Throughput history no text or book like the Qur' an has ever received the attention of human societies nor has been translated, explained and interpreted. A glimpse of Qur' anic translations reveals extensive disparity among them. Muslims all over the world have the same Qur' an with the same text, but they see hundreds of Qur' anic translations with different contents. Analyzing the causes and grounds of difference in Qur' anic translations leads us to two major extratextual and intratextual factors. Intratextual factors mean those factors arising from essential and intratextual properties of the Holy Qur' an, which cause dissimilarity and diversity of Qur' anic translations. Factors likeMutashabihat, different metaphors such as the application of injunctive sentences meaning as predicative sentences, mentioning an object with its former name, and also different kinds of mujmalatin the Qur' an like homonyms, the possibility of referring a pronoun to multiple antecedents, the possibility of conjunction orIstinaf in "waw". The impacts of such factors on the dissimilarity of Qur' an translations arising from its internal properties are unavoidable. Extra textual factors, however, are largely controllable and limitable. In this regard, Qur' anic translations can be coalesced and prevent content disparity. In addition to classifying internal and external factors of this dissimilarity and their contexts, this paper merely discusses intratextual factors of dissimilarity of Qur' anic translations due to the discussion extent.