and disrespect in their daily interactions with Iranians. Image of the subjects of Iranians had been as the other, anti-afghan, and mainly consist of distrust. This image of the others had an impact on the image of the self and with the other factors was caused that they have viewed themselves as different people from Iranians. They know themselves different from Iranians, because the Iranian people defined them as different people. This image of the others had an impact on the image of the self and with the other factors was caused that they have viewed themselves as different people from Iranians. They know themselves different from Iranians, because the Iranian people defined them as different people.

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The importance of religion and religiosity for human socity appear the necessity of studying about this phenomenon and it's changs. Insight condition of modern world and critical thinking growth can lead to chang the religosity. This research that investigate the relationship between students' critical thinking and dimensions of religiosity. This survey study was performed by questionnaire.the number of study Population included the master students in Tehran State University at Alzahra university, Emam SadeGh university and Shahid Beheshti university. kuokran's formula and Probability Proportional to sampling 370 students were selected. The results show There was a positive relationship between critical thinking and religious bilife and ritual and Experience.. Result show that there was a positive relationship between religious dimensions and all subscale other than open-mindness subscales. Other result show that degree of belief and experience dimensions is high and degree of ritual dimension is low. only 20% of student had high level of critical thinking The investigate relationship between measure critical thinking and dimensions of religiosity in master student in universites of Tehran.

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The present study aims to investigate and identify the processes of making children subject to child labor. For this purpose, narrative research method is used to detect these processes and the narrative interview technique to grasp the life story of working children. The population in this study is working children living in the city of Mashhad in 2016. After 15 interviews with the children, theoretical saturation was achieved and then the continuous and effective factors on resorting children to work is extracted through which the process of child labor is determined as a plot. According to the research findings, four general processes can be considered for turning into a working child which include: (1) the children of immigrants dealing with poverty. In the process, poverty along with addiction in the family lead to using children as a labor force. (2) The process of children of families who working subculture is existed among them. (3) The process of children whose parents are irresponsible towards their children. Children in these families resort to work due to the economic and social benefits because their irresponsible parents do not provide appropriate well-being conditions for them. (4) The process of children in the families with begging subculture. In such families, children are forced to work to earn money for the family.

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