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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objectives Physical activity is one of the main lifestyle variables related to health. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of an educational program based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in improving the attitude and intention of male adolescents regarding physical activity. Subjects and Methods In the present study, 40 male high school students were divided into two groups of intervention (n=20) and control (n=20). The educational package was designed and provided to them at 10 sessions. Two 18-item TPB-based questionnaires related to attitude towards physical activity and intention to participate in sports activities were used. Results The educational program explained 0. 238% of changes in attitudes, 0. 189% of changes in knowledge, 0. 247% of changes in subjective norms, 0. 071% of changes in perceived behavioral control, 0. 261% of changes in behavioral intentions. In total, it explained 0. 458% of changes in intention to participate in/attitude towards sports activities. The educational program explained 0. 609% of changes in attitude, 0. 363% of changes in knowledge, 0. 017% of changes in perceived behavioral control, and 0. 015% of changes in behavioral intention. In total, it explained 0. 731% of changes in students’,intention to participate in/attitude towards sports events. Conclusion The TPB-based educational program is effective in promoting high school students’,attitude towards physical activity and their intention to participate in sports events and thus improve their health.

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Background and Objectives Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an chronic inflammatory mucocutaneous disease, which mostly affect the oral mucosa. This study aims to review the studies related to the presence of xerostomia (dry mouth) in patients with OLP and its possible mechanisms. Subjects and Methods In this review study, a search was conducted in Medline, Scopus, Embase and Web of Science databases on related studies published from 1965 to 2021 using the keywords oral lichen planus, xerostomia, hyposalivation, salivary gland hypofunction, and oral dryness. Clinical studies on the association between OLP and xerostomia, and those with well-defined design and methodology were included in the review. Results About 8 articles were finally selected based on the entry criteria. These articles were about the histopathological examination of salivary glands, evaluation of salivary compositions, saliva flow rate assessment, and feeling of dry mouth using a questionnaire. Conclusion The relationship between OLP and xerostomia has been shown in many studies. Various mechanisms have been proposed in this regard. The mentioned mechanisms are the inflammatory and autoimmune disorders of the sensory nervous system, changes in saliva composition, and changes in the saliva flow rate.

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an acute respiratory infection. Its virus called SARS-COV-2 which is an RNA virus with high homology to the bat coronavirus. In this review study, first the molecular and cellular characteristics and the proliferation and replication of SARS-COV-2 are investigated. Then, by reviewing bioinformatics studies regarding protected domain analysis, homology modeling, and molecular docking, the biological role of some specific SARS-COV-2 proteins are examined. The results showed that the open reading frame 8 (ORF8) and surface glycoprotein could bind to porphyrin. At the same time, ORF1ab, ORF10, and ORF3a can attack the heme part of hemoglobin to dissociate iron and form porphyrin. This attack reduces hemoglobin ability to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. As a result, lung cells become severely inflamed due to their inability to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen, which leads to large ground-glass opacities on CT scan images. Based on the bioinformatics results, chloroquine can prevent ORF1ab, ORF3a, and ORF10 from attacking hemoglobin to form porphyrin and avoid the binding of ORF8 and surface glycoprotein to porphyrin, which effectively relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory syndrome. In the current pandemic, bioinformatics studies are of great importance for preventing the spread of COVID-19, developing drugs and vaccines, and clinical practice.

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Background and Objectives This study aims to assess the frequency of positive lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results in patients with non-traumatic low back pain (LBP) based on the specialty of the referring physician. Subjects and Methods In this retrospective study, 335 patients with non-traumatic LBP aged >18 years participated. Their demographic information and MRI findings and the specialty of the referring physician were extracted and recorded from the imaging information system of a hospital. Frequency of positive lumbosacral MRI results based on the specialty of the referring physician were compared. To avoid bias, the MRIs with a same imaging protocol were selected, and reporting was done by a same radiologist. Results Of 335 patients, 145(43. 3%) were male and 190(57. 6%) were female. Among the referring physicians, 139(41. 5%) were neurosurgeon, 114(34%) were orthopedists, 61(18. 2%) were neurologists, and 21(6. 3%) were physical medicine specialist. There was no significant difference in positive MRI results between different specialties of the referring physicians (P>0. 05). Conclusion There is no difference in the frequency of positive lumbosacral MRI results in patients with non-traumatic LBP treated by orthopedics, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and physical medicine specialists.

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Background and Objectives Motor competence (MC) in fundamental motor skills (FMS) is needed for children to participate in physical activities. This study aims to investigate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and MC in children aged 7-10 years. Subjects and Methods This is a correlational study with a cross-sectional design. Participants were 828 children aged 7-10 years in Ahvaz, Iran who were selected by cluster random sampling method. The test of gross motor development-3, a digital scale, and a stadimeter were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation test, and two-way analysis of variance were used in data analysis. Results The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children was high. There was a significant negative relationship between BMI and MC in locomotor skills and in total FMS (P<0. 05), but no significant relationship was observed between BMI and MC in ball skills (P>0. 05). The effect of age was significant on the MC in both locomotor and ball skills and in total FMS (P<0. 05). The effect of gender was not significant on the MC in locomotor skills (P>0. 05), but was significant on the MC in ball skills and in total FMS (P<0. 05). Conclusion Children’, s BMI is associated with their low MC in FMS. The increase of MC in FMS with the increase of age confirms the developmental nature of FMS. Due to the lower MC of girls in ball skills, they are at higher risk of delayed motor development. It is recommended to improve their delayed motor development and MC in ball skills by developing appropriate interventions

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Background and Objectives Despite several studies and abundant efforts to control microbial agents, humans have not yet been able to eliminate these agents. Recent studies have shown that gold(I) compounds are promising candidates for making antimicrobial drugs. The interest in gold-based drugs is increasing day by day. Inhibition of the thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) enzyme is the most important biological target for antimicrobial gold(I) compounds. Subjects and Methods In this study, the antimicrobial properties of five diphenyl pyridine phosphine gold(I)-thiolate compounds against gram-positive bacteria (P. aeruginosa, E. coli), gram-negative bacteria (S. aureus, B. subtilis), a fungus (C. albicans), and a yeast (S. cerevisiae) were evaluated. The molecular docking studies were carried out using AutoDock 4. 2 to find the best compound in the active site of the TrxR enzyme (PDB ID: 4CBQ). Results The gold(I) compounds had a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value ranged from 3 to 100 μ, g/mL. The most active compound was Au3 which had a MIC of 3. 89, 3. 15, 4. 36, 5. 44, 6. 13, and 8. 37 μ, g/mL against P. aeruginosa, E. coli, S. aureus, B. subtilis, C. albicans and S. cerevisiae, respectively. Conclusion The gold(I) compounds act better on gram-negative bacteria and yeast strains compared to auranofin as antirheumatic drug. These compounds, especially the Au3, are potentially valuable for the control of antimicrobial agents.

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Background and Objectives Omentin-1 is a new adipokine with a potential to increase insulin sensitivity, and is associated with lipid profile. There are limited studies on the effect of exercise on the serum level of Omentin-1. The present study aims to investigate the effect of progressive resistance training (PRT) on plasma level of omentin-1 and glycemic control in diabetic male rats. Subjects and Methods In this study, 24 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups: Control, diabetic, and diabetic+PRT. The training group performed a PRT program using a ladder (three days a week, for 4 weeks). Body weight, glucose level, amentin-1 level, insulin level, and lipid profile were measured. Results The PRT significantly increased plasma levels of omentin-1 and triglycerides in the diabetic + PRT group compared to the diabetic group (P=0. 017). There was no significant difference in high-density lipoprotein (F=0. 318, P>0. 05), low-density lipoprotein (F=0. 612, P>0. 05) and cholesterol (F=0. 049, P>0. 05) levels between the study groups. Conclusion The PRT improves omentin-1 and insulin resistance in diabetic rats.

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Background and Objectives Herbal plants are an important source of novel chemical drugs with therapeutic effects. The present study aims to find the chemical compounds of the essential oil of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller) and assess their antagonistic effects on N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) subunit NR2B in the brain. Subjects and Methods The essential oil was first isolated by distillation method from flowering inflorescences of lavender. Then, their chemical compounds were identifies by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Molecular docking study and the evaluation of the molecular structures were carried out on 20 compounds. Pyrx software, version 4. 0 in Autodock Vina was used to perform the molecular docking of 20 ligands with NMDAR. The molecular structures of compounds were evaluated in SwissADME website. Results In GC-MS, 41 active compounds were detected comprising 95. 5% of the total essential oil of lavender plant. The highest amount was related to trans-carveol, followed by isopulegol, 1, 3, 8,-p-menthatriene, and isoborneol. In docking studies, results showed that the best ligands for binding to NMDAR included trans-carveol, isopulegol, and 1, 3, 8,-p-menthatriene which demonstrated the higher affinity to active site of the NMDAR. Ifenprodil, as an antagonist, shared common binding sites with camphor, thymol, alpha-phellandrene, limonene, gamma-3-carene, beta-thujone, trans-Carveol, beta-caryophyllene. Camphor, thymol, beta-thujone and trans-carveol had the highest gastrointestinal absorption, and transcarveol had the lowest binding energy to NMDAR. Conclusion Camphor, thymol, beta-thujone, and trans-carveol are potential compounds of lavender essential oil to inhibit NMDAR and improve learning and memory in neurodegenerative diseases.

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Background and Objectives Cartilage tissue engineering, by using stem cells, scaffolding and appropriate growth factors, seek to produce natural cartilage tissue to replace damaged tissue and solve the problems that exist in the treatment of cartilage damage. This study aims to compare chondrogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells under the influence of the transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGF-β, 3), Kartogenin, and avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) on the fibrin scaffold in the laboratory and animal models. Subjects and Methods In this experimental laboratory study, after extraction of stem cells from human adipose tissue, induction of chondrogenic differentiation was done for 14 days on the fibrin scaffold in laboratory. The cells differentiated in the fibrin scaffold were transplanted subcutaneously under the skin of male rats for two weeks. Then, comparison of histological and immunohistochemical studies was performed in both laboratory and animal models. Results A significant increase in the density of Toluidine blue dye accumulation was observed in TGF-β, 3, Kartogenin and ASU groups in the animal model compared to the laboratory model. Immunohistochemical results for the collagen type X accumulation in the TGF-β, 3 group showed a significant increase in the animal model compared to the laboratory model. In the Kartogenin and ASU groups, the accumulation of collagen type Χ,showed a significant decrease in the animal model compared to the laboratory model. Conclusion The implantation of differentiated cartilage cells in laboratory before subcutaneous transfer to the skin can help mature and complete the characteristics of the constructed cartilage

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Background and Objectives This study aims to evaluate the effect of different intensities of aerobic training on the expression of transcription factor 4 (TCF4) and C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP10) genes in subcutaneous adipose tissue of male Wistar rats. Subjects and Methods In this experimental study, 32 male Wistar rats with a mean age of 6 weeks and a weight of 237±, 33 gr were used. Then, they were randomly divided into four groups of 8, including control group, moderate-intensity aerobic training (MIT), high-intensity aerobic training (HIT), and highintensity interval aerobic training (HIIT). The MIT group trained at an intensity of 65% VO2max for 47 minutes. The HIT group running at a speed of 20 meters per minute with an increasing inclination for 40 minutes. The HIIT group trained at an intensity of 90-100% VO2max for 37 minutes. Adipose tissue sample was collected 24 hours after the last training session to evaluate the expression of TCF4 and CHOP10 genes by real-time PCR method. Results There was a significant difference in the expression of CHOP10 gene in the subcutaneous tissue of male Wistar rats in the HIIT group compared to the MIT and control group (P=0. 004). However, no significant difference was observed between HIIT and HIT groups (P=1). In addition, there was a significant difference in TCF4 gene expression in the HIIT group compared to the control group (P=0. 006). However, no significant difference was observed between HIIT and HIT groups (P=1) Conclusion The expression level of adipogenic genes decreased after HIIT. These findings indicate that this exercise is effective in controlling the expression of genes involved in fat metabolism.

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Background and Objectives This study aims to assess changes in anterior chamber parameters after prophylactic laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) in patients with primary angle-closure suspect (PACS). Subjects and Methods In this study, 43 patients (86 eyes) with PACS (Mean age: 55. 16±, 9. 14 years) participated. The anterior chamber parameters including anterior chamber volume (ACV), anterior chamber angle (ACA) and central anterior chamber depth (CACD) were extracted from the Pentacam map at 0-180°,meridian before and one month after prophylactic LPI. Results The only parameter that had a significant increase after LPI was ACV, which increased from 99. 26±, 19. 57 mm3 to 113. 09±, 19. 712 mm3 after LPI (P<0. 001). The relationship between age and ACV changes after LPI was statistically significant (P=0. 014), indicating that the increase of age is associated with the increased of ACV after LPI. The relationship of ACV and ACD with their initial values was statistically significant, such that with the increase of the initial values of ACV and ACD, their changes decrease. Due to the lack of significant increase in CACD after LPI, the relationship between its changes after LPI and its initial value cannot be relied upon. Conclusion ACV is the only anterior chamber parameter that changes significantly after prophylactic LPI. This parameter can be used as a measurable scale to evaluate and monitor the eyes of patients with PACS. Among the PACS cases, older patients and patients with lower initial ACV have greater increase of ACV after LPI.

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Background and Objectives Unplanned pregnancy in the first year after delivery in high-risk and adolescent mothers can have numerous complications. This study aims to investigate the effective strategies for the use of contraceptive methods in the postpartum period by adolescent mothers in Iran. Subjects and Methods This qualitative study, using the nominal group technique (NGT), was conducted in 2019 during a journal club with the presence of professors and students in midwifery and reproductive health. The NGT included five steps: Recording of ideas during 5 minutes of silence, clarifying ideas, prioritizing important ideas, voting, and selecting the first five priorities. Results Five priorities were education, counseling, providing the contraceptive methods, modification of population policies, and correct identification of the vulnerable groups. Accordingly, strategies were categorized as (a) evidence-based education and counseling on appropriate use of contraceptive methods during pregnancy, after delivery, and during postnatal visits, (b) providing contraceptive methods to the high-risk group of women for free in health centers, and (c) modification of population policies. Conclusion There are appropriate strategies for the contraceptive use such as education, counseling, providing the contraceptive methods, and modification of population policies that can temporarily prevent pregnancy in high-risk adolescent women in Iran.

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