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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Today, using of new technology such as electronic-learning because of developing communications is inevitable but moving of medical sciences universities in this regard is not acceptable. In this study we try to identify factors contribute to insufficient development of this education in Qazvin University of medical sciences.Methods: in this qualitative research from viewpoints of computer specialist, EDO and EDC staffs and faculty members of medical sciences (totally 30 participants) were used. Data were collected through interviews by using a questionnaire including, beliefs, attitudes and experiences about elearning.Results: Acceleration in using electronic-learning is necessary from the viewpoints of participants, but there are some major problems and barriers for this education in medical sciences universities, such as: lack of appropriate telecommunications infrastructure, few companies offering electronic services, in appropriate manner of offering backup services, inability of informatics units in medical sciences universities to establish necessary infrastructure, insufficient capability of faculty members and students to use educational software and the high cost of designing virtual courses.Conclusion: It is necessary to provide essential infrastructure in explaining electronic-education necessity as well as generating appropriate content, empowering participants in electronic–education courses and promoting quality and quantity of companies which offering hardware and software services in medical-sciences universities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Many of those who are eligible for continuing medical education (CME) in order to participating in current method of education have to temporary leave their jobs. Also cost, exhaustion of the trip and lack of proper yield are some other problems. it is believed that efficiency of CME courses maybe improved by using of electronic- CME. Nowadays, in many countries new "e-courses" have become available but up to now e-learning has not been routinely used in Iran. This study by considering of eligible physicians attitude about electroric – CME has been done.Methods: in this cross – sectional descriptive study which started from September 2007 until February 2009 in Arak, 664 persons who are eligible for continuing medical education (CME) were studied. Data were collected by a self - designed questionnaire, validity and reliability was determined respectively by content validity & Alpha kronbakh (a: -/85) results were analysed by using T-test and SPSS soft ware (version 16).Results: 644 eligible physicians participated in this study. (152 via internet and 492 verbally). Concerning the best method of Continuing medical education (CME) more than %39.6 (n=230) choose collected course and 10.7% (n=62) collected electronic CME. Inability of using computer by female is more than male but there was no significant differences among different age groups based on questionnaire.Conclusion: Most responders considered collected courses as high yield ones which refers to the fact that omission of these programs is not in accordance with the their wishes.

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Introduction: Assessing of educational gap in quality of health-care and followed by adopting ways to reduce or eliminate the gap is the first essential step in developing training programs. being aware of the status of quality educational health-care at the Arak University of medical sciences that is considered as the second type of university can be the basis for planning and improving the quality of educational health-care in other universities. So this study, in order to assessing and determining quality of educational health-care from the perspective of medical students, has undertaken.Methods: This is a cross-sectional and analytical study which 400 students of Arak university of medical sciences was attended. Data were collected by using of service quality instrument in two stages, conception of the current situation and perception of the ideal situation. Finally data were analysed by using paired t-tests and Chi-square and one way ANOVA. Results: Based on students perceptions in five section of health-care quality, gap existed, and most of the gap in quality assurance (-28.7) was observed and then respectively respond to the order (-26.3), confidence (-23.3), physical (-22) and the lowest in empathy (-19.6). Statistically, there was significant differences among different dimensions of gap in quality of education (P<0.001). also, gap in current services of responese and assurane was higher than in medical students (P<0.05).Conclusion: Findings indicated that current services don't meet students expectations so it is suggested to organize educational workshops in how to increase services and communication skills for staff in terms of significant differences in quality of five above mentioned fields, and considering these differences when resources are allocated.

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Introduction: Education is a mutual process leads to learning and influence the individual behaviors ultimately. The patient education main goals include helping person to improve the quality of life, to achieve the optimal psychosomatic development, and to boost the self confidence. Among the health-care providers, the nurses spent much time with patients and their family, and so they potentially are the most eligible professionals to identify and respond the patients’ educational needs. This research aims to evaluate the staff nurses’ opinion regarding the importance of patient education and determination of its main facilitators and barriers.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducting on nurses who are working in a hospital in East of Guilan province, Iran. The data gathering instrument was a questionnaire divided into 4 sections as follows: (1) questions regarding demographic characteristics (2) sixteen items to find out the subjects’ opinion about the importance of patient education (3) ten items to assess the facilitators to patient education and, (4) ten items to determine the barriers to patient education. To establish the validity of questionnaire the technique of content-related validity according to the opinions of the experts was used. The reliability was confirmed using test-retest technique. Descriptive statistics was applied to interpret the data.Results: Almost all subjects had a positive attitude regarding the importance of patient education. They introduced “the patient's interest and cooperation in planning and executing the education” as the most important facilitator (Mean=4.56, SD=0.52) and “selecting and educating of special personnel for providing patient education” as the least important facilitator (Mean=3.23, SD=0.7) in patient education. They also pointed out “lack of appropriate knowledge and skills regarding recognition of patient educational needs in respect of type of disease” as the most important factor (Mean=4.53, SD=0.61) and “unmatched educator and patients in terms of sex” as the least important factor (Mean=3.19, SD=1.37) act as barriers to patient education.Conclusion: Considering the patients interest and cooperation as the most important role along side an optimal nurse – patient relationship, using of audio – visual methods provide more cooperation and facilitate knowing patient eduction requitement.

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Introduction: identifying of influencing factors on educational performance has specific importance, about the role of these factors, there are numerous controversies. So, this study was carried out in order to assessing the predictors of academic performance in midwifery alumni of kashan university of medical sciences.Methods: in this cross sectional study all the midwifery alumni of kaums from 1995 until the end of 2003 (n=76) were selected via census method. The questionnaire including demographic data, admission criteria, educational background and academic performance status was used. Data were analyzed by using independent Mann-Whitney U, and stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis.Results: Findings show that being native (p<0.002), lack of the temporary transfer background to other universities (p<0.038), lower age (p<0.01) and higher high school grade point average (p<0.0001) had the positive effect on academic performance. Regression analysis showed that %43.6 of the observed variance in the status of academic performance is determined by 2 variables including HGPA and residence place (F=26.242, p<0.0001), and HGPA explains %35 of the total variance alone.Conclusion: with regard to the predictor role of educational background and residence place in academic performance, it's proposed to consider HGPA and native selection in the acceptance of university students.

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introduction: Nursing requires high accuracy, and handling with patient put a heavy responsibility on nurses shoulders. Perfectionism and Self-efficacy are the abilities that impact on each other and effect on mental health and quality of health – care were offering by nurses. This study has been done to investigate the relationship between perfectionism and self-efficacy of nurses in Rasht hospitals.Methods: This is a descriptive – correlation study that was performed on 344 nurses of Rasht city. Data were selected by cluster random sampling method. we used Frost Multi Dimensional Perfectionism Inventory and Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem self-efficacy inventory for collecting the information from samples. Results were analyzed by Pierson correlation coefficient, multiple regression and MANOVA by SPSS software.Results: self-efficacy has positive relation with organization and personal standards and negative relation with parental expectance. just organization dimension can predict self-efficacy in our sample.Conclusion: considering the vulnerability of nurses in self efficacy and for special situation of this job this research show that by improving positive dimensions of perfectionism such as organization and personal standards, self-efficacy will increase.

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Introduction: One of essential issues that was discussed in word Health organization (WHO) is continuous learning and promoting knowledge and healthy skills related to public health. So, continuous education program as one of practical solution to identify achievement of educational goal should be considered. This study has been done to evaluate continuous medical education from viewpoints of eligible physicians.Methods: this is a cross- sectional descriptive study. data were collected by a questionnaire designed by ministery of health and medical education to assess continuing medical education program, offered to 132 eligible general physicians contributed in three- separate programs. Validity and reliability confirmed by content validity and alpha krobakh (0.92) respectively. data were analysed by SPSS software and descriptive statistic.Results: From the viewpoints of eligible physicians, 43% evaluated continuous medical education program as fair with regard to confirm information also, other subjects including: Presenting new scientific topics, proportion with occupational needs, logical sequences of the lecture, conditions and facilities were considered as moderate. They indicated “gain points and updating information” the most important factors for participating in CME programs. They found group discussion, case- presentation and lecturing as the best educational methods and self- teaching, seminar, codified program and E- learning the most suitable performance of continuous medical education programs.Conclusion: according to the current and similar research findings, and necessity to perform continuous medical education programs in order to updating information and promoting related skills, It seems that using of suitable educational methods, determining priorities in educational needs of eligible physicians, selecting subjects based on educational needs, providing suitable condition and atmosphere and educational equipments can promote impressiveness and efficiency of programs.

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Medical education problems are complex, not only because of their multidisciplinary context, but also a result of multi causality process. Therefore, medical education researchers recognize the need for multiple approaches to understanding problems and developing effective interventions to improve quality of medical education.Qualitative methods help medical education researchers to understand underlying behavior, attitudes, perceptions, perceptions and culture in a way that quantitative methods alone can not. These methods also can be useful in understanding facilitators and barriers to the implementation of new medical education programs. Consequently, this article aims to introduce qualitative approaches, clarify differences between qualitative and quantitative methods and explanation the advantages of mixed method researches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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