Introduction: One of essential issues that was discussed in word Health organization (WHO) is continuous learning and promoting knowledge and healthy skills related to public health. So, continuous education program as one of practical solution to identify achievement of educational goal should be considered. This study has been done to evaluate continuous medical education from viewpoints of eligible physicians.Methods: this is a cross- sectional descriptive study. data were collected by a questionnaire designed by ministery of health and medical education to assess continuing medical education program, offered to 132 eligible general physicians contributed in three- separate programs. Validity and reliability confirmed by content validity and alpha krobakh (0.92) respectively. data were analysed by SPSS software and descriptive statistic.Results: From the viewpoints of eligible physicians, 43% evaluated continuous medical education program as fair with regard to confirm information also, other subjects including: Presenting new scientific topics, proportion with occupational needs, logical sequences of the lecture, conditions and facilities were considered as moderate. They indicated “gain points and updating information” the most important factors for participating in CME programs. They found group discussion, case- presentation and lecturing as the best educational methods and self- teaching, seminar, codified program and E- learning the most suitable performance of continuous medical education programs.Conclusion: according to the current and similar research findings, and necessity to perform continuous medical education programs in order to updating information and promoting related skills, It seems that using of suitable educational methods, determining priorities in educational needs of eligible physicians, selecting subjects based on educational needs, providing suitable condition and atmosphere and educational equipments can promote impressiveness and efficiency of programs.