This research was conducted with the aim of improving managers' competency through specifying the factors of their competency. In order to find the right answer to the question of this research, a researcher-made questionnaire was devised including 137 items on the basis of a four-level necessity scale, i.e. lowest, relatively low, high, and highest, valued respectively as 1, 2, 3, and 4. The questionnaire was administered among 251 junior managers in Khorasan Razavi province. A number of 16-fold factors were analyzed through the Principal Component Analysis (PC) method using Varimax Rotation. Preliminary outcomes showed that correlation matrix determinant was 0.00007, a non-zero number, and KMO measure of sampling adequacy equaled 0.897; meanwhile, the result of Bartlett's Test of Sphericity with a value of 27272.971 was significant lower than 0.00001. Consequently, the managers' competency measurement scale was made out with 16 points which explained 60.2 percent of the variables variance. A collection of items, correlated with a factor in common, each composing a piece of test were listed as follows: 1. Understanding individual differences, 2. Change management, 3. Financial management, 4. Teaming up, 5. Crisis management, 6. Understanding organizational mission, 7. Recognizing organizational realities, 8. Lifetime learning, 9. Human resources management, 10. Planning, 11. Participation, 12. Customer-centeredness, 13. Technical skills, 14. Perseverance, 15. Taking care of organizational interests, 16. Paying attention to challenging goals.These factors totally cover 60.2 percent of the competency variance.