Illuminationist philosophy or Oriental wisdom is a kind of theosophical philosophy that Suhrawardi describes methodically in his work. Shaikh al-Ishraq saw him as a focal point of wisdom, that two branches of legal heritage (Hermes) was found to have reached that point again. Principles in his book ‘Hikmat-iishraq’ are three-steps in which a philosopher achieves enlightenment. In the first step, he must avoid from the world, the second step is to see the divine light path (specific experience), and in the final one, he attained the illumination for his unlimited knowledge. At this level he seems to know the degrees of all levels of existence and evolution of light. This Light always considered by religions including Judaism, Christianity and Islam that mysticism, is also presented. Islamic philosophy of Farabi, Ibn Sina and Ghazali have more than others due to light, but none so much that Suhrawardi did mean to do any of these ideas. So knowledge among all ranks and degrees of existence is the light of evolution. Light concept is a logical axiom, light consistency and appearance is represented others.