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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background and aim: Breast cancer and chemotherapy are with complications that they can lead to reduce quality of life. One of the important tasks of oncology nurses is prevention, control of complications of cancer and its treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate challenges nursing role on improving quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.Methods: This study was a cross sectional descriptive-analytic research that was done in 2013 in two educational hospitals in Shahrekord and Isfahan. Samplings were collected from 45 nurses by purposive sampling. Data were collected by demographic questionnaires and nursing role questionnaires on improving the quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.Results: High and hard procedures such as venipuncture, nursing staff shortage, low importance by managers to assess and improve the quality of life, and lack of quality of life assessment form in ward, respectively are the main obstacles. In other words, the most problems are in the field of execution- management (%42), individual-nurse (%21), individual-patient (%14), education (%13), and equipment-environment (%10), respectively. Then, strategies for holding training courses for managers, and providing quality of life assessment form to consider the evaluation of nursing education with higher points were obtained. Finally, strategy of “Empowerment of nurse managers” was suggested as the best way to cover all strategies.Conclusion: Most problems were reported in the executive management field. Therefore, it is suggested that managers try to facilitate field of research and plan for the implementation of the “Empowerment of nurse managers” for improving quality of life in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aims: Good nutrition in hemodialysis patients is one of the most important factors of increased longevity and decreased hospitalization and it is argued that training is highly effective in this regard. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of diet training on variations in blood pressure, weight, and some factors in the hemodialysis patients referred to hemodialysis ward of Hajar Hospital, Shahrekord.Methods: This clinical-trial study was conducted in 2011 on 100 hemodialysis patients who were recruited based on purposive sampling. Training intervention including face to face training along with offering two training pamphlets was implemented in two sessions within a month for the patients,. Variations in weight, blood pressure, creatinine, and blood urea were measured and recorded by the researcher in initial, after two weeks, and a month after training. The effects of diet training were compared on evaluated factors before and after intervention. Results: In this study, mean age of the studied patients was 56.215.14 ranged 13-80 years old. The weight mean of the patients after one month of training interventions (64.66±14.54) decreased significantly compared to initial stage (66.50±15.10) kg. (P=0.002). Also, the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure of patients prior to training intervention was 152.44±18.12 mmHg and 88.16±7.64 mmHg, respectively, and one month after training intervention 128.7±13.08 and 79.02±7.5, respectively. This decrease was reported significant (P=0.001). On the variations in creatinine and blood urea of the patients, both decreased throughout the study, but only the decrease in blood urea was reported significant (P=0.001).Conclusion: Since adherence to appropriate diet in this study could cause weight loss, improve blood pressure level, and Moderate blood biochemical factors. Implementation and continuation of training programs in this regard by health caregivers is necessary and important.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aims: Low back pain is a common problem throughout the world and Iran. Nurses also due to their working conditions are considered among high-risk groups. If this situation be chronic, it can have a serious impact on their quality of life, result in low quality of work, reduce the time to do useful work and increase the number of days missed. The aim of this study was to assess quality of life of patients with low back pain.Methods: In this descriptive- analytic study, 250 nurses working in educational hospitals in Tabriz admited to participate in this research in 2013. Data were collected by a two-part checklist containing demographic characters and Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain questionnaire. The quality of life of nurses suffering from chronic low back pain was determined.Results: Of the total nurses participating in research, 65.8% (n=250) obtained inclusion criteria. There was impaired quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain in moderate level in most nurses (38.04%). 6.88% of nurses’impairments was very severe. There was the most disruption in patients with chronic low back pain in the social relations and the least was related to self-care. It was reported experienced pain severity in nurses moderate to severe.Conclusions: The high prevalence of low back pain in nurses affects their quality of life. So, holding training classes and providing an environment with minimal risk factors for low back pain in nurses' work environments to reduce the individual, social and economic damage seems necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Change the traditional approach to empowerment in education and care in diabetic patients is by creating a proper ground for improvement self-care and health status in patients with diabetes. The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between empowerment with dimensions of quality of life and some related factors in patients with type 2 diabetes.Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was performed on 156 patients with type2 diabetes in Shahroud town in 2013.The relationship between empowerment with dimensions of quality of life and some related factors was evaluated using demographic information form, empowerment Questionnaire (DES-28), diabetes patients-specific quality of life questionnaire. Results: The overall mean of empowering score in patients was 82.56±16.84. There was a significant and positive correlation between empowerment and all dimensions of quality of life (P=<05). There was a significant negative correlation between empowerment with age of patients (P=0.01, r=0.54). Moreover, a significant difference in the patients' empowerment according to sex (P=0.04), marital status (P<0.001), lifestyle (P<0.001), education (P<0.001), income (P=0.02) was observed.Conclusion: According to the results this study, Patients with more empowerment had higher levels of quality of life in all dimensions. Also, the patients' empowerment was correlated with some demographic data. It seems nurses can help by identifying effective factors on empowerment and inclusion of training programs based on empowerment in clinical environment r to achieve higher levels of their quality of life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Nowadays, job involvement is introduced as an important factor in the effectiveness of the organization, so that the high job involvement will increase the effectiveness of the organization. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between job involvement and demographic characteristics of the nurses.Methods: In this cross - sectional descriptive-analytic study, 436 nurses from hospitals in Tehran and Kerman in 2013 were recruited by convenience sampling. The Job Involvement Questionnaire was used for data collection. The cutoff point for job involvement score was 40 and the relationship between job involvement and demographic characteristics of the nurses was evaluated.Results: Most the average age of participating nurses in the study 31-40 years. The mean score of job involvement was 36.07±10.02. Among the demographic characteristics, in terms of gender, men had higher job involvement than women (P=0.01). Also, the job involvement of nurses in military hospitals was higher than civilian hospitals (P<0.001). There was no statistically significant difference between other demographic such as marital status, education, age and work experience with job involvement score (P>0.05).Conclusion: According to the low scores of job involvement, attention to the effective factors and motivation factors in environment variables to improve nurses' job involvement is recommended.

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Introduction: Hospitalization of children is one of the most frightening events in life for parents and children, and a major cause of anxiety emergence in children. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mothers’ participation and the family-centered care on mother’s anxiety with children suffering from gastrointestinal infections.Methods: In the present clinical trial study, 90 mothers with children suffering from gastrointestinal infections divided in two groups: control (45 mothers) and intervention groups (45 mothers). Children in intervention group received participation care. Control group received normal care and intervention, collaborative care received. Using Spiel berger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaire, mothers’ anxiety in discharge time was determined and compared together in two groups.Results: The results showed that the mean anxiety score of mothers was in the control group at discharge (101.29±5.43) and in the intervention group (80.71±7.22). This decrease in intervention group was significant compared to control group (p<0.001). After the intervention, the obvious anxiety mean score decreased significantly in the experimental group compared to the baseline and set in average level (p<0.001), but the hidden anxiety mean score set higher than average.Conclusion: Collaborative care over usual care approach leads to reducing maternal anxiety. Therefore, it is recommended that this method is used in the care of hospitalized children.

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Background and aim: Birth weight is related to many factors and specific medical conditions that have been existed or developed in during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate some determinants of birth weight in Qazvin.Methods: In this cross- sectional descriptive-analytic study in 2010, 3076 women with the normal vaginal delivery (NVD) entered into the study. The univariate and multivariate predictors for birth weight were analyzed using General Linear Model (GLM).Results: Average neonatal birth weight was 3248.18±458.36 gr and maternal age was 25.33±5.70 years. The prevalence rate of low birth weight and macrosomia were 6.67% (205 newborns) and 3.15% (97 newborns), respectively. Univari ate predictors for heavier birth weights are multi-parity, male neonates, term & post term neonates, neonates of non-preeclampsia mothers and mothers above 18 years old. Upon multivariate, most of the univari ate predictors remain except mother’s age lost its influence on birth weight; Season of Birth became statistically significant with spring (P=0.01) and winter (P=0.01) having bigger babies compared to summer period.Conclusion: Some of determinants of birth weight are non- modifiable and interventions on them are not possible, but by adjusting some factors such as selection of the appropriate age for pregnancy, it is possible to have optimal birth weight.

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Background and aims: Having a vegetative patient in the family is a complicated and stressful experience. Caring such patients with complete disability at home is very challenging. The present study aimed at exploring the caring experiences and challenges of the families with patients in the vegetative state.Methods: In this qualitative study that was done from August, 2013 to Sep, 2014 in some provinces of Iran (Khuzestan, Tehran and Lorestan), 17 vegetative patients’ caregivers including 14 family caregivers and 3 professional caregivers were entered to the study. Unstructured interviews and observations were used for gathering data. Data collecting was continued until saturating data and emerging main themes. Data analysis was performed by content analysis method.Results: Caring challenges that families with vegetative patient were faced included in 5 main themes: education greed, undertaking hard caring, corrosive costs, limbo of words and emotional erosion.Conclusions: The finding of present study showed that all the families with vegetative patients during caring period were faced with various challenges. The main part of these challenges is related to policies of health system and some of them were related to knowledge level of the public. So, more attention to these challenges by authorities is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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